Suppletree Hills BACC: Chapter 3

Apr 14, 2011 13:54

~ Chapter 2 ~

When we last took a trip to Suppletree Hills, Charlie hit his LTW, Aida opened a salon and became a witch, Gretchen (Aida's wife) was also bewitched, their kids all grew up cute and they had another one, Tash was cured of her PlantSimism (as was her spore, Yarrow, after he transitioned into a gawjuss Adult), Jasmine (Charlie and Tash's daughter) hooked up with Derek and they decided to gtfo, baby or no. o hay rhyme time. So!

This is how Jasmine and Derek begin their life of marital bliss.
Jasmine: Can't this wait until you're made over?? Jeebus!

Stranger Danger: Hello, new neighbour! Let's have a biiig hug to celebrate your moving in!

Jasmine: III have no idea who you are but I'm too nice to punch you!
Derek: I'm not.
Ooh, I say, the landlord is rather dashing.


Oh hey, look who can get a Science job when he ages up :D
Jasmine: Is it just me, or are you suddenly 800% more attractive to me?
Derek: I am not creative enough to come up with an appropriate answer.
They were already 3-bolters, jsyk.

Tash: Hey, honey! I heard the news from your Dad. I just wanted to let you know that even though you merrily packed your bags, picked up one of your brothers and tailed Charlie against his wishes to his new house after the divorce, then ran away from home with the first guy you've ever had sex with, I still love you and I'm happy to support you through this tough time.
Jasmine: How did you get in?
Tash: Climbed a tree. Your kitchen window was wide open.
Jasmine: Mom, you know what I told you about that sarcasm problem.
Tash: ...I convinced it to lift me through.
Jasmine: Better, I guess.
Tash speaks the language of trees and turnips, trufax

D'awww, super-excited about invisible grandkid.

Invisible grandkid is no longer invisible! Meet Artemis Vijayakar. Dark hair and blue eyes is such a pretty combo.

Charlie: Can I talk to the baby? Oojy boojy!
Jasmine: Dad, I had the kid. She's right there. And how did you get in??
Charlie: With the number of bedrooms I've had to sneak out of, you think I couldn't sneak in? I'm offended. Hurt, even.

Jasmine: *rages for pretty much no reason*
Whuuu? Not much for parenting, I guess?

Is that... a Ten Nice Points Smile? I believe it is! My very first. Kinda creepy! :D

Not as creepy as this, though.
Derek: Right. I'm out.

And Artemis has the potential to be quite pretty or... rather terrifying. She continues her family's trend of amusing noses, though.

Protip: When you're going to a football game and then acting in a drag show right after, just plan to stop at home in between.

Tash invited everybody over for dinner and Charlie got seated at the kids' table, where he belongs.

Or does he belong in Tash's bed?
(Don't mind her face; Valerie forgot to bathe before she arrived.)

Yarrow: Something... is not right. I can feel it in the wind. Maybe I should check the garden.

Yarrow: Mooom! Did you already harvest the strawberries?! I think you put my psychic plant powers out of whack!

She later has a boy, Camphor, despite me deliberately going for WooHoo and not Try for Baby! Figures that when I decide a Sim should have herb-themed children's names, she poops out boys galore. He appears to share my trepidation.
Yarrow: SOMETHING IS NOT! RIGHT! It has been bugging me for DAYSSS what the fuckkk I HATE MY LIIIFE *tears out hair*

Yarrow: Oh, hello, strange cute child. Where did you come from? I don't care. I already love you. Let me share with you my psychic powers.

Tash: Damn right, I'm awesome.

And now Burnet is a Teen!
Burnet: Duuuuuuuuude! I can get laid now!
Indeed, Romance bro.

And Camphor is veeeeery awkward-looking. Ever notice that "awkward" feels very awkward to type? Weird, isn't it? Anyways, yeah. That hair is so gone.

Here's Burnet again, who turned out looking a bit like Marshall Mathers. Maybe not as much here, but with a buzz cut and in-game... eh, not really. Never mind.

So Joe was walking by and I was all omg pretty townie and sent out Yarrow to greet him and found that they have three bolts. Two three-bolt couples in one neighbourhood. This is freaking me out, peeps. Also, they are cute.

If they ever agree on anything. I love their complementary giant noses.

Joe: Unf, reasoned debate is almost as sexy as the piles of cash you're sitting on from selling the store.

Yarrow's first nosemeld!

Yarrow's first melding of other things not suitable for polite company! Moving on!

The new face templates are kicking in. Excellent.

Sandy: Charlie, what are-
Charlie: Sh. The Strut requires absolute focus. If done incorrectly, rocks will fall and everyone will die.

Oh, Charlie, you could do so much better. You did so much better.

Free country and no accounting for taste, I guess.

And... maybe a little love. Recurring fuckbuddy y/n?

Basil: Screw romantic subplots, I'm a Teen! I've got self-consciousness issues and everything!
And he's been so put off the ~rockstar lifestyle~ by hearing Charlie go at it constantly upstairs that he's a Family Sim.

Poof! Old. And yet looking exactly the same. That's not right.

Much better.
Charlie: Excuse me. I just need to kick some ass this way.

Sandy: This... this joy, this uplifting feeling I get simply from being around you... could it be... love?
Charlie: Aw, shit.
Yeah, that's right, Charlie. She's movin' in. It's your fault for having multiple bolts for her.

Basil: Hey, Mom. Is Burnet there? ... Sweet, put him on.
...Yo, bro! How's Teening? Good on you? I'm Family. What're you?
...Seriously? Oh my god you disgust me.
...Because you haven't been living with Dad, that's why.
...No, I don't want to share an apartment with you.
...Yes, but you weren't a sexoholic when we were kids. At least I hope not.
...Okay, no, I don't want to hear about it.
...No. Stop now.
...Seriously, stop it.
...I'm not listening.
...WHOA HOLLLD ON. You never told me you were gay!
...Bi. Whatever. You're gross.
...Sex is gross. You have sex. So you're gross.
...Cool, see you on Monday! Love you too, bro! :D

lol no.

Guess who's the only one on this block with any Mechanical points at all? Here's a hint: he's currently wondering why on earth he listened to Jasmine when she told him they were following Daddy to his new house.

In other news, who are the twins in this house again?
(Valerie and Julian actually look completely and totally different face-wise, they just have a habit of doing the same thing and having the same clothes and hair and skin tone.)

Tash: Whoa, short hair feels strange. Am I still a sexy mama?
Aida: You're a dead sexy mama.
Tash: Darn right. Sweet sexy mama power.
Someone Out There Who's Been Paying Attention: So wait, why isn't she old yet? Isn't she slightly older than Charlie?
Yes, she is. But she has a secret. A secret reserved only for sexy mamas.

But anyways! The unnamed baby from the previous chapter is this young gem, Genevieve! Pretty sure she's the last of this bunch. Also has the most squishy quotient.

So I built the Hill-Chins a new house because their old one was too small and I was too lazy to do a real remodel on it. And it is bright pink! I hope that eventually the neighbourhood will be filled with brightly coloured houses. Or maybe I should just move to Newfoundland and get it out of my system. Mmmm, Newfoundland. I will stop disturbing you now.

Valerie and Annabelle grew up a bit! Both very pretty. Bit of a mega-chin on them, but still. Valerie is now a Popularity Sim, and Annabelle is Knowledge, just like half the rest of the neighbourhood. Need more variety? Pfsh.

Valerie: If I walk around like this for the rest of my Teen years, do you think my neck will stick?

Annabelle: cool thing to do. Must emulate!

A rather humdrum family scene... but what's this?

Cripes, Jules, who spat in your hamburger?

Gretchen: Remember who pays your allowance, sweetie...
Julian: o rite. :DDD
Valerie: I am so pretty. Look at how fucking pretty I am.

Aida: I really hope we get some snow this year. I wish we lived a bit further north and got an actual winter.
Annabelle: I know what you mean! Maybe we should move north.
Valerie: y'all crazy bitches

Gretchen: ...and that is how you romance. Now go forth and be awesome.
Valerie and Annabelle: Aye, ma'am!
...wait, why are they in the bathroom...?

FLUFFY! Fluffy is Annabelle's BFFL. And now she has a want to be a werewolf. SWEET

And I think we're going to wrap it up on the happy note of Genevieve's hair being three times the size of her head. Happy Simming, my friends - I will have a new family to introduce you to next update!

~Chapter 4~
Tash ~ Charlie ~ Vijayakar ~ Hill-Chin

supple what now?

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