Index: Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel the Series

Jan 11, 2009 18:14

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike/Xander, alone
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Faith/Buffy-bot "there could be outfits"
BtVS, Spike/Dru, drinking away the memories
Buffy, Faith/Willow, black lace, red leather
BtVS, Spike/Angel, tight
BtvS, Oz/Giles, good taste
Buffy, Willow/Spike, not such a little girl
Buffy, Willow/Buffy, bloodlust
BtVS, Spike/Xander, the chip no longer functions
BtVS, Angel/Spike/Buffy, surrogate
BtVS, Buffy/Faith, violence
Buffy Spike/Xander, coerced
BTVS, Spike/Buffy, might die trying
BTVS, Anya/Giles, something there
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angelus/Spike, first bite
BTVS, Buffy/Spike, Imagine you'd be here
BTVS, Spike/Tara, Your silent whispers, silent tears
BtvS, Giles/Oz, nightmare
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Buffy/Angel, candles
B:TVS, Xander/Anya, (Dirty Dancing) - dancing lessons
Buffy, Xander/Willow, heat
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Xander/Anya, One Week
BtVS, Spike/Buffy/Dawn/Xander, Pretty When You Cry (VAST)
BTVS. Spike/Xander. He was too late as he heard the eyeballs pop and squish under his boots.
BtVS, Vamp!Xander/human!Spike, do it my way
BtVS, Willow/Oz, That wasn't supposed to happen
Buffy, Spike/Buffy, Are you real
Buffy, Spike/Dawn, We used to be friends
Buffy, Anya/Giles, You don't know how lovely you are
Buffy, Anya/Giles, I might try to make you stay
Buffy, Spike/Buffy, the best night of his life
Buffy, Spike/Tara, coming home
Buffy, Spike/Adult!Dawn, waiting
Buffy, Spike/Tara, if they only knew
Buffy, Spike/Dawn, a dangerous affair
Buffy, Spike/Anya, more than a one-night stand
Buffy, Spike/Buffy, ashamed
Buffy, Spike/Dawn, secret stash
Buffy, Spike/Xander, helpless
BTVS, Anya/Giles, Temptation
Buffy, Buffy/Spike, if I'd met you first
Buffy, Spike/Buffy, Closer
Buffy, Spike/Dawn, I forgave you a long time ago
Buffy, Giles/Anya, We thought you were dead
Buffy or AtS, Giles/anyone or Wesley/anyone, sex in a library
BtVS, Xander/Jesse, Willow doesn't need to know
Buffy, Spike/Angel, payback
Buffy, Spike/Buffy, role reversal
BtVS, Spike/Xander, watching Twilight
BtVS, Buffy/Faith, never send a man to do a woman's job (Supernatural)
Buffy, Spike/Buffy, It's very simple, I tell you what to do, and you do it
Buffy, Spike/Buffy/Dawn, Playing Life
Buffy, Spike/anyone, menagerie (Initiative theme, possibly?)
Buffy, Spike/Dawn, don't tell
Buffy, Anya/Xander, I've got a surprise for you
Buffy, Spike/Buffy, in trouble now
Buffy, Buffy/Spike, left with just a memory
Buffy, Buffy/Spike, mind control
Buffy, the Trio, magic of modern science
Buffy, Spike/Tara, rescuing you
Buffy, Buffy/Spike, why didn't you come see me? call? write? send a fucking post card?
Buffy, Spike/Andrew, I have a theory
Buffy, Spike/Buffy, domestic disturbance
Buffy, Spike/Buffy/Dawn, reunion
BtVS, Spike/Buffy/Faith, control issues
Buffy, Faith/Spike, ownership
Buffy, Buffy/Spike, Is that how you think of me, as someone you used to love
BtVS, Spike/Faith, night things
Buffy, Faith/Oz, band
BtVS, Oz/Xander, awesome
BtVS, Buffy/Faith/Willow/anyone, magic circle
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy/Oz, heat (as in mating)
Buffy, Spike/Giles, bored on a Sunday afternoon
Buffy, Spike/Buffy, Ghosts
Buffy, Buffy/Spike, before she was chosen
Buffy, Buffy/Spike, I just never pictured us as the dinner and a movie type couple
BtVS, Spike/vamp!Xander, paint the town red
Buffy, Spike/Tara, wedding date
BtVS, Spike/Tara, damage control
Buffy, Spike/Buffy, Anniversary
Buffy, Spike/Buffy, "Do you remember the first time?"
Buffy, Buffy/Spike, You actually told them
BtVS, Willow/Tara, uh, help! *looks at wings and tail, passes out*
BtVS, Giles/Oz, 'That doesn't mean what you think it does'
Buffy, Xander/slayers, Odin and his Valkyries
Buffy, Andrew/Xander, breakfast in bed
Buffy, ranting!Willow/everyone (gen plz), anti-pagan holidays with pagan symbolism
BtvS, Willow/Tara, military
Buffyverse (S8), Dracula/Xander, International Talk-like-a-Pirate Day
Buffy, Spike/Buffy, Season 6, Buffy dreams she's on trial for domestic abuse
Buffy, Spike/Xander, on the relationship of Dom/Brian (The Fast and the Furious)
Buffy:TVS, Xander/Buffy, first look under the patch
Buffy, Spike/Dawn, How could you embarrass me like that
Buffy, Spike/Buffy, You're what?
Buffy, Anya/Giles, I like seeing you like this
Buffy, Buffy/Spike, And here I thought there wasn't anything we hadn't tried already
BtVS, Spike/Drucilla, holy water
Buffy, Spike/Dawn, Making fun of Twilight
Buffy, Spike/Buffy, Closer by Nine Inch Nails
BtVS, Xander/male of your choice, blind!date
Buffy, Spike/Tara, We could be friends
Buffy, Giles/Anya, The best love affairs are those we never had
BtVS, Faith/Wes, now YOU listen
Buffy, watcher!Dawn, big shoes to fill
Buffy, Spike/Tara, Moving on
Buffy, Giles/wee!Scoobies, a spell turns Buffy and her friends into children, and Giles must try to entertain them while he searches for a way to reverse it
Buffy, Spike/Buffy, cold hard truth
Buffy, Spike/Buffy, Honesty
Buffy, any male pairing (or more), black magic
Buffy, Faith/Buffy, knife play
Buffy, Buffy/Spike, Caught in the act
Buffyverse, pre-BtVS! Angelus/Darla/Drusilla/Spike - blood bound
BtVS, Willow/Tara, sunflower
BtVS, Spike/everyone, Spike is the Scoobies' slave
Buffyverse, Faith/author's choice, passion
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angelus/Xander, cat and mouse
Buffy, Giles and Wesley, Someone accidentally activates a talisman that makes everyone around it speak in rhyme - particularly naughty dirty rhymes
Buffy, Spike/Dawn, Poker
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Scoobies, makeshift family
Buffy, Spike/Tara, Here's lookin' at you kid (Casablanca)

Angel, Angelus/Lindsey, power
Angel the Series, Lindsey/Spike, making him come without touching him
AtS, Angel/Gunn, premature ejaculation
Angel the Series, Lindsey/Spike, "Wow, I didn't see that coming!"
Angel, Spike/Lindsey, Leather coat
Angel the Series, Lindsey/Spike, "Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash"
Angel the Series, Lindsey/Spike, strawberries
Angel, Angel/Doyle, trying on Angel's jacket.
Angel, Darla/Lindsey, sweet boy
Angel the series, Spike/Lindsey, kitten
Angel the series, Spike/Lindsey, horse stable
Angel, Lindsey/Author's choice, Tie
Angel, Angel/Lindsey, Better off Dead
Angel, Angel/Lindsey, once bitten
Angel the series, Spike/Lindsey, kitten
Angel, Angel/Lindsey, Strawberry Sundaes
Angel the Series, Angel/Spike, gray area
Angel, Spike/Lindsey, "Heartache every Moment" HIM
Angel, Angel/Doyle, cage
Angel, Fred/Wesley, Too late
Angel the Series, Angel/Darla/Lindsey, Paternity Rites
AtS, Angel/Lindsey, "Why?"
Angel, Angel/Lindsey, "Angel, the chaps are NOT a turn on."
Angel, Angel/Cordy, missing you
AtS, Angel/Lindsey, "not as evil as I seem"
AtS, Wesley/Gunn, attending the ballet
Angel, Lilah/Lindsey, breath play
Angel, Buffy/Spike, Angel's desk
AtS, Angel/Lindsey, why won't that bitch leave us alone
AtS, Angel/Doyle, haunted
Angel, Spike/Illyria, Going to a bar
Angel the Series, Angel/Spike, "experimenting" back when they were evil together.
AtS, Angel/Lindsey, don't leave
Angel the Series, Lindsey/Spike, "Uhh, Spike... that shirt's pink!"
Angel, Wesley/Angel(us), uninhibited
AtS, Doyle/author's choice, Now what?
Angel, Spike/Lindsey, making out on Angel's desk (and optional: getting caught by Angel *g*)
Angel, Darla/Drusilla, matches
Angel the Series, Angel/Wesley/Gunn, tension
Angel the Series, Lindsey/Spike, "When you said toys, I thought you meant..."
Angel, Spike/Angel, professional distance
AtS, Lorne/anyone or no pairing, treasures (request in honor of the late, amazing Andy Hallet
Angel, Connor/Lindsay, you belong to me
Angel, Buffy/Spike, You have your own office?
Angel, Illyria, sunlight
Angel, Faith/Angel, breathplay
Angel, Evil!Faith/Angelus, Domestic Bliss
AtS, Lindsey, first day at Wolfram & Hart
Angel, Doyle/Angel, suspicion
AtS, Angel(us?)/Spike, hot wax
Angel, Darla/Drusilla, "I really wish you wouldn't leave those lying around, darling. The neighbours will start asking questions.
Angel, Drusilla/anyone, "Little girls tear so easily, like pink paper."
Angel, Angel(us)/Lindsey, possessive
Angel, Angel(us)/Lindsey, breath
Angel, stoner!Fred/anyone, "Oh, goodie, you managed to score some weed."
Angel, Darla/Drusilla, "My, my, you're acting strange today. Well, stranger than usual, anyway."
Angel, Faith/Lilah, "How about something stronger?"
Angel, Drusilla/Cordelia - "You taste like sunshine."
Angel, Darla/Drusilla, room service
Angel, Angel/Doyle, biting
Angel, Darla/Drusilla, spindle
Angel, Cordelia/author's choice (after Doyle's death), Broken
Angel, Darla/Drusilla, Through the Looking Glass
Angel, Wes/Fred, only for a moment
Angel, author's choice, a dream where Doyle never died
AtS, Spike/Angel, defeat
Angel, Faith/Angel, Dollhouse
Angel, town mob & Angelus, "You'll be hung!" / "Oh I am, I am, and very well thank you." (The Pirate Movie)
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