Dress Meme

Feb 05, 2011 22:42

Give me a dress (preferably in the form of a picture), give me a character, and I will write you sexy.

One slot for everyone, two slots for the usual suspects.


character: zhao, character: katara, character: general how, character: female autobots, character: mai, character: song, character: hakoda, character: yue, character: zuko, character: ozai, character: ursa, character: sokka, writing, series: avatar, series: g1 transformers, character: azula, character: long feng, character: ty lee, books

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dark_puck February 6 2011, 04:52:16 UTC


i kin html gud


Song beckyh2112 February 6 2011, 05:21:23 UTC
Song is covered from wrist to throat to ankle, and she knows her husband's attention will not waver from her.

It's springtime. The flowers are blooming, the girls are blooming. Kanzashi hang in her hair, and her chima is the color of the first spring irises - brilliant pink. Her jeogori is the brilliant white of snow, but embroidered with the blooms of the late spring flowers - pink and purple with flickers of green leaves and stems.

This is not a custom in Ba Sing Se.

She does not normally wear silk.

Long Feng's eyes are on her, and the fingers of his hands twitch as stone hands crawl up her legs.


Re: Song dark_puck February 6 2011, 05:42:05 UTC

This is absolutely delicious. <3 I love your description of the dress, and I love Long Feng's reaction. <3333


Yue beckyh2112 February 6 2011, 05:31:25 UTC
"The Moon Spirit wears white," she says ( ... )


Re: Yue dark_puck February 6 2011, 05:45:31 UTC

No, Sokka. Copping a feel won't go over well all.

I take it it's the new moon? :D

I very much like this one. <333


Re: Yue inuyatta February 6 2011, 10:42:55 UTC
Stunning--both the picture and the ficlet. Honestly, I am in awe. :)


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