Dress Meme

Feb 05, 2011 22:42

Give me a dress (preferably in the form of a picture), give me a character, and I will write you sexy.

One slot for everyone, two slots for the usual suspects.


character: zhao, character: katara, character: general how, character: female autobots, character: mai, character: song, character: hakoda, character: yue, character: zuko, character: ozai, character: ursa, character: sokka, writing, series: avatar, series: g1 transformers, character: azula, character: long feng, character: ty lee, books

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Comments 33

G1 Arcee beckyh2112 February 6 2011, 04:57:45 UTC
Transformers do not wear clothes. Why should they? They're robots. They are armored from their creation to their destruction. Scraps of cloth add nothing, especially not in a resource-starved war like the one they have fought for millions of years.

On Pz-Zazz, people wear clothes or they get tickets for public indecency.

Arcee bit her mouth as the tailor-bots swarmed over her. They didn't need to spend this kind of money, but Spike said it was important they came across as reputable, important people.

The tailor-bots tickle and prickle with their little legs. The hum of their little bodies makes her own body hum back, little bits of machinery from her alt-mode turning inside her. It's... interesting.

Then the dress is finished, and they scurry away to their hiding places. Arcee looks in the mirror and almost gasps.

It is lovely. It is a black that clings to the lines of her body, lined with an energon pink. It is slot high enough to show the holsters on her thighs, and there are no sleeves to catch in the mechanisms of her ( ... )


Re: G1 Arcee lunatron February 6 2011, 05:03:14 UTC
I like that you put in practical spins on the dress I picked - no sleeves for arm movement, high slits for gun holsters.

Now, Arcee needs to go see Rodimus and/or Springer. >_>

Thank you! *Hugs.*


Ozai beckyh2112 February 6 2011, 05:08:12 UTC
"That's hardly more than a scrap of cloth," Hakoda splutters.

Crimson cloth is draped in a manner that almost describes a dress, except it's missing most of the skirts and all of the sleeves. It is artfully draped, though, Hakoda will give it that. There's even a topaz brooch on Ozai's right hip, pinning it all together with a tantalizing tail of red.

"It is a bit short," Ozai agrees. "There's no real fun in pushing this one up."

Hakoda tries to visualize that. His hand on Ozai's muscular thigh, fingers catching on crimson cloth and pushing it up towards hips-

He stops thinking about there.


Re: Ozai weirdlet February 6 2011, 06:00:32 UTC
"It's not gonna be an orgy- it's a toga party."

You keep managing to set my ears on fire. I wish I knew how you did that.


Re: Ozai spyridona February 6 2011, 14:47:46 UTC
Overly dressed Waterfolk don't get short dresses; clothes are supposed to keep you warm. Body movement is supposed to be sexy.

Oh, Ozai, what are you doing to this man's sensibilities with your scrap of a cloth and forward flirting?

I enjoy it, notably the description of the dress and Ozai being so casual about the dress's drawbacks.


dark_puck February 6 2011, 04:52:16 UTC


i kin html gud


Song beckyh2112 February 6 2011, 05:21:23 UTC
Song is covered from wrist to throat to ankle, and she knows her husband's attention will not waver from her.

It's springtime. The flowers are blooming, the girls are blooming. Kanzashi hang in her hair, and her chima is the color of the first spring irises - brilliant pink. Her jeogori is the brilliant white of snow, but embroidered with the blooms of the late spring flowers - pink and purple with flickers of green leaves and stems.

This is not a custom in Ba Sing Se.

She does not normally wear silk.

Long Feng's eyes are on her, and the fingers of his hands twitch as stone hands crawl up her legs.


Re: Song dark_puck February 6 2011, 05:42:05 UTC

This is absolutely delicious. <3 I love your description of the dress, and I love Long Feng's reaction. <3333


Yue beckyh2112 February 6 2011, 05:31:25 UTC
"The Moon Spirit wears white," she says ( ... )


bookblather February 6 2011, 05:14:55 UTC
October Daye beckyh2112 February 6 2011, 05:35:20 UTC
"Tybalt looks like he got hit between the eyes by a two-by-four," Quentin says, eyeing the local king of cats judiciously.

"He'll get over it," I say in what is clearly not the slightest bit of a reassuring tone. But Quentin's a polite kid, so he just nods.

He hasn't looked at me once since he saw the dress I was in. Can't imagine why. He's done high school, he has to have seen worse.

'Course, usually the girls filling them out are just that - girls. Not women.

Also, the high school girls probably aren't wearing something woven by the Luideag.

"So," I say with forced cheer, "let's go find May."


Re: October Daye bookblather February 6 2011, 05:36:45 UTC








Re: October Daye priscellie February 6 2011, 05:45:11 UTC

I love you forever for this.


scdsam February 6 2011, 05:21:54 UTC
Azula beckyh2112 February 6 2011, 05:45:51 UTC
"I hate this dress," Azula mutters, flexing her fingers. The black velvet gloves feel too tight and they run too high, all the way up to her elbows. They'll burn the first time she firebends, she knows it. Hopefully, she'll be able to push their fire away fast enough.

Even more unsettling, the dress has no sleeves. It clings to her breasts, and she worries if she breathes to deep, it will just... slip off.

How is she supposed to firebend if she can't breathe deeply?

The skirt, she could almost like the skirt. On someone else. On her, it's a bulky, monstrous affair that restricts her legs. How can she run? How can she kick? How can she fight?

The only thing she likes is the mask.

Some part of her envies Mai. Mai looks so poised in her own dress, and the skirts are probably an asset to her. She can hide more knives in them ( ... )


Re: Azula dormouse_in_tea February 6 2011, 06:33:08 UTC
This is my favorite of all of them!


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