FIC: "Consummated" (Part One) (Dave Wenham/Harry Sinclair/Karl Urban/Orlando Bloom)

Nov 08, 2009 09:45

Title: "Consummated" (Part One)
Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic)
Series: Claimed
Pairing(s): Dave Wenham/Harry Sinclair/Karl Urban/Orlando Bloom (Dominic Monaghan/Sean Bean, Viggo Mortensen)
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17 (overall)
Disclaimer: We do not own these men or these events. It's all fiction.
Summary: Dave enters the picture, and Harry, Karl and Orlando deal with what that means for them. Sequel to Captivated.
Notes: Originally written and posted in 2002, updated and revised in 2009. This part was formerly called "Consorted".

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen | Part Sixteen | Part Seventeen | Part Eighteen | Part Nineteen | Part Twenty | Part Twenty-One | Part Twenty-Two | Part Twenty-Three | Part Twenty-Four | Part Twenty-Five | Part Twenty-Six | Part Twenty-Seven | Part Twenty-Eight | Part Twenty-Nine | Epilogue, Part One | Epilogue, Part Two | Epilogue, Part Three

"Now you're standing there tongue tied
You'd better learn your lesson well"
-- Depeche Mode

God, Sean and Dom looked good together. They moved across the room from person to person, chatting and mingling, thanking everyone for coming. Orlando watched the way they constantly touched each other, and could almost believe that they'd only been together a few months instead of decades. But the easy familiarity with which they moved together only happened after long years of knowing the other person. Orlando wondered how long he'd be with Harry and Karl before he had that kind of bond.

Speaking of... Orlando checked his watch, frowned. Harry was late. Very. Orlando and Karl had been here for over an hour. //Harry, where are you, love?//

//On my way, child. Contrary to what you might think, my life doesn't revolve around parties.//

"Stop badgering him."

Orlando looked over at Karl, smiled sheepishly. "I just want him to get here."

"Patience. Vig is having way too much fun thinking he knows everything." Karl gestured with his glass of champagne at Viggo, who was sitting at the bar, talking to Dave and looking over at Karl every once in awhile with an amused smile.

Yeah, taking him down a peg or two - or several - was going to be so sweet. Orlando grinned. It was all he could do to resist the urge to snicker behind his hand. "I can't wait to see his face."

Karl just sipped his champagne. "I assure you, it will be a moment none of us forget. It's not often we get one up on him."

"I figured as much." Orlando's eyes moved to the front door before he caught himself. When he realized what he was doing, he grabbed Karl's arm. "Come on, let's go talk to Sean and Dom."

"Lead on."

"Happy anniversary again," Orlando said, when he got close to the couple. "You two still haven't told me the story of how you met."

"That's because you've never asked."

"Pretty boring story, actually," Sean added, giving Dom a soft kiss.

"Actually, it was fate." Karl's lips curved as he surveyed the two of them. "If I remember correctly, you and I were supposed to be meeting at...God, what was her name?"

"Lady Von Trimble's." Sean's shiver was melodramatic. "Over-bearing, arrogant, condescending...always hated her."

"Yes, well, you loved her daughter well enough, if memory serves," Karl said.

"She was an exquisite thing," Sean concurred. "Mouth on her like -"

"We were talking about you and Dom meeting," Orlando interrupted quickly, certain he was blushing.

Karl, thankfully, took pity on him. "Sean never showed."

"I got distracted," Sean argued. "I was walking down 5th, and I passed by this other party, and I literally ran into this one. Never made it to Von Trimble's." The look he gave Dom was so full of love that even Orlando got embarrassed looking at it.

"It's a wonder you two don't give everyone around you diabetes with all that sweetness," Viggo said as he joined the small group. Dom just grinned as Sean rolled his eyes.

"Really, Vig, jealousy so does not become you."

Orlando had to look away to avoid laughing when Dom caught his eye and winked. He laced his fingers with Karl's and turned just enough that he could keep one eye on the conversation while still looking around the room. What was...hmm, that was odd. He leaned towards Karl. "Is Dave waiting for someone?"

"Not that I know of," Karl replied, sparing Dave a brief glance. "Why?"

"He keeps watching the door."

"Who does?"

Orlando looked at Dom. "Dave."

"He does?" Dom stood on tiptoe, craning his neck to see over the mass of people in the room.

"Mmm yeah, he..." Orlando paused, his grin threatening to cover his whole face. "Harry's here!"

Orlando was across the room and in Harry's arms seconds later, wrapping arms and legs around the vampire in an attempt to hug as much of him as he possibly could. "You're here!" he said happily, kissing Harry's neck, cheeks, eyes, lips, everything he could reach.

"Good of you to notice." Harry cupped Orlando's ass to hold him in place, smiled into his kiss. "Miss me?"

"No, not at all," Orlando teased and flashed Harry a charming smile. He unwrapped his legs and let them fall to the floor, still keeping his arms around Harry's neck.

"I would have never guessed." Harry shook his head, laughing, and let Orlando pull him across the room.

Karl remained where he was, affecting a bored look as Orlando pounced on Harry. He could practically feel Viggo's eyes burning into him, and he didn't have to look to know Vig was grinning. Let him grin. They were about to put a few holes in his bubble.

Dom watched the proceedings with wide eyes, his mouth partly open. "Damn." He shook his head, gave Karl a sympathetic look. "Even after Orli told me...I didn't think..."

Karl gave Dom what he hoped was a somber look. "It's fine."

Harry, playing his part perfectly, didn't even look at Karl when Orlando stopped in front of their little group. "Sean, Dom, happy anniversary," Harry said, leaning in to kiss Dom's cheek, then Sean's.

"Thanks." Dom's eyes continued to dart between Karl, Harry and Orlando.

"I'm pleased you could spare time out of your busy schedule to make it," Sean joked, looking down at his watch. If he thought anything was odd about the fact that Karl's pet was currently holding hands with Harry, he didn't let on.

"Video conference call that ran long, sorry," Harry explained. He inclined his head to Viggo and Dave, who'd just strolled up. "Dave. As always, Vig, happy to see you."

"Sure you are." Viggo raised his glass, tilted his head. "You're forgetting to say hello to someone."

And there it was...just the opening they'd been hoping for. Karl flashed Harry a small smile as Harry turned, acting surprised to find Karl standing next to him. "Old man, didn't notice you."

"Puppy, you are a horrible liar, you know that?" Then Harry's lips covered his in a kiss of welcome and Karl forgot all about everyone's bewilderment.

Harry took his time ending the kiss, pulling away only reluctantly. "Hi."


"Surprise," Orlando said as he reached over to put a finger under Dom's chin and gently close his mouth. Dom glared at him, and then turned the look on Harry and Karl.

"What the hell is going on here? You," he stabbed a finger in Harry's direction, "are not supposed to be talking to him." The finger moved to point at Karl.

"We made up?" Harry tried to look innocent, failed miserably. Orlando tried his best not to laugh, but one look at Viggo did him in, and he fell against Harry, howling.

Karl just stood there grinning, thoroughly enjoying the dumbfounded expression on Viggo's face.

"Something wrong, Gramps?" Harry asked, smug smile firmly in place. "You seem a little off-balance there."

"Clever boys. I've got to hand it to you." Viggo saluted them with his champagne flute. "When did the fabled reconciliation occur?"

"Last night." Karl leaned into Harry's shoulder. "Sorry you missed your chance to gloat."

"No, you're not." Viggo looked at the three of them, gaze piercing. "As long as the three of you have actually talked to each other, I won't be annoyed that I didn't get to put my plan into action."

"God help us, Viggo with a plan." Dave made a face, gulped his champagne in one sip. "Glad to see the two of you made up."

Orlando didn't think he sounded very happy at all. Odd that. He glanced quickly at Karl and Harry, then his eyes moved to Dave. Once again, he wondered if Dave didn't like Karl. Something was definitely going on there. He made a mental note to ask some questions later.

"Well, you know Karl," Harry said with a shrug and a chuckle. "He never talks to anyone."

"Yes, I know," Viggo said dryly. "That's what I meant."

"Relax, we talked. All of us. Well, sort of," Karl amended quickly. "We have talked."

"I miss all the good stuff." Dom pouted, looked up at Sean, who ruffled his hair.

"You're in good company this time."

"Very good company," Dave agreed, looking everywhere but at Harry or Karl. "The eternal idiots got one over on all of us."

"Now, Dave, don't be that way." Harry reached out, held Dave's chin until their eyes met. "I wanted to thank you."

"You..." Dave wet his lips, blinking up at Harry " did?"

"Yeah," Harry answered. "You made me realize a few things. Karl and I were taking each other for granted." Harry leaned down, placed a soft kiss on Dave's cheek, straightened up. "So, thank you."

"Good God, now I have seen everything," Dom announced, sounding stunned.

"Ditto that," Sean said. The other vampires just looked at Harry as if he'd grown a new head.

Orlando watched Dave through slightly narrowed eyes. There was something about his expression. What was it? Think, Orli, damn it. You're smart. Orlando's eyes shifted to Dom, who was looking at Sean, back to Dave...and he froze. No. Couldn't be. He looked again. Okay, maybe.

"Something wrong?" Karl murmured in Orlando's ear.


//Orli?// Karl sounded concerned.

//I'll tell you later.//

"'re welcome." Dave cleared his throat, still looking shell-shocked. "I need to refill my drink. Anyone else?"

Dom and Viggo held up their empty glasses. "If you don't mind," Dom said.

"Not at all."

"I'll go with you," Harry offered. He grinned when Dave gave him a dumbfounded look. "Don't worry, we can go back to arguing tomorrow. I'm in a good mood tonight."

"Yeah, I could tell. Getting laid agrees with you." Dave fired the last remark over his shoulder as he walked away. Harry kissed Orlando's neck, muttered something about cheeky baby vamps and strolled after Dave.

Dom watched them leave, turned to stare at the other four. "Will someone tell me why Harry's being nice to Dave? Harry's never nice to Dave."

"I have no idea," Karl replied, looking just as confounded as Dom. Then he shrugged. "I'm sure he'll get over it quickly enough."

"Probably before the party's over," Viggo added. Sean just nodded in agreement, clearly speechless.

Orlando watched the two vampires walk away, remaining silent until he knew they were completely out of hearing range. Then he glanced at Karl. "Is it possible for vampires to become pets?"

Karl shook his head, giving Orlando a curious look. "No, why would we need to be. We have our own methods of being together."

"I'm not talking about sex," Orlando replied. "What do you do when it's love?"

"Why?" Sean asked.

"Because Dave is in love with Harry."

There was a long moment of absolute stillness as everyone looked at Orlando.

"You,, I didn't just hear that," Dom decided, breaking the silence.

Karl grazed Orlando's knuckles with his teeth, frowned. "What on earth would give you that idea?"

"They hate each other, tonight's weird bout of niceness notwithstanding," Sean added.

"I wouldn't say hate, exactly." Viggo looked out into the crowd, thoughtful expression on his face. "Although Dave has always enjoyed pressing all of Harry's considerable buttons, that's true."

Sean waved him off. "Fine, then, Harry hates Dave."

Dom couldn't stop staring at Orlando. "Why the fuck would you say that?"

Orlando gave Dom a pointed look. "Look at them."

Sean and Karl did just that. They studied Dave, then looked at each other and shrugged.

"What are we looking for?" Sean asked.

"Look at Dave's expression when he looks at Harry," Orlando said as he resisted the urge to grit his teeth. "Are you telling me you can't see it?"

Karl looked again. "I...well, no. It's the same look Dave always has whenever Harry's around."

"You see it, don't you?" Orlando looked at Viggo. Please, God, let one of them see it. Viggo watched Harry and Dave, thoughtful expression still in place, but he didn't respond.

Orlando threw up his hands and spun to face Dom directly. "You're telling me you don't see it? Christ! None of you sees it?"

Dom shook his head helplessly. "You've obviously never really seen the two of them around each other. They snipe."

"It's called sexual tension, you moron." Orlando started to stalk off, stopped, whirled around. "And you people call me new." He walked away, muttering again under his breath.

Karl opened his mouth, shut it again as image after image flickered across his brain. He remembered the look in Dave's eyes at his and Orlando's party, the way Dave had stood up for Harry. Remembered the way Dave's eyes always followed Harry around any room they were in, staring at him with that cocky grin. Remembered every single barbed remark Dave had ever leveled at him.

"Christ, you know, I think he might..." his voice trailed off. Poor Dave. Snowballs in Hell had a better chance than Dave did with Harry.

Viggo nodded, still staring at Dave and Harry. "He just might."

"You're both daft." Dom made the announcement with a sad shake of his head.

Sean shook his head. "Somehow, I don't think so." He peered at Harry and Dave, then looked first at Karl, then Viggo. "You really think...."

Karl nodded. "Yeah, I do."

"You're all daft." Dom continued to shake his head.

"Perhaps," Viggo mused. "But that doesn't mean we're not right."

Onto Part Two

dominic monaghan, elijah wood, karl urban, dave wenham, sean bean, claimed 'verse, viggo mortensen, harry sinclair, consummated, co-written by brenda and jo, orlando bloom

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