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Comments 58

amberdreams March 5 2014, 14:24:19 UTC
You always manage to write what I'm trying to think. LOL


ash48 March 5 2014, 14:33:45 UTC

(oh man, distracted like WOAH by your icon…O_O :D)


amberdreams March 5 2014, 14:54:04 UTC
Bwhahah I posted the whole pic on my journal to distract me after this episode. But I'm feeling a lot better now...


borgmama1of5 March 5 2014, 14:29:19 UTC
We can't be objective when we watch Sam and Dean - we are too attached to them...so we can't step back and look at what they are going through with a clear understanding.Good point ( ... )


ash48 March 5 2014, 14:43:10 UTC

Oh yes definitely lots of anvils - so many that I HAVE to think it was meant to be done that way (I was groaning at some of them).

And yes to those comparisons.

Man, I hope you are right, that seeing the Ghostfacers break up will make the boys really think about reconciling…

I really had the feeling that they are starting to see that what they have is worth fighting for. Also, we KNOW they will be back together -it's just a matter of when.

did Dean stab the skinny guy or was he trying to stop the guy from killing himself?

It was murky wasn't it? I got the feeling it was Dean killing him - especially after seeing Sam's face. But I'd have to watch it again to see if they guy was trying to kill himself. I think if that was so, Dean wouldn't have stopped him. Maybe?

just seemed to mean like Dean understood the effect killing a person was going to have on Harry.Yeah. I think that's something Dean would understand. I also think that Dean was so mean to Ed and Harry because he knows what they are doing could get them ( ... )


vyperdd March 5 2014, 14:31:23 UTC
This is possibly the closest we are going to get to Sam's pov. We've had to see it through Harry's story - but at least we've seen it.I so hope you are wrong here!!! I want to see Sam's POV through Sam (and acted out by Jared) not through a secondary character who is one of my least favourites on the show. (That said, I did enjoy this ep more than I thought I would, given how much I dislike the Ghostfacers). I actually squealed when Sam sat down with Harry, thinking 'yeah, Sam is finally going to have a meaningful, in depth conversation with someone other than Dean, someone who has been through something vaguely similar though nowhere near as serious as what Dean did to Sam, someone who can sympathise with Sam and understand the hurt, someone who won't just tell him to 'get over it ( ... )


ash48 March 5 2014, 14:48:45 UTC
I so hope you are wrong here!!!

Hee! Me too! I don't want this to be the case but seeing has how they seem to have trouble giving us Sam's pov on this issue, they've chosen to show us Harry's instead. OR it might just be that Sam could relate to Harry and have a clearer understanding about what's been bothering him. *shrugs* I don't really know.

I actually squealed when Sam sat down with Harry,

Oh I did too! I actually said out loud "go into the room". I nearly fell over when he did. He didn't get a long scene, but at least it was something. And, to be honest, I think he said the most important thing to Harry - some things are harder to forgive.

I was pleased to get more insight into Sam this episode. And Dean - though I think we'll be getting a lot more on his headspace in coming episodes.


cassiopeia7 March 5 2014, 14:50:58 UTC
Yes. Yes. 100% agreement to all of this.

There's been many discussiosn/arguments about the Winchesters current situation and I think this is mainly due to it all being a little too subtle. Or rather, ambiguous. Much has been left open to interpretation. And boy, interpretations have differed wildly.

Agreed, agreed, agreed. A little too much has been left open to interpretation, if you ask me, and that's definitely the problem. The brothers don't finish conversations or sentences, so it's left up to this divided fandom to interpret what's not been said, what Sam and Dean are thinking? No, thanks. I've gotten to the point where I'll only engage conversation with those who can see the ambiguity of the brothers' situation.

And yes, Show IS treating us like children. We've been acting like spoiled brats and we damn well deserve it. (Am I a bit miffed with fandom RN? You betcha.) ;)

it's the secret that's hurt him the most. Not the non-con possession (and as much some of us would like this to be a major issue, it's not been ( ... )


amberdreams March 5 2014, 15:15:14 UTC
"Sam hasn't been "angry" for a while. To me, he's more melancholy -- a couple of times now, it looked as if he wanted to reconnect, but didn't have the (faith?) (energy?) to see things through. So he goes into his room and shuts the door."

Absolutely. I've been saying this for a long while - Sam's anger no longer fuels him and it's as though he's not found a substitute for it since Dean was lost in Purgatory or maybe even before that. Melancholy is a very good word for it.


cassiopeia7 March 5 2014, 15:26:01 UTC
Dean was lost in Purgatory; now Sam is just . . . lost. Oh, Show . . .

I'm torn. On the one hand, I want Sam to regain his spark, his spirit. To confront Dean and get everything -- UN-ambigously -- out in the open. On the other hand, Dean is sporting Cain's mark, undergoing dark changes, and I'm not all that keen on two brothers having a blowup when one of them may be succumbing to the Cain effect.


amberdreams March 5 2014, 15:33:20 UTC
Now if they were to go that way with the show, I'd actually be pleased. Effing terrified, but hell's bells, what a story!


quickreaver March 5 2014, 16:03:49 UTC
Your unpopular opinion is pretty spot-on to me!

I feared that they were going to make Sam being pissed off with Dean the catalyst for him going dark side. It still might be part of it but I think it will be more about Dean looking inward and seeing things in himself that will be the trigger (and possibly the Mark).

OMG, THIS. And it makes me so relieved that Sam is releasing a lot of his anger (okay, turning it to melancholy but there's been much discussion of Sam's depression, so I think it fits.) We'd never hear the end of it if Dean went darkside and it was because Sam was being a mad meanie. Cough.

I ended up liking this episode, ham-fistedness and all. We definitely got some Sam POV (and I do hope that's not the last of it! Maybe Jenny Klein can become our champion for Sam viewpoint. We should tweet her.) And the Superman/Batman bit was such a breath of fresh air!


tebtosca March 5 2014, 16:14:33 UTC
We definitely got some Sam POV

I think they missed a HUGE opportunity to have real Sam POV in there, particularly in the scene with just him and Harry. This is the second time (along with Cas in 9.11) that we've had side characters talking at Sam instead of us hearing what Sam is thinking/feeling.


quickreaver March 5 2014, 16:24:26 UTC
I AGREE. Maybe I'm just so desperate for it, I'll take any crumb they throw me!


ash48 March 5 2014, 23:13:35 UTC


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