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quickreaver March 5 2014, 16:03:49 UTC
Your unpopular opinion is pretty spot-on to me!

I feared that they were going to make Sam being pissed off with Dean the catalyst for him going dark side. It still might be part of it but I think it will be more about Dean looking inward and seeing things in himself that will be the trigger (and possibly the Mark).

OMG, THIS. And it makes me so relieved that Sam is releasing a lot of his anger (okay, turning it to melancholy but there's been much discussion of Sam's depression, so I think it fits.) We'd never hear the end of it if Dean went darkside and it was because Sam was being a mad meanie. Cough.

I ended up liking this episode, ham-fistedness and all. We definitely got some Sam POV (and I do hope that's not the last of it! Maybe Jenny Klein can become our champion for Sam viewpoint. We should tweet her.) And the Superman/Batman bit was such a breath of fresh air!


tebtosca March 5 2014, 16:14:33 UTC
We definitely got some Sam POV

I think they missed a HUGE opportunity to have real Sam POV in there, particularly in the scene with just him and Harry. This is the second time (along with Cas in 9.11) that we've had side characters talking at Sam instead of us hearing what Sam is thinking/feeling.


quickreaver March 5 2014, 16:24:26 UTC
I AGREE. Maybe I'm just so desperate for it, I'll take any crumb they throw me!


ash48 March 5 2014, 23:13:35 UTC


cassiopeia7 March 5 2014, 16:46:27 UTC
But if Dean does go darkside, it's due to Cain's mark, not anything Sam has done . . . why (how??) would anyone possibly blame it on Sam? (Or is that a can of worms best left unopened?)


quickreaver March 5 2014, 17:00:50 UTC
Oh, just a handful of verrrry vociferous (and in my mind, unempathetic) Dean!girls. YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THEM. Be very assured! Takes all kind to make a fandom, eh? ;)


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