Suppletree Hills BACC: Chapter 4: Charlie Dooley

Aug 03, 2011 20:08

~ Chapter 3~
Tash - Vijayakar - Hill-Chin

If you didn't read yesterday's post, I am back from hiatus with an update so huge, it's actually four updates. Today's post is the second in the series, aligned toward Charlie Dooley, ex-husband and baby daddy of Tash. Lately, he's gotten old and fallen in lust with Sandy Bruty. *shudder*

And where could Sandy be going in the rain late at night...?

Why, she's wandering out to build a clubhouse for Charlie's fun and profit, of course! Slacker career: opened, aww yeah! This is of no benefit to Sandy at all, of course. >w>

This joint is made of class.
Sandy: Hey, this is the best side of the bar for me to be on.
I suppose.

Tash workin' her sexy grandma powers in her ex-husband/occasional lover's club. This can't go wrong.

Or... maybe Charlie is too busy dropping sick beats to care. That works, too.

Anyways! Enough clubbing. Basil rolled a want to go out with Annabelle, and it seemed a wonderful opportunity for a date! D'awww. Also, that is the most you will ever see of that community centre. trufax.

Annabelle and Basil: omg what if I'm doing it wrong will they hate me forever I really hope I don't fuck up or I'll go insane actually... this is rather nice.

Accurate selfsim is TERRIBLE at poker. And an even worse role model.

It went very, very well despite my intrusion, as you can see. And I just adore Annabelle, so giving her a nice househusband might be just the thing. :3

Basil: I'm sorry, officer. If I'd known that that trailer was public property and that Annabelle's friend was full of crap when she said she asked the owner and he said we could do urban art on it, I would have said no, sir, I'm not doing that ever. Don't tell my mom. I'm really, really super-sorry. Please don't tell my dad. But mostly don't tell my mom.
Cop: La-la~ Sunshine and kittens~

...not due for another day bowr?

Oh hi InTeen miscarriage. Another casualty of playing windowed. I'm sorry, Sandy :( I won't let you nearly starve next time.

Charlie: And now, dalies and mentlegen, I need to pee.
Garden Club Dude: I remember this track! It's so hardcore!
Well, that's a change in scenery. When did that happen?

Just now. And how!

Charlie: Look at that face. Look at that gorgeous face. Four kids and a grandkid and not a trace of it on that bitchin' face.
Basil: LOL WUT

I'll just string together another update while Charlie and Basil debate that remark. See you soon!

Tash - Vijayakar - Hill-Chin

~ Chapter 5 ~

supple what now?

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