FIC: "Consummated" (Part Fourteen) (Dave Wenham/Harry Sinclair/Karl Urban/Orlando Bloom)

Nov 08, 2009 11:06

Title: "Consummated" (Part Fourteen)
Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic)
Series: Claimed
Pairing(s): Dave Wenham/Harry Sinclair/Karl Urban/Orlando Bloom
Click here for full disclaimers.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen | Part Sixteen | Part Seventeen | Part Eighteen | Part Nineteen | Part Twenty | Part Twenty-One | Part Twenty-Two | Part Twenty-Three | Part Twenty-Four | Part Twenty-Five | Part Twenty-Six | Part Twenty-Seven | Part Twenty-Eight | Part Twenty-Nine | Epilogue, Part One | Epilogue, Part Two | Epilogue, Part Three

"The sweetest infection
Of body and mind
Sweetest injection
Of any kind"
-- Depeche Mode

"What do you think they're doing?"

"If you don't stop asking me that, I'm going to gag you," Harry replied, looking up at Orlando as he took his shot. The eight ball sank in a perfect arc. Figured as much. Harry would be as good at pool as he was everything else.

Orlando leaned on his cue and grinned. "Is that a promise?"

"It might be." Harry just shook his head and grinned. "Your turn to rack."

Orlando made a face, but gathered up the balls. He took his time setting them up, watching Harry from beneath his lashes as he toyed with each ball before setting it in place. He dropped the last ball in, picked up the rack, and stepped back. "So..."


"Nothing." Orlando busied himself with studying the end of his cue. He glanced at Harry. "Are you going to break or not?"

Harry obligingly stepped up, sending the balls scattering, sinking two solids in the process. "Out with it, little one. I can tell you've got something on your mind."

Orlando groaned and sat on a stool. "Good thing we're not betting," he muttered. "You think they're still being civil to each other?"

"Oh, I have no doubts about that. You know how Karl is when he's being charming." A flashing smile before Harry sank the next ball.

"Yeah, no doubt he's busy charming the socks off Dave right now," Orlando laughed. He propped his cue against the wall and leaned forward, bracing his hands on the edge of the stool between his thighs. Looked like it was going to be another game where he didn't get a single shot off.

* * *

Charming the socks off wasn't quite what was going on. More like kissing the shirt off. Not that Dave was quite sure when that had happened. One moment he and Karl were kissing, the next Karl had moved to his chest and was doing this amazing thing with his tongue on Dave's nipple. Jesus, Karl had a talented mouth -- and hands. Which were currently trailing over Dave's arms. Dave'd had no idea his biceps were such erogenous zones.

"Nice," Dave murmured, shifting beneath Karl. He arched into Karl's touch, slid his hands across Karl's chest. "Off." Hands tugged at Karl's shirt, emphasizing Dave's words.

Karl lifted his head, looked down. "So take it off of me."

Dave needed no further encouragement. His fingers made short work of Karl's buttons, easing the shirt open when the last button slipped free. He stopped, let his eyes rake over Karl's chest. "Very nice." His lips found Karl's collarbone as his hands slid the shirt down Karl's arms, dropping it to the floor.

"Thank you." The word ended on a slight gasp as Dave crested his fangs over Karl's ribcage.

"You're welcome." Dave breathed the words across damp skin, smiled at Karl's reaction. His arms circled Karl's waist, hands moving up Karl's spine in lazy strokes. So different from Harry. Dave lifted his head and nipped at Karl's lower lip.

Karl followed him into another scorchingly slow kiss, this one melting Dave's very atoms into dust. Forget elegant. The man was sex incarnate disguised as refinement. Every nerve in Dave's body was awake, aware, and very fucking aroused as Karl's hands swept lower, cupped Dave's ass under his jeans, fingers lightly kneading, exploring.

"Christ." Dave let his head fall back, baring his throat, as his fingers raked down Karl's back. He ground his hips against Karl's, painfully hard. Just the feel of Karl's hands on his bare skin was enough to make Dave beg.

"These need to come off." Karl moved his hands to the front of Dave's jeans, tugging on the zipper. His lips continued their assault on Dave' lips, his neck, his shoulders, everything he could reach.

Dave paused for a brief second before nodding. "Okay," he whispered, hands clinging to Karl's shoulders for support.

Karl took his time sliding the fabric down Dave's legs, his nails raking through crisp hairs, tickling skin. "Jesus," Karl breathed, looking over him.

Dave forced himself to remain still, fighting the urge to look down. "See something you like?"

"Very much." The look in Karl's eyes evaporated thought. Then Karl fisted his cock, and everything in Dave's body centered on that hand. And the lips that were mapping a path to it.

With a small, wordless cry, Dave arched against Karl, his hands grasping Karl's hair. Fuck. His skin felt like it was on fire every single place that Karl's lips touched. And that hand... Jesus. Dave was convinced Karl could make a saint beg with those fingers. It was too much, but not enough.

"Any last minute objections?" Karl asked, flicking his tongue to the soft head of Dave's penis, one hand curling up the length, the other cupping Dave's balls, softly brushing the skin.

Dave struggled to breathe, struggled to think. Karl was asking him that now? And he wanted a coherent answer? Dave wrapped one hand around Karl's, closed his eyes, tried to slow his racing heart. "Actually," he said when he thought he could speak without whimpering, "I, um, I'm just..." He sighed, let his head fall forward. "Little nervous, but I'm fine."

"And why is that?" Another tongue swipe, another deft wrist twist.

"Jesus!" Dave gasped, dug his fingers into Karl's shoulder. He was supposed to say something. Answer a question. What? Oh. "Harry." There. That explained things quite nicely.

"You think Harry will object to me doing this," Karl swept his tongue down the side of Dave's cock, flicked at the base before moving back, "to you?"

"No." Dave shook his head, tilted his hips towards Karl. That tongue should be registered somewhere as a lethal weapon. "Not here."

Karl closed his hand around Dave again, lowered his lips to meet his fist for a few languid strokes that had Dave praying to every deity he'd ever heard of. "What?" Karl asked, licking his lips.

Dave wanted to scream with frustration. Here he'd made his concerns perfectly clear, and Karl was being obtuse. Dave wondered if he was doing it on purpose. He must be. No one could be that dense. So Dave tried once more. But, fuck, it was hard to think with Karl's hand doing that...that...twist flick thing that it was doing. "Harry's not here."

"I know that, love." This time Karl took more of Dave into his mouth, timed his strokes just that much faster.

"Should..." Dave sucked in his breath, squeezed his eyes shut. What the hell had Karl just done with his tongue? Dave wanted him to do it again. And again. Repeatedly. "Shouldn't he...?" Dave forgot what he wanted to say, tried to remember why it was so important.

Just a bit faster, the hand on Dave's balls seeking, the mouth on his cock devouring, the tongue laving on him devastating. //Finish your sentence.//

Both of Dave's hands were on Karl's shoulders, gripping as his hips moved in rhythm with Karl's mouth. Everything was focused on Karl's mouth, focused on Karl's tongue. Dave's brain was on vacation and he tried to reel it back in. Something about Harry. Needed to... "Be here," he gasped, struggling to string his words together so Karl would understand them. " here...."

//Want him to watch?// Christ, it shouldn't be possible for someone to look so sexy while sucking cock...except, it was Dave's cock being sucked. And it was Karl looking up at him, tongue still moving, mouth still moving, stroke after steady stroke driving him closer and closer to an orgasm he craved more than breathing.

"No, just..." Fuck it. Dave couldn't even remember what his point had been. Something about Harry, that's all he knew. But it was too much effort to think with Karl's mouth sucking him into oblivion. His eyes locked with Karl's, his hands slid up to fist in that lovely, silky, dark hair. And he watched, watched Karl watching him. Fuck...

Dave didn't fall into the orgasm so much as he was swept into it, caught by a sinful mouth and wet tongue. A seemingly endless cascade washed over him, inundating his every sense with 'Karl' and 'please' and 'yes', Karl right there with him, holding him, catching him, riding along with him.

Dave collapsed, sated and boneless. He didn't think he could move if his life depended on it. In fact, he was positive he couldn't move. He felt Karl shift, and then warm lips were touching his and Dave could taste himself on Karl's tongue. "Mmm."

"Absolutely delicious," Karl murmured, cradled Dave in his arms, aligning their bodies on the sofa. "Much better from the tap, I must say."

Dave laughed. He couldn't help himself. He shifted, turned into Karl's embrace, felt denim rubbing against his leg. "You still have clothes on," he pointed out, rubbing his cheek against Karl's chest.

"That's because I got distracted. You can take them off, if you'd like."

Dave hesitated. His earlier thoughts came rushing back. "What about Harry?"

"Well, it'd be difficult to take his pants off, seeing as he's across town with Orlando," Karl answered on a laugh.

"No." Dave shook his head, pulled back far enough that he could see Karl's face. "He's the one claiming me. Shouldn't he be here while"

"If he needed to be here, child, he'd be here." Karl nuzzled Dave's cheek, soothed him with gentle hands. "Having me here is like having Harry here. One day you'll know this."

"I know," Dave said in a soft voice, turning his face to nuzzle against Karl's hair. "I just...I guess I'm a little nervous being here with you, like this, and Harry not being here."

"You want to talk to him?" Karl asked. "Reassure you himself?"

"He'd just laugh," Dave replied, his fingers idly tracing Karl's spine. "I'll be fine."

"I doubt he'd laugh. He wants you to be comfortable. If you're not, I'll leave." Karl turned Dave to face him. "I mean that."

"No, I'm fine." Dave smiled, aware of how weak the smile probably looked. "Really. And I don't want you to leave." He leaned in, brushed his lips across Karl's. "I'm just trying to get used to it, I guess. You being part of the equation."

Karl's smile was one of infinite patience and tenderness. "Take all the time you need. I'm not going anywhere."

"Alright then." Dave slid one hand down Karl's side to curl around his hip, thumb stroking the bare skin just above Karl's jeans. The other hand drifted down to toy with the zipper. "What do you want? Right now." Dave lowered his lashes, watched Karl through them. His tongue darted out to moisten his bottom lip. "Tell me."

"What I want right now I can't have until after the ceremony." Karl's answer sent heat slithering through Dave's body. "But I wouldn't mind those hands of yours on my body. Or those beautiful lips wrapped around my cock. Whichever you're most comfortable with."

After the ceremony. Fuck. Dave should have known. Karl was just like Harry. Damn it.

He pushed Karl to his back, rising up to straddle him. "My lips, huh?" Dave leaned forward, trailed his lips down the center of Karl's chest as his fingers worked to unfasten Karl's jeans. "You and Harry seem fascinated with my lips. Orli not taking care of you in that department?"

"Both Orli and Harry take care of me just fine in that department, thank you," Karl smirked, showing the bottoms of his fangs. "Neither one of them are you, however."

Dave tipped his head back just far enough that he could see Karl's face as he licked a path down Karl's stomach. "I see." He opened his mouth on a sensitive spot, sucked hard, as his hands slid black denim down long legs. "You have both of them, and you still want me to do this? I'm flattered." Fingers curled around Karl's cock, and Dave grinned at the reaction.

Karl lifted his hips to follow Dave's hand. "Of course I do. Have you looked at your lips lately?" The question ended on a sigh.

"Every day in the mirror." Dave lowered his head to kiss the inside of Karl's thigh, slowly moving to drag his tongue across Karl's balls. "Don't see much special about them," Dave murmured, fingers stroking, tongue darting out here and there.

Karl shifted restlessly. "You haven't...been paying attention."

//Tell me then.// Dave closed his lips around Karl's cock, angled his head so that all Karl had to do was look down to see himself disappearing into Dave's mouth. //Tell me what's so special about my lips.//

A gratifying moan, another restless shift of hips...and Karl's eyes burned into him, watching his every movement. //Full, ripe, sweet, lush...perfect wrapped around my cock...// Karl sighed and moved, hands in Dave's hair holding him in place.

//Sounds intriguing.// Dave surrendered control to Karl and relaxed his throat to take in more. He kept his eyes on Karl's face, let his tongue play over the length, used his fingers to stroke and massage Karl's balls. Karl's taste and scent flooded his senses, intoxicated him. Dave thought that maybe -- just maybe -- if he hadn't seen Harry first...


Dave smiled, let his fangs graze the full length as he drew back before taking all of it in again. And again. Up, down, suck, lick, tongue twisting and licking each time Dave pulled back, cheeks hollowing, fingers caressing, stroking. Dave remembered every single tiny thing that had sent Harry over the edge, and he applied every one to Karl.

And, of course, it worked exactly the same way. Karl came within moments, chanting Dave's name, hands flexing in Dave's hair. Definitely nice to know there were some things about the two of them that were completely identical. Useful information to have, Dave thought, as he kissed his way back up Karl's body, ending with Karl's lips on his.

Nice. That was the only word Dave could think of when Karl's arms wrapped around him. It wasn't Harry, but it was nice. More than nice. Dave wondered why he'd never noticed Karl's appeal before. He chuckled, his lips curving into a smile against Karl's.

"What's so amusing?"

"This," Dave replied, gesturing at the way their bodies were tangled together. "Honestly, would you have imagined this happening before this past week?"

"Well, no," Karl admitted, kissing Dave's jaw. "But I can't say that I mind too much."

"Oh, I'm not complaining." Dave tilted his chin up so Karl's lips could explore his throat. "Just...I spent so many years looking at you as an obstacle and now...I've actually gotten farther with you than I have with Harry. It's just funny, that's all."

"Have you now? That is flattering."

Dave nodded, then yawned. "Sorry. Yeah. Either he's naked or I'm naked. We're never naked together. It's frustrating."

Karl chuckled, tucked Dave's head under his chin. "I can see that. He does have an exceptional body. Do you still want me to stay?"

"Would you?" Dave yawned again. It seemed as if the frantic pace of packing and working and spending time with Harry was catching up with him. "Harry never does."

"It's that damned chivalry of his," Karl grumbled, securing his hold on Dave, smoothing hands up his back. //Sleep, child. I'll stay.//

//What about Orlando?// Dave closed his eyes, snuggled close to Karl's warmth. It felt wonderful to just be held.

//Harry assures me Orlando is already using him as a pillow...much like you are doing to me, I might add. He also says to tell you goodnight. And to give you this.// Karl lifted Dave's head for a brief, thorough kiss that almost tasted just like Harry.

Dave smiled, nearly asleep. His head tucked once more under Karl's chin, he closed his eyes completely. //Night.// Even his mental voice was sleepy sounding. His last thought was that he might have said 'love you', but he wasn't sure if he had or to whom it had been directed.

Onto Part Fifteen

dominic monaghan, elijah wood, karl urban, dave wenham, sean bean, claimed 'verse, viggo mortensen, harry sinclair, consummated, co-written by brenda and jo, orlando bloom

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