Secret Eden - Ch.7

Sep 23, 2012 21:14

Title Secret Eden.
Summary: ecret den. Have you heard of it Probably not You would most likely not know of it unless you were a child of a politician or a wealthy businessman or some young celebrity, venturing out in the world of luxury and vices.
Pairing: unJae
Genre: omance, AU, Smut
Rating: C17
Length: haptered

One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six
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romance, yunjae, smut, nc17, secret eden, chapter 7, au

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Comments 36

otakusj September 23 2012, 13:49:47 UTC
can't wait.what will yunho do wih jae?


uchie07 September 23 2012, 14:49:46 UTC
WHATTTTTTT!!!!!! 4.2 MILLION? oh Jung... buy me too please so i can go to jj FM, SM Town and TVXQ-JYJ concerts T.T


snow_meow September 23 2012, 14:50:39 UTC
Yoochun feeling protective?
I bet it's his guilt that is kicking in.

Yunho can you really live with loosing a bet with Yoochun?

I wonder what will Jaejoong's reaction be towards Yoochun when he realises that the reason Yoochun paid any attention to him was to win his bet with Yunho.

I cannot wait and see what Yunho will do with Jaejoong.


db5konly September 23 2012, 15:21:52 UTC
i wanna see next. n y isnt tis good? i think u did a great job. And you didnt try to rush through ur story.


lacy56 September 23 2012, 15:35:33 UTC
Hi new reader i guess...i read this before but didn't comment on it because i didn't log in...hehehe
OMG!!! His Yunnie really determined about getting his hand on Jaejoong.'re really mean, well i guess he had his fun playing on Yunho and Yoochun.


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