FIC: "Consummated" (Part Twenty-Six) (Dave Wenham/Harry Sinclair/Karl Urban/Orlando Bloom)

Nov 08, 2009 11:54

Title: "Consummated" (Part Twenty-Six)
Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic)
Series: Claimed
Pairing(s): Dave Wenham/Harry Sinclair/Karl Urban/Orlando Bloom
Click here for full disclaimers.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen | Part Sixteen | Part Seventeen | Part Eighteen | Part Nineteen | Part Twenty | Part Twenty-One | Part Twenty-Two | Part Twenty-Three | Part Twenty-Four | Part Twenty-Five | Part Twenty-Six | Part Twenty-Seven | Part Twenty-Eight | Part Twenty-Nine | Epilogue, Part One | Epilogue, Part Two | Epilogue, Part Three

"And I thank you for bringing me here
For showing me home"
-- Depeche Mode

"It's about fucking time," Dave muttered as his hands fisted in Harry's hair, pulling his head down for a kiss. Sharp teeth nipped Harry's lower lip, followed by a soft, wet tongue that swept across the same spot. "Just want you to know these last few weeks have been hell for me."

"For me as well," Harry breathed against Dave's mouth, his thumbs pressing against Dave's jaw, tilting his head back so that lips could slide down his throat.

"Can't believe," Dave said in a soft gasp as Harry licked the hollow, "that I waited so damn long to say anything. Why are we still dressed?"

"You ask the oddest questions." Harry nimbly unbuttoned Dave's shirt, sliding it off, along with Dave's jacket. "Christ, but you're exquisite."

"So are you," Dave replied, fingers attacking the buttons on Harry's shirt. "Absolutely," a soft kiss pressed to one scar, "fucking," a light lick delivered to another, "beautiful."

Harry let Dave undress him in quick, eager movements. "Impatient much?" he asked, faintly amused.

"You're not?" Dave paused, eyes searching Harry's face. "And I think I'm allowed a little impatience after all the foreplay the past two weeks."

Harry pushed Dave onto the bed, sliding down the zipper of Dave's pants. "I've waited this long," he commented, pulling them off. "You're worth more than a quick fuck."

He knelt by the edge of the bed, ran his tongue up Dave's calf. //And I intend to make you mindless.//

"That shouldn't take long." Dave's hands clamped the sheets beneath him as Harry's tongue ran over his skin. "Don't now how much teasing I can take right now...."

//Let's find out.// Harry's words reduced Dave to cinders, tongue sweeping him into a new form, one entirely of Harry's creation. Every inch of skin was licked, worshipped, touched, claimed, from shoulders to toes and everything inbetween. Dave was beyond trembling when Harry finally lowered his lips to Dave's, was only able to sink into cotton sheets, fall into the cyclone that was Harry's kiss.

//Please...// Dave whimpered into Harry's mouth, hands clutching at Harry's shoulders. He wanted, needed, so much he was almost sobbing, and every nerve ending was awake and screaming. His body arched against Harry's, writhed beneath the beloved body pressing him into the mattress.

"Tell me what you want." A slow slide of tongue across Dave's neck. "Tonight is for you." Blunt fingers circled Dave's cock. "I am your slave." Whispered words along his collarbone.

"You," Dave managed to say as his hips bucked against Harry's hand. "Just you. All of you." Short nails raked Harry's back and shoulders. "Slow, fast, hard, gentle...don't fucking care. Just...please..."

"Just me doing what, cariad?" Harry bit gently on Dave's puckered nipple, worried the nub between his teeth, tongue laving over the marks. He raked nails along Dave's length, enclosed it again in a sure fist. //Because I could happily do this all night.//

Dave groaned, grabbed two handfuls of hair, pulled Harry's head up. "I want you inside me," he growled, voice ragged. "And if I don't get it soon..." He gasped as Harry's hand did some sort of twist-flick thing that had Dave scrabbling at the sheets again.

"Whatever you want."

Dave whimpered when he lost Harry's warmth, watched with needy eyes as Harry stood, slid his pants off and rifled through the drawer on the side of the bed. He drew out a small bottle, then opened it to pour a generous amount of clear liquid on his fingers. "No, stay," he said, when Dave moved to roll over. "I want to watch you when I fill you for the first time."

Dave nodded, unable to speak. He watched Harry through heavy-lidded eyes, body trembling as he waited. He wanted to pinch himself, would have if not for the leather bracelet around his wrist and the charm pooling in the hollow of his throat. Those, more than anything else, convinced him it was real. "Harry," he said, the word a soft moan, "please..."

"Shh, I'm right here." Harry kissed Dave's throat as his finger slid into tight flesh. "Fuck, you feel good."

"Christ..." Dave groaned softly, turned his head to nuzzle against soft hair. His body pushed down on the finger, his hands sliding over firm muscles. Harry took his time preparing Dave, twisting and turning, finding every pleasure point, every slow slide making Dave moan and gasp. "Please, need..."

Another soft sob when Harry removed his finger. The sound got caught, trapped in his throat when Harry finally filled him, cock hard and heavy and so fucking perfect, Harry's weight pressing into him, covering him, filling him, surrounding him. Jesus. Dave's head fell back on the pillows, hands slid down to grip muscled hips. This was far better than anything he'd ever imagined.

His eyes opened, sought and found Harry's eyes watching him, and all of Dave's breath was sucked out of his body at the emotions in those dark depths. He wanted to memorize every movement, remember every sigh, every small, teasing stroke, could only throw his head back in silent surrender, tighten his legs around Harry's hips. This wasn't just sex. Harry filled his body, his mind, filled every single atom with dual sensations, each one hitting him harder than the last.

//You are so fucking tight.// Harry licked the sweat off Dave's shoulder, hips changing angle and speed. //Love you.//

//Love you.// Dave twisted and writhed beneath Harry, gripped him with hands and legs, strove for more. More something, more anything. He didn't know where he ended and Harry began, as Harry slammed into him, body and mind overwhelmed, surrounded, dominated by Harry.

Harry changed speed again, hammered into him, filling him from the inside out, nerves so tight a mere whisper would shatter them. "Hold onto me," Harry breathed, sank fangs into Dave's neck.

Nails dug into Harry's back, and Dave screamed, his body arching violently. Sensations rocketed through him, exploding behind his eyes in bright bursts as his body was torn apart, remade, incinerated, only to be remade again as he came. Fuck breathing, fuck thinking. Dave wasn't sure he was still alive. He only had a split second to even try to breathe, and his world shattered again, as he felt Harry's orgasm rip through him, tearing his soul, stealing his reason, splintering his body.

Dave shuddered, his body wracked with tiny tremors as Harry collapsed against him, breathing harsh in the now silent room. He couldn't have moved if he wanted to, so he decided it was a good thing he didn't. //Jesus.// His head lolled to the side, seeking Harry's lips.

"Yeah, that." Harry rolled them both over, smiled up at Dave, kissing his jaw. "Worth waiting for?"

"And then some," Dave breathed, lips brushing Harry's ear, breath stirring the damp strands of hair. "That was...was... Fuck, I can't think of a word strong enough."

Harry ran his hands along Dave's damp back, fingers digging into muscle and skin. "So don't talk."

//Good idea.// Dave's mouth drifted down Harry's throat, nibbled across a collarbone before fangs grazed a shoulder. He licked at salty skin, relished the taste of Harry filling his mouth. //How much recovery time do you need, love?//

Harry placed Dave's hand on his cock. "About that much."

"Oh good." Dave flashed him a feral grin. "I've got big plans for you tonight...."

"Can't wait to hear them all."

Onto Part Twenty-Seven

dominic monaghan, elijah wood, karl urban, dave wenham, sean bean, claimed 'verse, viggo mortensen, harry sinclair, consummated, co-written by brenda and jo, orlando bloom

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