NaNo Ridiculousness Chapter 15

Nov 26, 2012 12:18

Hey there,

Here's Chapter 15 of "I Prefer the Mind Control." I'm trying to make actual chapters now. Enjoy NSFW the ridiculousness!

Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5(ish), Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14


Xan and I fell from that whiteness into yet more whiteness. I blinked, wondering where the hell I even was now. Fuck, where is Xan? I wondered. I no longer held his hand. My heart hammered in my chest. I turned onto my side, only then realizing I was lying down, on some kind of bed. The walls glowed with a kind of familiarity. Wait a fucking second: I was in a hospital, wasn't I?

I turned onto my other side and drowned in relief. There, in the other bed, was Xan. Thank fucking goodness, I thought. You want to know the truth? For a second, I thought I might have imagined everything with Xan and woken up in the psych ward. If you had done that to me, author, I would have taken a hammer to the fourth wall and come after you.

“Hey Xan, you awake?” I asked.

He muttered, “Yeah, I'm awake. Dylan, try to stay still.”

Huh? That didn't make any sense to me. “Why do I need to stay still? Because I was shot?”

Xan murmured, “Because we're incompletely Soulbonded right now. At the moment, your soul is still technically in pieces.”

Really? I couldn't tell, only I did feel kind of weird, and my brain did feel rather fuzzy, now that I thought about it.

“My soul is seriously in pieces right now? How can you tell?” I wondered.

“I can tell because I'm holding the pieces together for you.”

I got really nervous, my stomach clenching. “You can put the pieces back together, right?”

Xan nodded. “Of course. You just need to stay as still as possible, alright?”

“Okay, I can do that,” I said.

And what the fuck?

Strange music started playing. I didn't move, but out of the corner of my eye, I thought I could see Xan's moving his lips. Was he singing? Those strange tones - they were coming from him? Seriously? My brain felt odd now. No longer fuzzy but strangely peaceful and warm. Then my vision went weird, covering the whole room in pale, swirling rainbows.

After that, thinking at all became impossible. I was conscious, but I didn't use thoughts like a person normally would. Instead, I become a kind of awareness, knowing I existed yet unable to do much more as I waited for Xan to reconstruct me.

He had held my soul in pieces before, but now I felt a sense of preparation, like he were deciding how to fit them back together again.

The strange music still played, but I also heard Xan's voice in my mind. That's good, just stay still like that. Be a good boy.

By this point, I couldn't move even if I wanted to. It was much like what had happened in the actual Soulbreaking Ceremony Room. Xan seemed to be inside me, metaphorically speaking.

I heard Xan say, Free will? You don't need much of that, now do you? I'll just take most of that out.

The rainbow swirls increased in brightness for a moment. At the same time, an impossible pleasure flowed through my body, unlike anything I had yet experienced.

Apparently, he noticed what I was feeling. You liked that, didn't you?

I did indeed like that, but I didn't possess any means of responding to Xan. Another wave of that impossible pleasure flowed through me, even stronger than the first one, and accompanied by another temporary increase in the brightness of the rainbow light. I may have gasped a little. Damn fuck, Xan didn't even touch me and could do such things to me.

Your soul is going to be so easy to reassemble in a better form. Now let me remove that pesky desire for freedom, not that you seemed to have very much of it.

Yet another wave of that impossible pleasure ripped through my body. I definitely gasped that time. If I could have moved at all, my whole body would probably be shaking.

I heard Xan laugh inside my head. My, my you're enjoying this, aren't you, little slut?

That I couldn't fucking deny, not that I would want to deny it.

The next wave that ripped through me nearly caused me to black out.

Xan realized this. Don't worry. I won't let you black out, though it's nice to know I have such power over you that I can push you so far. We're almost done, anyway. Soon, so very, very soon, you will truly be mine, pretty one.

Fucking hell, I wanted that so badly. I could almost feel Xan working with the remaining pieces of my soul to put them back together in a better form. No more extraordinary bursts of pleasure happened, but I did feel a wonderful sense of satisfaction and rightness as Xan worked. Everything felt as if it were falling into place. To get a little goofy with language, I felt like I were meeting my destiny, though I didn't believe in fucking destiny.

Are you ready for me to put the final piece into place? Xan asked.

It must have been a rhetorical question on account of how I couldn't move or speak, but, yes, I was ready. More than ready. Super-ready. More than super-ready.

I am going to put it into place now. And you will be mine.

Another wave of pleasure hit me then. This one? So fucking powerful I did black out, right as the rainbow lights brightened to their most intense yet. As I lost consciousness, I gasped. Surely, I wore an expression of bliss on my face, as that's what I felt: impossible fucking bliss.

When I came to, Xan sat by my beside. I woke to his smiling face. My heart fucking stopped for a moment. Never had he looked so damn beautiful. His eyes blazed with power, and he wore an expression I had never seen before. Hard to describe just what it was. Xan looked, I guess you would say, possessive, but in a sweet and not-creepy way.

He lightly ran his hand across my forehead and down my cheek. He murmured, “It worked. You're mine now. How are you feeling?”

Good question. I felt...right, with a sort of “warm and fuzzy” sensation. Felt safe and secure, too. Ironically enough, I felt freer than I ever had before.

I smiled. “Didn't know it was even possible to feel this right.”

Xan gently kissed my forehead before smiling back at me. “I'm glad to hear it. You look even more beautiful than before being Broken.”

“You look even better yourself,” I said. “Seriously, you look damn amazing. I mean, you always looked damn amazing, but you look even more amazing now.”

He answered by kissing me full on the lips, so tenderly and so deeply. I opened my mouth eagerly to Xan's advances, pushing my tongue forward to meet his. Joy rippled through me. When he pulled away, I grinned. His eyes met mine, and I felt that rightness again. That right feeling was always with me since I had woken up, but it was even more intense when I looked at Xan.

He said, “You liked that, didn't you?”

“I can't imagine not liking what you do to me.”

Xan chuckled. “True, true. You are programmed to want me.”

“Best. Programming. Ever,” I answered.

“You have no idea how good the programming can be. The things I can make you do and feel now that you truly belong to me? They'll be a lot of fun,” he murmured. “For example, allow me to demonstrate.”

He got off his chair, climbing onto my bed and settling down on top of me. The warmth of him felt so fucking good. I writhed beneath Xan as he began kissing my neck. Every single time I thought things couldn't get better, they could. That sense of rightness infused me. Damn, I enjoyed Xan so very much. When he nipped at my neck, I moaned slightly.

I wrapped my arms around him, pressing him to me. Already, my body ached for more. Sure, I realized I had just woken up from nearly fucking dying (again), but that did not stop me from wanting Xan. Not at all.

He murmured, “You want more, don't you?”

“Yes - yes please,” I said.

“Good, because I want to give you more. A hungry little slut like you needs more, oh yes.” Xan ripped off the silvery hospital gown I hadn't even realized I was wearing.

Now completely exposed, I ached yet more. He teased my neck with his tongue. Then, he grazed my skin with his teeth. The slight pain sent sparks of pleasure through me. I gasped, even arching my back a little bit.

Xan chuckled against my skin. “You respond so well.”

“I aim to please, sir,” I said.

“'Sir?' I like that. And you should aim to please. After all, you're my little plaything, and that's what you're here for,” he purred, his breath hot against me.

He kissed my neck again, moving then onto my collarbone. Xan teased me, darting his tongue back and forth along said collarbone. His actions warmed me and excited me, too. I could feel how hard I had gotten already. For that matter, I could feel how hard Xan himself was.

I moaned as he started kissing down my chest. Damn fuck, he sure knew how to use his tongue and lips to great effect.

“Damn, you're - you're good,” I gasped. Words were becoming difficult to form even now.

“Why, thank you,” Xan said. “You know what? I don't need this flimsy gown. You would like me naked, wouldn't you, you eager whore?”

I nodded.

Much to my delight, he ripped off his own silvery hospital gown. When I saw Xan fully naked, my heart stopped for a moment. Damn, he truly was fucking beautiful. Perfection in humanoid form. He allowed me a second to admire him, his bronze eyes blazing as they looked into my own silver ones.

Those eyes of his? Magic, they had to be. Everything about Xan had to be magic. After all, he had manipulated my very soul. The same soul that vibrated with incredible joy right now. Xan didn't give me that much time to admire him, though, because he quickly enough began kissing down my chest. I writhed beneath him, unable to stay anything like still because of all the pleasure.

I even grabbed the sheets to steady myself. Yes, I needed that extra stability despite the fact Xan was just kissing me. Kissing me so fucking expertly my breathing grew ragged and short just from that. I moaned when he took my nipple in his mouth. He played with it, using his tongue to send sparks of delight through my body. Such sparks made me incapable of speech but not incapable of making other noises. Inhuman noises.

Xan's skills permeated my entire being. His ability and power overwhelmed me. I felt so helpless before him, and I delighted in that, delighted in how small I became.

He evidently delighted in it, too. “Like what I'm doing, don't you? I own you. You're my slave.”

Undoubtedly, that was the fucking truth. I moaned as he moved on to the other nipple, playing with it like he did the first one. Damn, Xan excited me just so much. I arched my back as he continued doing what he was doing. Everything - it all felt so perfect and so fucking right. My very soul resonated with his. I sensed his ownership of me, sensed it to the core of my self. It enhanced the physical joy Xan gave me so very much. I could have floated away on the amazing sensations. Only my partner's weight kept me grounded.

I gripped the sheets even tighter as Xan moved lower on my chest. Damn fuck, my body ached. The desire almost hurt me with its strength. The good kind of hurt. The kind of hurt that begged for me to be hurt more. In fact, I begged for more with the noises I made, or tried to beg, anyway.

Xan got the message. “Not enough for you, is it, you slut? I know what you need.” His eyes flashed knowingly, and he smirked. Was he going to do what I thought he might? Please, Xan, do what I thought you might.

Indeed, he was. I moaned as he positioned himself between my legs and took me in his mouth. My eyes rolled back a bit in my head as Xan started working me. I gripped the sheets even tighter, which I hadn't know I could do. When he grazed my cock with his teeth, I gasped, arching my back again.

How? How could Xan feel so fucking amazing? It didn't seem fair because how could I have gotten so fucking lucky as to belong to someone so perfect? As his lips slid up and down my length, the pleasure transported me to some other state of existence. No longer was I human. Again, I became a vessel for his power, became a creature made of nothing but joy and pleasure.

Soon enough, my body couldn't hold all the joy it felt, and I came. My eyes rolled back in my head, and white light flashed behind my eyes. I let out a noise somewhere between a gasp and a moan, my delight being very vocally evident. Xan swallowed everything. As I went soft and slipped out of him, I caught his eyes. They bored right through me, and I shivered. Damn, he was intense. A satisfied sort of exhaustion suffused me as I lay panting on the hospital bed.

Xan crawled up beside me as a familiar voice called out, “Looks like I caught the end of the show, huh?” It was Jirrin.

While I was too wiped out to sit up immediately, Xan had no such problem. “Hello, Jirrin,” he said as he sat up.

“Hi,” I managed from my prone position.

I noticed Jirrin held a fancy silvery box. He told us, “You guys don't know how glad I am you're alive.”

“Not as glad as I am to be alive. These attempts on my life are getting fucking old,” I grumbled.

Jirrin laughed. “They are, aren't they? But you're apparently hard to kill, Dylan. Maybe the universe wants you alive.”

“If the universe really wanted me alive, it would quit with the assassination attempts,” I countered.

Jirrin said, “Anyway, Dr. Merrico said I could bring this to you if you were awake. Apparently the nurses checked on you right before you woke up. Funny timing, that.”

Xan asked, “Jirrin, do you know exactly how and why Dylan was attacked?”

He sighed. “I do, more or less. It was, of course, Krun. He was working through Berri this time.”

My eyes widened. “Berri? The chick from the clothes shop? But she seemed to like me!”

Jirrin nodded. “Krun made her an offer she couldn't refuse, apparently. Something about threatening her sister. Dylan, Krun probably wants you dead out of pure spite no, since you survived previous attempts, and he's out of the running for the throne anyway.”

That was a fucking stupid reason to kill someone.

I smacked my forehead with my palm and groaned, “Please tell me they arrested him so he can't fucking try and kill me anymore.”

Jirrin said, “He was arrested, at least.”

Xan slipped off the bed. “Hey, let's concentrate on something happier. Jirrin, I'm assuming that box contains our Soulbreaking Symbols?”

Soulbreaking Symbols? What?

“You're right about that.” Jirrin opened the box. From my angle, I couldn't see what was in it.

Xan reached into the box and pulled out what looked like a choker necklace. It was silvery, maybe three quarters of an inch thick, with a swirling, glowing design that cycled through all the colors of the rainbow. It reminded me of King Myd's necklace, and I realized exactly what the item was for.

I can't help going “ooh” at it. Both Xan and Jirrin noticed this; they smiled at me.

“This Symbol is for you, Dylan,” Xan explained. “To show that we're Soulbonded, to show the world how you're mine.”

He walked over to me. Then, Xan pulled at the necklace, which split in two, with the halves appearing to be connected by some kind of invisible hinge. I had wondered how the thing would fit around my neck.

Xan murmured, “Come sit up now.”

I did as I was told. He positioned himself behind me as Jirrin watched with a big smile on his face. Xan put the Symbol around my neck and snapped it into place. As it clicked shut, warmth rushed through me. That sense of rightness flared, and I couldn't hep grinning widely. Xan wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me.

“How does it feel?” he asked.


“Just like you,” Xan said.

My cheeks warmed; I almost certainly was blushing. Xan let go of me and went to retrieve another item from the box Jirrin held. His Symbol turned out to be a bracelet that looked like a smaller version of my necklace. He put it on his left wrist.

“Hey, we match,” I remarked, smiling.

Xan smiled back at me. “That we do.”

My soul, which I now knew existed without a doubt? It fucking sang right now. A full fucking chorus of joy. I know that sounds silly, but, hey, I can't describe it better, okay? If you don't like my words, why don't you come up with some better ones?

Jirrin said, “You guys look so good together.”

Definitely blushing now. And definitely the fucking happiest I had ever been. If happiness were electricity, I could have powered the entire fucking planet. Of course, happiness didn't make a practical, or even possible, energy source, but damn I felt fucking happy. So happy. I grinned, letting myself just enjoy the sensations of joy and satisfaction and rightness.

Xan's eyes met mine. They sparkled, and the beauty of them stopped my heart again. Damn, he had such power over me; it was fucking amazing. You know what else was amazing? Fucking everything. Seriously, just fucking everything, barring the assassination attempts. Those weren't so cool, but, hey, even those were a reasonable price to pay to have Xan.

Jirrin interrupted my reverie. “You'll never believe what happened.”

“What?” Xan and I asked simultaneously.

“Somehow you two managed to seemingly spontaneously generate two ultra-powerful energy guns and two pairs of sunglasses. From nothing,” he breathed. “What exactly happened to you two while you were out? My coworkers and I have a bunch of theories, and they're studying the objects you made, but I would like to hear it from you.”

My eyes popped, bugging out. “Wait, what?”

Jirrin said, “Somehow, you two just...generated stuff. I want to know how.”

Xan tried to explain, “I don't know how, but it must have to do with the strange dimension we went to when Dylan almost died. It was an odd place, somehow existing for us because the attempt on his life happened when his soul was shattered, just like the legends and theories said.”

Indeed, that place was strange. So strange and so sparkly. So much had happened to me that was strange, but, like I said, it was all fucking worth it to have Xan. Damn fuck, was it worth it.

nanowrimo, nano novel 2012, character: dylan, nsfw (actual sexual content - really!), character: xan, character: jirrin, pairing: xan/dylan, series: i prefer the mind control

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