Suppletree Hills BACC: Chapter 5

Oct 08, 2011 23:03

~ Chapter 4~

We're back, and things have changed a little bit. Not only am I never going to do a full-week update again (EVER), but I finally planted the new family I promised all those months ago...

"Yeah. The big city."
"It's... kinda green. And..."
"...beautiful? Urbane? Cultured?"
"G, turn around and look. There's, like, nothing here."

"What are you talking about? There's a tenement right th..."

"I knew I shouldn't have let you set the conrip!"
"Really? Last time you wanted to use it to cross the street, you ended up in a random forest with a big, toothy gnurl staring at you!"
"Oh, like you're doing any better!"
"We just hopped a star cluster. I think I did."
"I think you missed by half a world! How do you even know we're on the right planet?!"
"Because I will bet money that that is Sol up there and that we're on the third planet away from it."
"Yes. Sol."

"I didn't want to go to Sol!"
"Look, there's got to be a reason the Verd are so interested in colonizing it."
"Because they're sex-crazed loons and the Soli can reproduce with them! Why would we want to go to Sol?!"
"Because I want to see - "
"This is not about what you want. It's about what we want. And we don't want to be in the fucking Sol system."

"Go charge the conrip, and make it fast. I don't want to be here for years."
"Whatever we say."

Ahem. Drama and storying aside. To observe human culture, Phro went ahead and immersed herself in the local club.
Phro: Hey, drinks. You all want drinks, right? I found this under the sink. Anyone want drinks?
Ben: heyyyyy
Sandy: Get lost.

Derek: Wow, would I love to study that.
Phro: Oh my jacket, you have innuendos on this planet? Score~ Um, I'm really sorry, but I'm kind of... taken.
Derek: So am I. No big deal.
Phro: No... big... ... ... !

Phro: Have you ever considered that maybe we're just as compatible with Soli as the Verd? I mean, biologically? I'm tempted to find out and I think it might be possible.

Gammon: Ha! Impossible. Not only are they a different species, you were given to me in the Red Dance. You can't be "biologically compatible" with anyone else, let alone a Soli.
And keep in mind that even with ACR on full throttle, he hasn't been 'biologically compatible' with her, either. Looooooserrrrrrr.

Whatever you say.

What's this? A manfriend? A very good manfriend! Unfortunately, I noticed that Toby was the only guy in the room not wolf whistling at Phro and ACR tells me he likes dudes. What can I say? Everyone needs a weird alien friend.

Toby knows this guy, apparently, and he's a ladylover, so he went ahead and set them up 'cause he figured two straight people have to be attracted to each other. Fortunately, they had a decent date, despite ACR buggering out and refusing to allow them to boink on the couches at Charlie's. I smell a booty call later.

- Strange-as-hell genetics.
- Named Antoine.
- Epic mophead.
I think we have another winner of a townie. I'll put him down after Willie Orion.

And this is the joy and low-budget-ness of Gammon's first business. Note the pregnant Jasmine autonomously handling dangerous pesticides while her not-pregnant, appropriately-attired husband horses around away and over.
Natural selection should have destroyed the Dooleys by now.

And Phro, meanwhile, brought this fellow home from her job at the music shop and immediately started hitting on him. Abel, I think? Regardless, totes cute.

And very biologically compatible. *eyebrow waggle*

Meanwhile, at Tash Dooley's house...

The classiest marriage in town.

And Camphor finally meets his father!
Camphor: Hi! I'm the fruit of your loins!

What a shame. Because he's so polite and self-aware when he's a guest.

And such an attentive father.
Well, I mean, Yarrow doesn't count anyways because Tash parthenogenesed him. But that arm holding the fire extinguisher is Burnet's. Come on, man!

No question of paternity, no sir. That chin could fasten rivets. In fact, I'd be willing to bet cash that he only got his eyes from Tash.

Which... may turn to his advantage. I'm sorry, Tash! Sorry that I made you so pretty as an adult without considering the effects of gravity over time.

Tash: You guys making whoopee? Yeah? Okay, just checkin'.

Oh my. I can only hope it's that "momentary fling" kind of attraction. No way in hell I'm putting one of my Sims in any kind of long-term romantic setup with Sophie Miguel. Even if she hasn't kicked over any trash cans here yet.

Tash: Hey, kiddo! This hug is totally platonic. It's normal to hug your in-laws this closely for this long.
Burnet: Sure thing, dudes. I'll just let Cam know.

Camphor: Yo, good job on marrying my brother! And staying married to him!
Joe: That's not what your mom said last night.

Sophie: My gods, your husband is sooo hot. How did you land him? And keep him? I'd be more than happy to have him for the rest of my life!
Joe: ...
It was hilarious. Everyone pretty much dogpiled him, extolling Yarrow's virtues, within a Sim-hour of him hugging Tash.

Joe: Whatevs, still sexy.
Tash: Damn right.

The mostly ignored Marian as child! I may have been completely wrong when I said that there was plenty of Tash in her.

Nice going, Joe! I never pegged you for a sociologist.
Joe: I do get pegged, though. By your mom.
That you do, graverobber.

Even without the backache! moodlet, it's still autonomous adorableness. <3

And on that sweet note, we move over to the other Dooley house.
Basil: My darling, I can only wonder at the sparkling intelligence in your eyes.
Annabelle: You should be a poet, sweetling!
Sandy: Not to interrupt, but I heard you two having sex earlier. Mind keeping it down? Charlie and I have our own noise to pay attention to.
Basil: ...thanks for that, Sandy.

Sandy: But I could totally make noise with that, too.

Burnet! RUN! I don't care if there are boobies in your face she is like twice your age and boffing your ancient father and you need to RUUUN!

Before he took my advice, Burnet made a request of Basil, bringing new significance to the term "hook a brother up."

Moving on to the Vijayakars' new house!

And the Vijayakars' new baby! This is Chryson. Dammit, Jasmine! y u no have kids darker than distressingly pale??

Jasmine and Artemis: Smustle buddies!!! *Ten Nice Points Smiles*

Wow, she's surprisingly pretty. From this angle.

Not so much this one. I had time to make her over and get a good look before Chryson grew up, and hoo boy did she get an interesting combination. Chryson, additionally, takes after his father at no advantage to himself.

In a different house, Genevieve seems to have gotten a bit taller and teenlike. Now, a quick note: there are going to be relatively few pictures from the Hill-Chin house. Why? Because they have ten gorram kids. Not kidding. Remember last update? No? Cool, neither do I. (Never write four consecutive updates while drunk.) But I do remember that they have so many kids that I was emitting random yowls as I was trying to keep track of them, much to my roommates' chagrin. The only escape was at Aida's style studio.

Because I fucking can.

Genevieve's makeover! :3

One last round of whoopee before...

...Aida looks too much like someone's nana for it to not feel weird. Even after the makeover that I don't have a cap of.


Someday... someday, she will be hairy.

Vanna: Someday... someday, I will reward you for your treachery.

Annabelle, Valerie and Artemis: Smustle partaaay~
Julian: *is too cool for Smustling*
Artemis's Hair: *matches the wall lol*
Homework: *will not be done for days*
Actions: *broken up like this to annoy you*

Julian is not too cool, however, to do the Flingy Arm Dance with Arti.

Julian: And then they had more kids! I shit you not. So now they're all peeing and pooping in their pants and it sucks a lot. But I deal with it because I am a kind and loving big brother.
Annabelle: Hey, asshole! What you talkin' 'bout? Impressing the neighbour girl? Oh, awesome! Arti, you wanna see a picture of him sitting on the piano naked except for a stupid hat? 'Cause I've got some of those.

Arti: *staaare*
I think it may be love. :D

Fuck it, here's all the birthdays at once. Clockwise from top left: Eliza, Zachary, Elena, Gabriel, Alastair and Madeline. Hold on, I think Zack's picture cries out for something...

And not a single fuck was given.

And one last birthday from Gretchen for good measure.

Kind of sad that everybody's getting all old and shit. Even sadder that I've been playing this thing for eight months and only now are the adults I created hitting Elder. Hope the next update isn't all filled with death and gloom and stuff.

~ Chapter 6 ~

supple what now?

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