Secret Eden - Ch.6

Sep 17, 2012 20:22

Title: Secret Eden.
Summary: Secret Eden. Have you heard of it? Probably not. You would most likely not know of it unless you were a child of a politician or a wealthy businessman or some young celebrity, venturing out in the world of luxury and vices.
Pairing: YunJae
Genre: Romance, AU, Smut
Rating: NC17
Length: Chaptered

One | Two | Three |  Four |  Five

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romance, smut, chapter 6, nc17, secret eden

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Comments 15

onewaytrackk September 17 2012, 12:37:16 UTC
Hehe love this (: thanks for the update!


snow_meow September 17 2012, 13:24:02 UTC
Poor Yunho.
He's stuck in a life that he doesn't really want...doing the things that he doesn't really want.

Seems to me like Jaejoong has the better end of the deal. ^^


dulanis September 17 2012, 13:50:14 UTC
I love this. You are so awesome that I love this fic and and.... I love it :D


yjholic58 September 17 2012, 15:32:29 UTC
I love this story it's so good :)


luvkyu711 September 17 2012, 16:04:43 UTC
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I LOVE this chapter! Im so excited for whats to come :D you always leave mewanting more!(no pun intended) hahaha Cannot wait for the next chapter! The transformation! sjwjdgsidifkajws Yaaaaaayyy!


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