Wednesday - Movie-Prompt Day

Jul 01, 2009 13:15

Today's Movie-Prompt day! Leave a title of a film as your prompt...or maybe a quote. Just one little requirement - leave the name of the film somewhere in your prompt (as the prompt, or in brackets just after it) - I'm a very nosy host today! XD

Now, please, please remember to be kind to your hardworking codemonkeys and leave your prompts looking like this (the second is for crossovers):

Fandom(/s), pairing, prompt (name of film)

Once Upon A Time In Mexico, El/Sands, "Television! Television is the explanation for this - you see this in bad television!" (The Boondock Saints)
Leverage/SPN, Eliot/Dean, Robin Hood: Men in Tights

Just a couple of rules - although I'm sure you all know them already!
- No more than 5 prompts in a row and no more than 3 prompts per fandom. If one of your prompts is answered, then you can leave another one! Just don't go crazy and try to space your prompts out through the day.
- No spoiler prompts for a week after its aired - and, if your ficlet contains spoilers, put a warning in bold and leave three spaces.

Remember, if nothing strikes your fancy today, please, head on over to the Lonely Prompts and see if there's something there you like!

prompts: movie related

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