FIC: "Consummated" (Part Twenty-Two) (Dave Wenham/Harry Sinclair/Karl Urban/Orlando Bloom)

Nov 08, 2009 11:32

Title: "Consummated" (Part Twenty-Two)
Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic)
Series: Claimed
Pairing(s): Dave Wenham/Harry Sinclair/Karl Urban/Orlando Bloom
Click here for full disclaimers.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen | Part Sixteen | Part Seventeen | Part Eighteen | Part Nineteen | Part Twenty | Part Twenty-One | Part Twenty-Two | Part Twenty-Three | Part Twenty-Four | Part Twenty-Five | Part Twenty-Six | Part Twenty-Seven | Part Twenty-Eight | Part Twenty-Nine | Epilogue, Part One | Epilogue, Part Two | Epilogue, Part Three

"Words, like violence
Break the silence"
-- Depeche Mode

Karl took a moment to breathe in the ocean air before setting off down the beach after Viggo. He had to fix things, and he had to do it quickly, before it escalated further. Not that it wasn't already fucked to hell. Not once, in his entire life, had he ever imagined that Viggo would banish him. Or Harry. He knew Viggo was furious with them, knew this was well beyond one of their usual bouts.

And, Karl admitted to himself, Viggo had every right to be.

He stopped about ten feet behind Viggo. Close enough, but not too close. "Can we...can we talk? Please?"

Viggo stopped and turned around wearily, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I don't have the energy or the inclination to go another round with you."

"I don't want to go another round." Karl rubbed a hand across the back of his neck. "I just want to talk. If you still want to banish us'll have our resignations before dawn."

"I've already banished you," Viggo reminded him, but he sat on the soft sand, water licking at his bare toes. "If you've got something to say, say it."

Karl bit his tongue, forced his temper back under control. The time was past for angry words. He stood there, looking out over the ocean, admiring the way the moonlight played over the waves as he took a deep breath. " went badly in there. Things were said that shouldn't have been said, and we all let our emotions get the best of us."

"So that's it? That's all you want to say?" Viggo looked up at Karl, a small smile on his face.

"No, that's not all I want to say. Last night was my fault. No one else's."

"Noble of you, but you know Dave and Harry are just as much at fault. I expected more from Dave, at least." Viggo sighed, looked back out over the beach. "Ah well, it's good that he chose Harry first. It's the natural order of things. Still didn't think he'd turn out like the two of you so soon, though."

"Actually, I think he's always been like us." Karl shoved his hands in his pockets. "I'm not saying Harry and Dave are blameless, but it's ultimately my fault and my responsibility. Orlando was my pet first."

"Yes, he was," Viggo agreed. "Apology, such as it is, accepted. Are you finished?"

"Are we still banished?" Karl didn't move, watched Viggo from the corner of his eye.

"What, you think a simple 'I'm sorry' will fix all of this?" Viggo waved his hand, staring up at Karl in amazement. "You honestly think I did this on a whim? I should have done it about 200 years ago. God alone knows everyone's been wondering why I put up with the shit I do from you and Harry."

"Then I'm not finished." Karl shrugged and sat down, taking care to keep some space between himself and Viggo. "And you're right. Harry and I have been rude, impertinent, arrogant, obnoxious, and completely disrespectful towards you for centuries. We've broken every rule you or the Council ever laid down. Twice, at least." He glanced at Viggo, resting his arms on his knees. "And, by example, we've encouraged others like Dave, and now Orlando, to do the same. We are...completely at fault here."

"No." Viggo's denial was soft. "I let you get away with it. Told myself and everyone else that it was just because I was bored and you challenged me. In truth, I spoiled the both of you." Viggo picked up a shell, tossed it in a perfect arc to the waves. "This was merely the final straw. And the most fucked up thing is that you know for a fact I wouldn't have refused your request. That you couldn't even be bothered..."

Karl looked down, dropped his hands, slid his fingers through soft sand. "We didn't think. And as the oldest there, and second on the Council, it was my responsibility to let you know, and I didn't. I don't regret allowing Dave to give him the Gift." He lifted his head. "I love Orlando, and I want him with us. But I did it the wrong way, and I know that."

"This isn't about the child. He and Dave are the best things that could have happened to the two of you." Viggo looked back out over the waves. He was silent for so long that Karl wondered if he was going to say anything at all.

Failure and regret ate at Karl like acid -- he couldn't let things end like this. He opened his mouth to say something -- no idea what -- but stopped when Viggo sighed, and started to speak, his voice full of quiet hurt. "I can't keep doing this. I can't let this continue. I may as well resign my position and retreat to die. It would save us all a lot of heartache in the long run."

Karl couldn't have heard that correctly. Life without Vig was unfathomable. "You can't do that! What the hell would we do without you?"

Viggo chuckled. "The same thing you've been doing with me, I expect. Not like you've ever listened to a word I said."

"We've always listened to you," Karl said quietly. "Name me one truly important thing we didn't listen to you on."

"Name one truly important thing that I didn't have to practically beat you into accepting," Viggo countered.

"Ah, but we always accepted them. It was just more fun to see you get all worked up first."

"I'm not here for your personal amusement," Viggo replied, eyes glinting with annoyance. "I have a community, a large one, to lead. And I'm tired of fighting with the two of you. Hell, Harry hates being on the Council anyway. I don't know why we're even talking about this."

"Because I had to try. For their sake." Karl stood up, brushed himself off. "So your decision stands? Absolutely nothing I can say will make you change it?"

"Well, now, that all depends on you, doesn't it?" Viggo looked up, cocked his eyebrow. "Tell me why you want to stay. Not Harry, not Orlando, not Dave. You. Because I know you, Karl. I've known you all your life. You wouldn't be out here if this weren't something you wanted. You'd be in my house trying to convince everyone else that banishment was a good idea and that you should all move back to England."

That was the million dollar question, wasn't it? Why was Karl bothering? Viggo was right, in many respects. Harry complained about Council work all the time, and Karl himself couldn't be bothered to get Council approval on a simple matter of the Gift. Why salvage this? //Remind me again, Harry, why we're doing this?//

Karl could hear Harry's soft snort clearly. //Because we'll miss him, you moron. Or have the two of you been too busy arguing for you to figure that out?//

//Bite me. I've been trying to salvage things out here.//

//Later.// Karl could practically feel Harry's wicked smile. //Just tell him, old man. All of it.//

All of it... God, was it really that simple? Things with Viggo were never simple. Karl doubted he knew the meaning of the word. But, talking had worked well in the past, and Karl was out of options. "Because," he said finally, drawing out the words, "if we're banished...I'll miss you. You're like a father to me, have been for centuries. And regardless of all the times I've tested you in the past...I love you. It's as simple as that."

Viggo tilted his head back, gazing up at the cloudless sky. "Yeah, but it's the first time you've ever said it."

"Well, I'm not big on talking to the people I care about." And even Karl had to smile at the understatement. "You, more than anyone else, should know that."

"Even I need the verbal reassurance every now and then." Viggo took a long, shuddering breath. "I cannot have you disrespecting me. You're a senior Council member, yes, and it might be your Council one day, God help us all. But it's still my Council. I still lead the community until such time as I see fit to retire." He stood, brushing the sand off his jeans, blue eyes boring into Karl's. "Are we all clear on this?"

"Yes." Karl debated adding 'sir,' but decided Viggo would consider it more mocking than anything. "Very clear."

Viggo shook his head, gestured in front of him. "After you."

//I think we're alright, guys.//

Harry's laughter rang in Karl's head. //'Bout fucking time. Told you so.//

//Arrogant bastard.//

//You love me for it.//

No use arguing the facts. Karl turned and began walking back to the house. "Vig," he said over his shoulder, "you do understand why we did it, don't you?"

"To complete the circle." Viggo's answer was prompt. "I was going to get around to suggesting it myself in a couple of weeks."

"Once Orlando figured out what we meant, he was practically begging Dave for it."

"I can well imagine," Viggo replied, walking up the steps to the deck. "It's a big responsibility you dumped on his lap."

"He can handle it," Karl stated with utmost confidence. "They were already halfway to bonding themselves when we got there. You saw them."

"Yes, but it could have waited. We could have gotten the vote in, done everything on Sunday, got the whole lot settled in one go."

"I know, I know. And I am sorry for that. Truly." Karl stopped just outside the door. "But you should have seen Orlando's face. And, well, I can't say no to the child."

"Now you know how I feel." Viggo's hand against Karl's jaw was fleeting as he walked inside.

Dave looked around when Viggo walked in. "Um, we couldn't leave without Karl."

"And if you hadn't had that excuse, I'm sure you would have found another one," Viggo said mildly, strolling in the room. He looked down at the trio on the floor, expression completely serious. "I'm sure Karl has filled you all in. Test me again and I won't bother with warning you."

Dave nodded. "Understood."

"Yes, sir," Orlando murmured, barely looking up long enough to see Karl walk in.

Karl walked over, dropped down beside Orlando. "Cheer up," he said softly, kissing Orlando's cheek.

"Have things been settled?" Dave looked from Karl to Viggo before leaning back against Harry's legs.

"More or less." Viggo continued to look down at Harry, who calmly stared back at him.

"I'm sorry, Vig." There was a wealth of emotion in the simple words.

"I know." Viggo's gaze gentled. "Thank you."

Karl flashed Dave a smile. "Now things are settled."

"So does this mean I don't have to look for a new job?" Dave looked up at Viggo and smiled. "Because, you know, I kinda like the one I have."

"I think it's the abuse you enjoy," Karl teased after flashing a swift glance at Viggo.

"Consider yourselves on probationary status, how's that?" Viggo went around the bar, poured himself another glass of wine. "I expect I'll be seeing you all on Sunday?"

Harry chuckled, standing, as he pulled Dave up with him. "I love your subtlety. We're leaving." He stepped around the bar, embraced Viggo in a rather lengthy bear hug. "We'd still be honored if you'd officiate," he said, pulling back.

"Like I'd trust anyone else to do it," Viggo smiled, holding Harry's hand for another moment before turning back to his drink.

Orlando let Karl pull him to his feet. He watched Viggo silently as Karl slid an arm around his waist.

"Come on. We've worn out our welcome for the night."

Viggo glanced over towards them, caught Orlando watching him. "Yes, child?"

"Thank you." Orlando smiled and let Karl turn him towards the door.

"You're welcome." Viggo waited until they left before turning his attention to Dave. "It's alright. I promise. Stop looking so guilty."

"Do I look guilty?" Dave looked at Harry and received a nod. "Right, have to work on that. So you're not too terribly pissed at me? I couldn't say no."

"This is becoming a familiar refrain," Viggo muttered, then looked at Harry. "Tell me you, at least, say no to him."

Harry laughed. "Come on, Vig. I say no to everyone."

"Just checking. Someone needs to keep his ego in check."

Harry swept his arm around Dave's waist, waved to Vig. "We'll see you Sunday."

Onto Part Twenty-Three

dominic monaghan, elijah wood, karl urban, dave wenham, sean bean, claimed 'verse, viggo mortensen, harry sinclair, consummated, co-written by brenda and jo, orlando bloom

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