Suppletree Hills BACC: Chapter 4: The Hill-Chins

Aug 05, 2011 19:49

~ Chapter 3~
Tash - Charlie - Vijayakar

HEY GUESS WHAT. It's fucking FRIDAY. HELL YES. It's also the fourth day of my progressive posting of one HUUUGE apology update and the final instalment. So what happened with the Hill-Chins last time? Not much. Kids grew up. House got remodeled. John Boehner cried. Par for the course.

Genevieve is a living paradox. She runs everywhere, but looks very grim all the time. She can has muffin, but it is burnt. She's a mindbender!

And I suppose it's telling that Valerie easily befriended the universally hated Sophie Miguel. Also, although both Burnet and Basil Dooley have a bolt or two for her twin sister Annabelle, they have anti-chemistry with Valerie. This could be interesting :3

Genevieve: But holy crap my sister is dating your uncle HOW DOES THIS MAKE SENSE
Artemis: Let's stop thinking and play instead.

Genevieve: Okay :)

Annabelle: No, you take your hands and - Guys, you - listen! You - UGHHH KIDS
Artemis and Genevieve: lol w/e best smustle friends

Meanwhile, magic is happening in the bedroom.
Aida: Good job conjuring butterflies indoors! I'm impressed.
Gretchen: Thanks. Next, I'll banish those panties.

And then it is away to the salon to make more monies! And making new enemies.
Joe: You... you shaved me! I'll have your ass for this! Do you know who my husband is?!
Aida: Ummmm, uh, nobody, judging by that engagement ring, but it is a honking big one, isn't it, heh heh...

...the heck? Better check it out. Time for some magic training!

Aida: Ooh! Could this be a magical ointment to cure all ills? To bring unquestioning love and happiness? To summon money on first application? To melt away fat and flab?

No, no, that would be the extra-strength expectorant.
Aida stayed for, like, a day and Studied the Ways of Light (for the night is dark and full of terrors), and then...

Annabelle: You're really sparkly. :D
Aida: ikr

Gretchen: It's... IT'S INSIDE MEEE
Annabelle: Yeah great now please tell me why I can't get to the bench through the wall because it's pissing me off something terrible.

JOE, YOU HORNDOG! I mean, I get the whole need-to-indulge-urges-for-poon thing and she's got it like whoa, but SHE'S YOUR MOTHER-IN-LAW!
This had better make for hilarious drama.

I think it's an improvement. No, seriously.

Look what Aida has!

Look what Aida also has! Her name is Vanna and I took this like 3 days after they got her because puppies are B-O-R-I-N-G in-game.

And Julian! My goodness, he's rather smashing. He's also a Fortune Sim. Rich and pretty. Boy would have it made if he wasn't so pissy.

Annabelle: Mama seems to spend a lot of time in her lair these days. I'm awfully curious about what she gets up to... maybe we should investigate!
Valerie: Yeah, sure, the burgers are great, let's go shopping or something tomorrow.
Annabelle: I... have other plans.

WHOOOA CHILDREN. Learn from Jasmine's example!
Annabelle: I'm a Knowledge Sim. I researched this shit. We're good.
Basil: ...are we? I don't know, I wanted to wait until marriage -
Annabelle: Like that ever happens. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you and I also want to sex the hell out of you.
Basil: Okay!
All right, fine, maybe they're adorable.

Basil: Cuuuddles?
Annabelle: Fine, yes, cuddles. Just gimme a sec to bask.
Basil: Okay. :3

Julian: You just did what to my sister? My baby sister?!
Basil: Dude, she's way older than you, and I just wanted to have your goodwill -
Julian: You won't have my goodwill until you leave forever and ever.
Basil: Um, wow... uh... awkward. Well, hope you change your mind, see ya later, put on a shirt.
Julian: *growl* I will go half-naked as I please.

Basil: Go you! Kick that homework's ass!
Annabelle: *giggle*
Sure, I guess they're definitely adorable.

And even more so when Julian removes the pointy from his posterior.

By the way, this is Elena.

And this is Eliza. Twin girls! Like this house needed more girls! Whatever, they're cute.

Gretchen: You want me to take care of my children?! Why can't Aida and I just spend all day in bed?
Um, cause and effect?

Definite effect, and plenty of cause. Time for a shift at the salon, apropos of nothing!

And you're no better, Sandy, but you're Romance, I expect this of you.

One preggo.

Two preggo!

And a maternal makeover at long last for Gretchen. To her left, the secret of this house's sanity.

:3 Cute~

Oh, come on, B. No need to lie. Working at a coffee shop is nothing to be ashamed of.

Vanna grew up!
Vanna: With a vengeance!

Elena the Hairless!

And Eliza the Already-Dyeing!

Vanna: I shall tolerate your insolence, but only this once, bald monkey child. Soon I will find your secrets.

Poof! Gabriel.
Gabriel: Oh yeah. Right there. You got it. Keep scratching.
And, of course, because Aida only had one...

Gretchen (mid-sneeze) gives us Alastair...

...and Zachary...

...and Madeline! That's ten kids in total. If Aida wasn't aging up in two days, I would shit myself.

And that's the last one! Hopefully the next one won't take three and a half frigging months 8/ I think I'll do them in three-day bits instead of week-longs. We'll see how that works out!

Tash - Charlie - Vijayakar

~ Chapter 5 ~

supple what now?

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