Secret Eden - Ch.7

Sep 23, 2012 21:14

Title Secret Eden.
Summary: ecret den. Have you heard of it Probably not You would most likely not know of it unless you were a child of a politician or a wealthy businessman or some young celebrity, venturing out in the world of luxury and vices.
Pairing: unJae
Genre: omance, AU, Smut
Rating: C17
Length: haptered

One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six


Jaejoong found himself looking directly into his own eyes through the mirror. A familiar nauseating feeling crept in his gut as he remembered looking at himself on the first day of classes, it seemed so far away now.

He frowned.

Now his appearance was different, he seemed different. The eyes he was staring back at were now bigger than before, a tint of grey covered his dark irises.  Had it become more striking than his natural eyes, or was the old shine in them been hidden?

His hair was different, shorter and now blond. His clothes were no longer scratchy and the tattered sling sack was gone, replaced by a branded bag hanging over his shoulder.

I look stupid. I look stupid. I look stupid.

He had given his mother a brief state of shock last night when he walked into the dining table. He was late and he'd force himself to eat again, because he had already grabbed a bite with Yoochun and Changmin.

"Jaejoong ah! What happened to you?"

He could remember the stress in his mother's voice. It was reminiscent of the time she found out that one of his sisters had become pregnant outside marriage. Was the blond hair really that extreme?

He was lucky his father was out on a trip. He told himself he would only worry about what his father would have to say when he was actually there already.

He also recalled how his sisters’ jaws had dropped to the floor. He knew some of them liked it, and one or two had that glint in their eyes, they were probably going to tease him endlessly.

"It's just hair."

Last night he'd had the most awkward dinner in his life, but by the end of their mealtime, his mother had put herself together and smiled at him. Calmly whispering that on second thought, the blond suited him. He smiled at the thought of his mother’s confidence in him.

The boy wondered how his sisters' would react to his new clothes. Surely they'd have an opinion. Minkyung would probably ask him where he got them.

He sighed before he tore himself away from the mirror and stormed down the stairs. He tried to be quick enough, hoping that maybe he'd exit before anyone could see him.

"Joong ah"

A small groan escaped his lips as he turned to the direction of the person calling him.

Minkyung stared at him, befuddled. Her eyes scanned him from head to toe. She had never seen the black leather jacket he wore. The striped monotone shirt was unfamiliar, so were his jeans and studded Converse sneakers. And was his bag MCM?

"Joong?" her speech was filled with both questioning and concern.

The blond bit his lip, unable to look at the figure who stood waiting for his answer.

"I...I took out my savings to buy new clothes last night." He lied, but walked away without waiting for a response.

Minkyung looked at the closing door, breathing in deeply, she wished everything was alright with her brother.


“Jung. Yun. Ho.” Yoochun said in a singsong as he slung his arm over Yunho’s shoulder. The two were making their way out of the campus’ parking space. “Want to ride to the auction together tonight?”

An annoyed noise blew out of Yunho’s lips. “No.”

The senator’s son backed away with a pout. “You don’t like my car anymore?”

“What makes you think I’m going to the auction?”

Yoochun was taken aback a little.  He searched Yunho’s eyes. There was a trace of indifference and pride in them. For a moment he felt a little bit threatened by the glint he saw.

…until something caught his eye.

“Oh. Just. I know you’ll go, Jung”


Yunho’s head tilted in confusion as he suddenly saw the smirk forming in his companion’s lips. He turned his view to the direction.

His eyes widened at the view of a blond pale man walking on the other side of the parking lot. He could feel his breath hitch at the sight.



It seemed like a normal day in GeumDae but to those people who knew, it was the complete opposite. Members of Secret Eden, all try so hard to keep their excitement to themselves, and it seemed to have been working as Jaejoong saw no sign of the auction at all.

“Jaejoong-ah!” he was greeted by a startled voice.

“Junsu, don’t look at me like that.” Jaejoong said as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

“How can I not when you look….” The student was at a loss of words. He hadn’t seen anyone like Jaejoong. Of course the school had it’s own share of blondes and fashionistas but there was just something about the way Jaejoong carried himself that made him so striking.

“I look stupid I know.”

“No! NO! You look amazing.”

Jaejoong didn’t reply. Not really convinced by Junsu’s words.

“What? You don’t believe me? Others think so too. Jeez. I feel like under the spotlight, walking here beside you. Everyone’s looking.”

The blond immediately turned around, they had been looking. He quickly looked down the ground. He had not really notice. He wasn’t used to people eyeing him, he wasn’t sure whether he liked it a lot.

….maybe he did. Just a little.

“Yah! Don’t look like a shy sheep, I should be the one feeling that way right next to you.” Junsu said in a squeaky voice. The way he complained looked adorable, like 5 year old kid.

Jaejoong found himself unexpectedly laughing. Junsu had always made him smile.

“Let’s go to class” Junsu tugged his arm but Jaejoong didn’t bulge as he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

“Wait a minute, I got a message.”

Joong-ah, mom was asking what snacks you wanted for our trip to Buasn.

Shit. Jaejoong had totally forgotten. He bit his lips as his fingers moved along the keypad.

Tell mom I might not come home tonight and for the weekend.

He pressed send.

His phone vibrated again soon after.

One new message.

E? Joong-ah. Why?

I have some schoolwork to do at my friends place.

Joong, can you please come home for dinner?

Jaejoong sighed, ignoring the text and putting the phone back in his pocket.


The day breezed by, quicker than how Jaejoong would’ve wanted.  He breathed to himself as he peaked through the curtains from the little stage at the Secret Eden.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

The tables were almost filled and he could feel his heart racing, faster than ever before. He tried calming himself down but his legs were shaking.

The auction wasn't just about looks or sex appeal. Not everyone joined just to hook up for a fuck. It was about who you were. You had to be someone to be able to stand on the bidding platform. No need for a description, just a name and a face, they had to know you. Everyone had to recognize you, to be hooked on you. You needed the interest of the people.

Whether you caught their attention by being in a scandal at a tabloid, or whether they’d eyed you in previous parties outside the Secret either or whether they were curious about your family’s wealth or your new car or the branded clothes you wore, it didn’t matter, you just needed to spark enough interest for the members to want to spend money on you, to win you. You have to be worth their interest and money.

“The auction will begin.”


Yoochun sat in the front seat, glancing around the room. It was already the 7th auction piece and Yunho still wasn't there. He could feel his lungs tightening at the nervousness.

"He'll come," he whispered, trying to reassure himself.


Jaejoong questioned how he could catch anyone’s interest. He was nobody. He’d never been in the newspaper, he his parents weren’t famous businessmen or politicians, he’s never been to any socialite party the others had been.

He was still in his spot. He felt like biting his nails. It was tense. He had already seen a few people leave with a failure. Was he the only one who was nervous?

He watched the other people around him. It seemed like everyone else was doing better.


Yoochun felt like a heavy weight was lifted off his shoulders he glanced at the door for one more time and he finally saw Jung Yunho walk in. He won. He smiled to himself and, more than the penthouse, he loved the ego boost he got for winning the bet.

He wasn't the type to gloat, but he would surely not miss a chance of teasing his best friend. With Yunho finally there, the only thing he was waiting for was how Kim Jaejoong's bidding would turn out.

He tapped his finger on the table. Jaejoong was coming up soon.


Yunho’s irritation had already left him some time ago. He’d lost the bet, he knew he was probably going to regret it, but something in him Just couldn’t tear away from Kim Jaejoong.

Yunho stared at the stage. He watched the girl standing on the platform.  She stood confidently, unlike the few before her who had looked intimidated under the judging eyes of the members. It used to be one of Yunho’s favorite parts, watching the newcomers’ reactions.

Yunho remembered his turn a few years back. Changmin had the highest bid that year.

Yunho had ended up with junior student Park Yoona, a major in economics, her grandparents ran a very successful chain of casinos. In that weekend he was taken to a cruise around Jeju. Sex, it was the most he could remember out of their trip.

Yoochun had complained about his bidder. It was another woman and they had only met for one day and spent it discussing politics and his father. Painstakingly boring. Yunho amusedly remembered his words.


Jaejoong almost felt like vomiting in anxiousness.

Earlier there had been a boy who didn’t get a bid high enough. Though not everyone made it to the club, the secret never came out People who didn't get in were too ashamed to tell others they'd been rejected. And the rest who had the confidence to tell were simply not believed. After all, it was unreal, an exclusive club for the rich and famous that had been kept secret for years. It would sound farfetched.

Jaejoong felt himself almost shaking. He was up next and when he heard the host utter the words sold, he felt his hart jump out of his chest.

Gathering all he could, he finally stood up from his seat and walked to the stage. He mumbled a small thank you to the person who helped him up.

“Kim Jaejoong,” he could only faintly hear the MC. A spotlight was directed to him, he almost flinched, but he remembered where he was.

All the bids started at 200,000 won.

For a moment, he could only hear himself breathing as he scanned the people before him. Most of them were blank faces, until he spotted Yoochun…then Changmin…then right by the corner was Jung Yunho.

Jung Yunho. He tried to ignore the fact that he was there. The silence of the room completely helped him forget. The stillness was scaring him, not really allowing him to think of anything else.

Who was Kim Jaejoong?

Have you heard of him before?

Who’s son is he?

The silence was going on for two long. “Stand confidently”, he said to himself, but he was starting to crumble.

He bit his lip and for a moment the façade was broken, it felt like he’d forgotten everything that Yoochun advised him.

…then a number was finally raised. “250,000 won,” he heard a female voice.

…another number, “300,000”



Yoochun bit the inside of his cheek, feeling a little tense at the bids, they were starting to rise but it wasn’t high enough.

“550,000 won, going once…”

He scoffed at how it was about to end. In a swift second, Yoochun raised his number. “600,000 won”

Jaejoong’s face fell into surprise when he heard Yoochun bid. A tinge of surprise, a tinge of relief.

“650 thousand won,” Jaejoong turned to the direction of the other voice. It was Jung Yunho. His breath was starting to hitch and it was getting harder and harder for him to stand in the middle of the stage.

Yoochun smirked. “700 thousand”


“850 thousand won”

“900 thousand won” Yunho could feel his frustration rising.

“950 thousand.”

“1 million”

“1.2 million”

It wasn’t really a friendly competition anymore. Yoochun hadn’t realized it until then, but he actually did want to get Jaejoong. He felt a sense of protectiveness towards him, and even though Yunho was his best friend, he felt obliged to take care of Jaejoong for as long as he was in the Secret Eden.

The bids between Yunho and Yoochun started to look like a spat. The murmurs in the rooms started to get louder. Everyone was questioning. Why did Kim Jaejoong get so much attention from Park and Jung?

“1.4 million” Jaejoong turned his head to another voice that entered the bidding. He got their curiosity.

There must be something about Kim Jaejoong.

He gained the curiosity of the people before him.

Yoochun bid again. “1.5 million”

Another person, “1.6 million” Jaejoong’s eyes widened as he saw more people raise their numbers.


In another corner of the club, Changmin sat with impish smile was displayed on his lips as he watched the bids go higher. This is amusing, he thought.  The money set on Jaejoong was nearing the highest bid of the night so far.

“1.7 million won,” he heard voice.

“1.8 million won,” this time it was Yunho’s.

He wondered if the bids would still be as high if anyone knew who Kim Jaejoong really was. He took a sip from the drink in his hand, he had a feeling Yoochun didn't realize how big of a mess this could end in.

The price competition between Yunho and Yoochun was starting to get insane.

Changmin raised his number. Just one bet, he thought. He wanted to join the fun. “4 million won,” it was a sum way larger than the last bid, it was more than twice as big.

There was a small collective gasp.

The price was unheard of. Yet, he honestly just wanted to know how far Yoochun or Yunho would go to get Jaejoong. If either of them don’t speak up, it was fine that he gets Jaejoong, but he doubted that that would be the case.

Yoochun paused at the price, and eyed Changmin from tables away. He knew what he was doing. He shook his head and laughed. The tall man was playing them.

He looked back at Jaejoong, so beautiful under the lights. It would’ve been nice to have him for the weekend, but he’s spent his time with him already.

His view drifted onto Yunho. Yunho, wanted Jaejoong badly, that much he knew even as soon as the first time the three of them encountered each other at the hallway.

The crowd went silent. Yunho raised his number. “4.2  million won.” It was the biggest in the history of the auction.

Jaejoong was his.


A/N:  I know the money might seem unbelievably huge, but be aware of South Korea’s currency. ;)
Once again, not happy with this chapter. Oh well. OTL

romance, yunjae, smut, nc17, secret eden, chapter 7, au

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