Secret Eden - Ch.6

Sep 17, 2012 20:22

Title: Secret Eden.
Summary: Secret Eden. Have you heard of it? Probably not. You would most likely not know of it unless you were a child of a politician or a wealthy businessman or some young celebrity, venturing out in the world of luxury and vices.
Pairing: YunJae
Genre: Romance, AU, Smut
Rating: NC17
Length: Chaptered

One | Two | Three |  Four |  Five


Jaejoong stared at the plain white door as he waited for it to be opened. He was on the 30th floor of a prominent condominium, waiting to meet with Yoochun.  He could feel his throat drying. Earlier, he had made up his mind, he was going to see him, only to call off the invitation, but now he wasn’t so sure.

He was really hesitant of going through with the auction. But if he stopped, would Yoochun take back the money for his tuition? If he stopped, would he be walking away from one of the biggest opportunities to change his life? If he stopped, would he regret it? Was he being a coward?

The closed door finally opened, it was Yoochun with a welcoming smile plastered on his face. “Jaejoong-ah!” the pale boy slightly bowed as Yoochun motioned him to go inside.

Jaejoong’s eyes surveyed the space as he stepped in.  It looked more like a successful businessman's bachelor pad, rather than a university student's place. There were chic but eccentric furnishings, one of which was a huge gorilla figure.  There was a large flat screen television and leather lounge chairs.  It was so clean and Jaejoong could imagine him having someone who cleaned up for him.

“Please take a seat”

The guest followed and Yoochun slouched himself on the lounge chair in front of Jaejoong’s. “We’re going to be busy this afternoon. I plan on taking you shopping, would you rather go look Gucci or Burberry?  Chanel might suit you too. Oh and Changmin is going to meet us later at the salon. Mmm. Maybe we should go to the salon first? He might have opinions for the clothes we’ll bu-”

Yoochun’s stream of excited words was cut, “Yoochun.”

Jaejoong took a deep breath before he started talking again. He found himself second-guessing even more, but he continued speaking before he could change his mind. “I’m really sorry, but I only came to call off my participation for the auction.”

The other’s jaw suddenly dropped to the floor. “What?!”

Jaejoong found himself backing deeper in his chair at Yoochun’s exclamation.

“What? Why?”

The other looked so distressed that if they were in another setting, it would’ve been funny.

“Yoochun…I’m not qualified.”

“But we’re going to fix that, we were going to get you ready. I’m sure the auction will go your way”

Jaejoong sighed. “Yes, but what happens if I get in?”

“Then we’ll have lots of fun…” Yoochun said in his usual careless tone, but it failed to change the pail boy’s mood.

“But I can't live a lie”

“It's not living a lie if you do meet the qualifications”

“But I don't”

“Correction. Not yet.”

Jaejoong looked at him with the most dubious stare. How?

As if reading his mind, Yoochun looked at him with a reassuring smile. "Trust me."

Jaejoong bit his tongue. How far would he have to trust Park Yoochun?  “I can’t. Not with something this big.”

Yoochun’s face twisted into a serious expression. “Look at me. Do I look like someone who doesn’t know how to think? I’ve lived my life behind doors, at the age of 13 I was going to some of my father’s meetings. Do I look like someone who doesn’t have a plan?”

“Yes, but-“

“Jaejoong, we’ve made it this far. I’ve put a lot of effort on you are you going to throw that?”

The other didn’t answer and a think air of pause filled the room. “I just…I don’t understand why you want me in so badly”

Yoochun stopped for a while.

Why did he want him in? He wanted to win the bet, of course he did. But there was more to it than that. He wasn’t so sure about it either. Come to think of it, he never thought much about it. He was too preoccupied with how’s that he missed the why’s.

“Jaejoong-ah. I like you, Changmin does too and the people a-“

“Yes but that’s not enough for you to go through all the trouble. I don’t understand”

Yoochun adjusted himself, nearing his gaze on his companion’s face. He was trying to find the right words. “Joong. For most of our lives we’ve dealt with the same kind of people. The same conversations. Same parties. And it gets suffocating sometimes. Maybe it is selfish of me…but…I like being with you because you let me breathe. And I’m sorry for asking too much of you, but really, I think I…we need someone like you”

The pale boy stared at him in the eye. Was he really that important?


“Mr. Jung, dinner is ready” Yunho ignored the call from his door as he focused his attention, or at least tried to focus, on the book he’d been reading.

His mind was in circles, thinking of what had happened with him and Jaejoong.

He was guilty, of course he was. Yunho was arrogant, full of himself at times, even. He’d been with a lot of girls, and occasionally boys, but he’s never force himself on any of them.  He was going to be a lawyer for Gods sakes. He didn’t want to act so lowly.

He’s never had anyone unwilling to be with him. He didn’t know how to handle himself with Jaejoong.

To want something you couldn’t get, is this what it felt?

Jaejoong had run away from him the second time. Knowing himself, he knew he wouldn’t have let him go so easily…but he’s never been in a situation where someone so badly wanted to be out of his grasp.

He didn’t know what to do.

In fact, he’s found himself always not knowing what to do when it came to Kim Jaejoong.

He closed the book and ran his hands through his hair.

It was supposed to be easy wasn’t it? To ask for forgiveness? Give someone something they desire, to make up for the wrong that you’ve done. Forgiveness was simple. It was give and take. He’d seen it work. He’d seen it work so many times. The way his father would give his mother something expensive, and she’d simply forget the nights he didn’t come home. Or the way his mother would give him and his sister presents, like cars or trips to some country, to make up for not being in school awarding ceremonies. It worked with his girlfriends. If they demanded for attention, a watch, a ring, a romantic sunset at the cruise would do.

He said he was sorry. He tried to prove his sincerity with gifts. What else did Jaejoong want?

Yunho stared at the unanswered invitation to the auction sitting at his table. Was he really going to give up his penthouse to get this little fancy of his?


The several famous boutiques, laidback passers by and fancy sidewalk displays were ignored, as Jaejoong got lost in his thoughts. With his fingers playing around with his lips mindlessly, he stared at the front board of Yoochun’s car, too busy with his contemplation to mind where the other was taking him.

His mind was swimming in so many doubts. And maybe hints of fear.

“Well, you’re a quiet one.” Jaejoong suddenly snapped out of his thoughts at the sound intruding his concentration.

“What’s on your mind?” Yoochun said, glancing at him before shifting his eyes back on the road.

Silence filled the car for a while, before Jaejoong finally spoke up. “The auction,” he paused, licking his lips. “…what do they do to you if you win the bidding?”

A lighthearted laugh filled the car. “Are you scared?”

Yoochun didn’t have to turn to know that the other had nodded. “It’s okay. Most people get scared.”

The stoplight turned red and Yoochun looked at Jaejoong as they stopped. He momentarily paused from driving.  “Members of the Secret Eden are not distasteful people. Individuals there are from good families and public figures. They grew up in a well-mannered environment and are well-raised people...”

Green.  Yoochun stopped talking for a moment and changed the gear before going back to driving.

“They could have whatever they want at a snap of a finger, they’re not desperate for anything.” He started again “They wouldn't do anything to harm you or force you into things you refuse, if that’s what you’re worrying about."

Jaejoong only kept silent, remembering what Yunho had done to him.

"There is sex, well, most of the time there is, but we don't sell bodies in the Secret Eden. Whatever you will be doing is in the discretion of he person who won you. Your weekend could be as simple as sipping afternoon tea with some pretty girl."

The pale boy nodded, slightly relieved at the answer.

“If I got you, I’ll probably take you to a studio and write a song with you,”

Jaejoong didn’t reply and only looked out of the window, silently wishing that Yoochun would bid on him.


“Yunho, how is university?” A beautiful lady, mid 50’s, with her hair tied in a neat bun questioned before she took a sip from her wine. Mrs. Jung.

“It’s going well,” Yunho replied quietly as he glanced at his mother with uninterested eyes.

It was a normal dinner at the Jung residence, a table filled with food of all sorts, the four members, of the family sitting together, complete. Yunho’s parents were very strict about dinner, that is, when they are at home.  They insist that amidst their different individual endeavors, it was the only time they could bond.

“That’s good. You better be looking for law schools in America. Applications start next semester.” Mr. Jung, who still had his office suit on, interjected.

“I am actually thinking of studying here.”

“Son, a diploma from the states would look better as your credentials. We’ve agreed on this.”

No. You imposed it on me.

Mrs. Jung frowned. “Must he really go to America immediately? Can’t our Yunho marry first? I do want grandchildren before I’m old and wrinkly.”

Yunho grunted in annoyance, and Jihye giggled. “Stop laughing, twirp” he whispered to his sister who was just beside him.

“I prefer him to focus on his career”

Mrs. Jung ignored him. “Nonsense. You married me early and look at you.”

“Well, Yunho can think of that once he’s found a school.”

Ignoring her husband again, the woman smiled at her son.“It’s been a while since you brought someone home, baby. I really liked that last one, that darling Soojin . Whatever happened to you and her?”

“Mother, we don’t keep in contact anymore.”

“Son, you have to be more persistent about these things. Why, your father and I were already engaged when we were your age.” She looked at her son, missing the sigh that escaped his lips.

It was always like this. Always, them planning things out for him.

“I’m sure if I can contact her parents, she could come here over the summer to meet you again.” She turned to her husband and held his hand “Or, honey, maybe we could arrange something already ”

Yunho took a deep breath, holding his annoyance back. He had always hated dealing with his mother and father and all their plans for him. Without a word, he took the last bite off his plate and stepped out.

His parents stared at the empty seat in the table. Mrs. Jung looked his husband with questioning eyes, “What is going on with that boy?”

The leader of the household was not at all happy with the way his son acted. Fuming, he stood up from his chair and walked to the direction Yunho had gone. “Jung Yunho! I will not tolerate imprudent behavior in this household!”

The two ladies of the family stayed in the table, quietly finishing dinner as they heard faint, but still audible shouts from the other end of the hall.


Jaejoong looked at himself at the mirror. He and Yoochun had met up with Changmin earlier, and now the two were grabbing something to eat, leaving Jaejoong alone in the mini salon at one of Korea’s biggest entertainment companies. The pale boy had been surprised to know that Changmin was the heir of such big business.

His eyes drifted to the set of bags lying just beside where he was sitting. They had been shopping for the whole afternoon, trying this and that. Yoochun, he learned, was a man, very particular when it came to clothes. He remembered dressing up at least 4 times in one shop, just to get the right outfit Yoochun wanted for him. He couldn’t even remember how many boutiques they’ve gone in and out of.

He knew he couldn't pay any for any of the things they got, but Yoochun was the most incessant man he’s known. He wouldn’t take no for an answer, saying that his win in the bid would be Jaejoong’s pay off.

The freshman could only wish the bids on him would be high enough.  He couldn’t understand why Yoochun had so much confidence in him.

He turned at the sound of the door opening, half expecting it was his to schoolmates, but he was greeted with an eccentrically dressed woman. She had huge glasses, platform sneakers, a loose shirt paired up with baggy floral jeans and blond hair that reached almost up to her butt.

Jaejoong made a move to stand up but the other raised her hand, as if motioning him to keep still. “Ahh. Jumpy. But you’re so pretty. A little lost, but I can see deepness in those huge eyes of yours. No wonder Changmin called you kitten.” She said as she continued to walk into the room.

He swallowed and sunk on his seat as he watched the girl get a few stuff from the drawers. Scissors, a bag of dye, some sort of cream cream, a set of hairbrushes and a dryer. She moved to Jaejoong, grabbing his head and making him look forward.

“I love your eyes, your skin is beautiful. What do you use?”

“Uhm. I drink lots of water?”

“Hmmm. It’s not common to come across such natural beauty. Ahh. I love your nose too, so sharp and those lips look delectable.”

Jaejoong found himself blushing, mumbling a soft “thank you”

“You really are adorable” the girl moved to the stash of materials she had on the counter.

“Are you one of the new talents Changmin-sshi is scouted?”

Jaejoong blinked at her figure on the mirror. “E?”

“Aren’t you here because you’re going to be a trainee?” the blonde looked up at him, before finally picking up the brush she wanted. She moved to Jaejoong and started fiddling with his hair. “Changmin-sshi usually helps out in those things when he gets bored.”

“N-no. I-I’m from his school”

“Ahh” She shifted his bangs. “Changmin doesn’t usually bring his friends here.”

Jaejoong nodded. “I-I have to get ready for this coming event.”

The girl smiled. “Ahhh! Of course, of course. Changmin only trusts me with these things. You must really be important to have him let me handle you though”

“Maybe I’m just too horrible that no normal stylist can fix me.” Jaejoong said seriously, but somehow it managed to sound like a clumsy remark.

She laughed. “You’re cute. I think you would’ve been an awesome trainee”

“Aren’t I too bland to be an idol?”

“No, not at all. But then again, maybe you should be a model. You’d be perfect.”

The pale boy only bit his lips and the blonde only laugh. “Kitty, you are different from most of them.”

Jaejoong didn’t reply.

“I like you”

The eccentric female bent down, until their faces were side by side, and they looked at each other through the mirror. “Kitty, what’s your name?”

“Kim Jaejoong.”

“Kim Jaejoong-sshi, what would you say about being blond?”


“Do you really thinks he has what it takes?” Changmin took a bit from his burger as they entered the elevator.

“Changmin, have you seen him look into your eyes?”

“I know. He has everything. He’s a natural. I love him. I love those eyes and I can only imagine how that figure of his would look like in a frame. Remember how he stood for us in the changing room earlier? God, I wanted to take a camera and shoot him right there…but if he’s not sure he wants it, then everyone else will fuck him over.”

“Don’t you think he’s the type for the job? You’ve seen him with everyone in the club. He was glowing, and attracting everyone to him. Imagine that on paper…or on billboards.”


A/N:  OMG. I'm sorry if it seemed like I was down because of my last note. Oh but I am deeply thankful for everyone's encouragement. :) I know some of the characters have their inconsistencies and may come off as weak at the moment but hmmm...I think, as the story progresses I'll have more time to show you why they're are like that. And I promise they will have time to grow. ^^ I hope that little background thing on Yunho will help you guys understand him.~

romance, smut, chapter 6, nc17, secret eden

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