Dress Meme

Feb 05, 2011 22:42

Give me a dress (preferably in the form of a picture), give me a character, and I will write you sexy.

One slot for everyone, two slots for the usual suspects.


character: zhao, character: katara, character: general how, character: female autobots, character: mai, character: song, character: hakoda, character: yue, character: zuko, character: ozai, character: ursa, character: sokka, writing, series: avatar, series: g1 transformers, character: azula, character: long feng, character: ty lee, books

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Azula beckyh2112 February 6 2011, 05:45:51 UTC
"I hate this dress," Azula mutters, flexing her fingers. The black velvet gloves feel too tight and they run too high, all the way up to her elbows. They'll burn the first time she firebends, she knows it. Hopefully, she'll be able to push their fire away fast enough.

Even more unsettling, the dress has no sleeves. It clings to her breasts, and she worries if she breathes to deep, it will just... slip off.

How is she supposed to firebend if she can't breathe deeply?

The skirt, she could almost like the skirt. On someone else. On her, it's a bulky, monstrous affair that restricts her legs. How can she run? How can she kick? How can she fight?

The only thing she likes is the mask.

Some part of her envies Mai. Mai looks so poised in her own dress, and the skirts are probably an asset to her. She can hide more knives in them.

"Hey," someone says softly.

Azula glances over her shoulder, too unsure of this dress to risk turning in it.

It's one of those handsome Li boys, the ones who usually dance around Ty Lee or the useless noble girls. The ones who sometimes dare Mai and never give her more than basic respect.

He's smiling.

"Want to dance, mi'lady?"


Re: Azula dormouse_in_tea February 6 2011, 06:33:08 UTC
This is my favorite of all of them!


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