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borgmama1of5 March 5 2014, 14:29:19 UTC
We can't be objective when we watch Sam and Dean - we are too attached to them...so we can't step back and look at what they are going through with a clear understanding.

Good point!

My first reaction to this ep was 'oy, the anvils' but upon mulling it over, it does work, like you say, to let us look at the boys' situation as a parallel. And it not a complete parallel, which is what makes it food for thought:

Ed didn't want Harry to go live a normal life.
Dean didn't want Sam to die.

Both are generated from a selfish point of view, but Ed took away Harry's choices of what kind of life he could have. Dean took away Sam's choice to die.

Man, I hope you are right, that seeing the Ghostfacers break up will make the boys really think about reconciling...

One thing I need to rewatch--did Dean stab the skinny guy or was he trying to stop the guy from killing himself? I couldn't tell. If Dean did kill him, I would wonder if that was the Mark's influence, but that would be awfully subtle in a show full of anvils...Also, his reaction to Harry shooting the deputy--Dean put his hand out and lowered Harry's gun--just seemed to mean like Dean understood the effect killing a person was going to have on Harry.

As always, your insights make me think more!


ash48 March 5 2014, 14:43:10 UTC

Oh yes definitely lots of anvils - so many that I HAVE to think it was meant to be done that way (I was groaning at some of them).

And yes to those comparisons.

Man, I hope you are right, that seeing the Ghostfacers break up will make the boys really think about reconciling…

I really had the feeling that they are starting to see that what they have is worth fighting for. Also, we KNOW they will be back together -it's just a matter of when.

did Dean stab the skinny guy or was he trying to stop the guy from killing himself?

It was murky wasn't it? I got the feeling it was Dean killing him - especially after seeing Sam's face. But I'd have to watch it again to see if they guy was trying to kill himself. I think if that was so, Dean wouldn't have stopped him. Maybe?

just seemed to mean like Dean understood the effect killing a person was going to have on Harry.

Yeah. I think that's something Dean would understand. I also think that Dean was so mean to Ed and Harry because he knows what they are doing could get them killed. Or worse, actually turn them into people like themselves. Hunting the supernatural isn's a good life and I think he wanted to protect Ed and Harry from that.


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