NaNo Ridiculousness Day 1

Nov 02, 2012 20:47

This is the stuff from the first (VERY long) day for my NaNo project, "I Prefer the Mind Control" which I actually started earlier. Therefore, this may not actually make sense, but I figured I should put it up here. Also, everything in "I Prefer the Mind Control" should be considered NSFW.


After Doctor Merrico left, the most random fucking thing struck me. “How the hell was I able to understand that doctor? Somehow, I doubt it's like on TV where everyone seems to speak English no matter what damn planet you're from.”

Xan and Jirrin actually laughed. What? It was a legit question!

“Translator chip,” Xan explained. He was smiling.

“Translator chips are a thing that exist in the world?” I wondered.

Universal translators made no fucking sense, in my opinion. How could any technology, even sexy shiny alien technology, know every language ever? It did not compute. Well, these people did have fucking hyperdrive.

Xan said, “They do exist, in a limited capacity. The one installed in your brain during your procedure isn't some mystical universal translator. It can only switch between your native language, English, and a variety of the most common Zimaran dialects. Right now, we are actually speaking in Royal Zimaran, which is our official language. The chip makes it such that you hear English but speak Zimaran. It's designed to match whatever language you hear around you. By the way, your accent is positively adorable.”

A not-exactly-universal translator? That made more fucking sense. Still, I was speaking in an alien language? Trippy.

“Wait, so I'm really speaking in Zimaran right now?” I had trouble believing that.

Jirrin nodded. “You are. And Xan is right: you do have a cute accent.”

That's a useful literary convention. I'm the narrator for you, after all, and if I think I hear English, you don't have to bother inventing an alien language for me to overhear, do you? No weird alien words to invent, right?

Then, I remembered to blush because they said my accent was cute. Time-delayed blushing because I was too fucking busy having my mind boggled over thinking in one language and hearing in another. Pretty damn cool, that was.

“Thanks,” I told them. “Say, do you guys have translators installed in your brains? Seems like they would be handy fucking things to have, even if you're not an extremely disoriented human cyborg like myself.” And I was extremely disoriented, even if I were doing well for my situation.

Xan said, “I do. They're standard issue for royalty. We're expected to be able to communicate with more than just our own people, after all. Earth is our major rival power at the moment, so my chip is very similar to yours in that it knows English as well.”

I have to laugh. “Lucky I was born in the National States where English is the major language, isn't it? The good old NS doesn't exactly rock at foreign language instruction, but at least I knew a language your chips did, huh?”

Jirrin agreed, “That is convenient. I don't have a chip myself, but I'm working on a chip upgrade to make the program be able to accommodate more languages. Right now, it can only hold several Zimaran dialects as well as another unrelated language because the Zimaran dialects it knows are closely related.

“You're a fucking programmer?” I asked.

“Yes, I am.” Jirrin beamed with pride. “I don't buy into the 'idle nobility' thing, even if my parents think it's unseemly for me to be doing any sort of work.”

I snort, “They should be fucking proud of you if you're working towards a should-be-impossible universal translator. I mean, that's fucking awesome that I'm able to understand you guys.”

Jirrin's smile seemed a bit sad. “You would think so, wouldn't you? But my family has odd behavioral and moral codes. Dylan, you would find them exceedingly strange.”

“I'm on an alien planet. I am going to find everything exceedingly strange.”

He muttered, “My parents' ideals would be strange, even for a Zimaran. I suppose you could say they're old-fashioned, only they're not. They're just odd. But I suppose parents often have odd ideals, don't they?”

“Actually, my parents are pretty damn cool. They didn't even freak out too bad when I told them I were coming here, though my dad did threaten to beat up Xan if he mistreated me.”

My parents? I was fucking lucky to have them. Really fucking lucky. At least they wouldn't try to cause some interplanetary incident over my travels to Zimara. Shit, I shouldn't have mentioned an interplanetary incident, should I? My parents might not give two fucks who I dated, but what about, oh shit, President Bradley?

Our esteemed leader of the National States, President Georgia Bradley, didn't exactly like Zimara and, in a worse-case scenario, might accused Xan and company of kidnapping me or something. I fucking hope that didn't happen. I didn't want to cause trouble for my lover. Oh fuck.

Xan and Jirrin's eyes widened. “Your dad threatened me?” Xan asked. “I would never hurt you, but I suppose that shows a significant degree of parental devotion.”

“I know you wouldn't hurt me. You're too fucking awesome for that,” I said.

He looked at me with these eyes. Okay, Xan just used his normal eyes because as freaky as Zimaran eyes were, their species couldn't change eyes at will or anything. Just so you know. But he gave me this look that went right to my I-don't-know-if-I-have-a-soul. Never felt anything like what I did then, as if my maybe-soul were singing which was just all kinds of purple prose, but I couldn't describe it any better to you, okay?

That look? It told me I made the right fucking decision in coming here, not that it was a decision per se on account of how Xan's psycho brother Krun tried to kill me twice. Could you put “assassination attempt victim” on your resume? I sure hoped so, because my resume didn't exactly sparkle otherwise. Why the fuck was I even worrying about my resume? Being turned into a cyborg, among everything else that fucking happened to me, must have borked my brain. But it wasn't a terrible kind of borked because damn, I felt kind of awesome.

I smiled up at Xan, who smiled back. He murmured, “You're awesome, too, Dylan. To - to go through everything you did and still look at me like you are...unofficial mind control can do only so much. That look? It's all you.”

He paused. I asked, “Look at you how?” Xan was the one with magical soul-piercing looks, not me.

“Like you're not angry at all,” he answered.

“Why would I be angry? I mean, okay, it's because of you I'm here and all, but that just doesn't strike me as a reason to be angry with you. After all, I dared you to put your mind control on me in the first place. Best. Fucking. Dare. Ever, for your information.” Now, I fucking grinned; my maybe-soul definitely singing. Never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend do that before.

Xan leaned over and kissed me. If I thought my soul sang before, it sung even louder now. I know you don't like purple prose, but that's the best damn words I can think of to describe it, okay? Really. Anyway, Xan kissed me, pressing his lips to mine soft. I savored the sweetness and abandoned all thoughts of anything else. I didn't even think about how I hadn't seen my face yet. That question had been brewing in the back of my mind. If my arms were streaked with silver, what did my face look like? Well, when Xan kissed me, I didn't fucking care.

When he broke the kiss, I wore an even goofier grin on my face, I was sure.

Jirrin remarked, “That was quite a kiss. Xan, are you planning to have playtime with your pretty little toy here? It sure seems like you want to.”

I blushed and wondered if I were even “healthy enough for sexual activity” as those “little blue pill” commercials liked to say. Sure, I had just woken up in a freaking alien hospital, but I had been, erm, upgraded and felt healthy as fuck. Weirdly healthy. “Would get an A+ from the doctor's office if they gave out grades” kind of healthy.

Xan turned to Jirrin. “I just wanted to kiss him because he's so sweet, but, now that I think about it, I would like to have playtime, especially as we were so rudely interrupted by my brother. Jirrin, you can watch, if you like.”

“Rudely interrupted” was an...interesting way to put it, but, well, it was quite the rude interruption. I wanted playtime, too, largely because Xan wanted it and I loved making him happy. Well, that and sex with him was always fucking hot. But seriously? Making Xan happy? Total fucking rush.

Jirirn sat down in a nearby curving metal chair. Like all the other furniture I had seen, it looked so very Zimaran with its silver and curves and black cushion. For some reason, I took time to notice the chair. Don't ask me why. Hey, author, why did I notice the chair? Oh, never mind.

Anyway, Jirrin sat down and smiled, clearly anticipating a show. I was more than ready to give him one. So was Xan, who lightly brushed my cheek before leaning in to kiss me again. Damn, his lips tasted good. He wasted no time in crawling on top of me. I writhed beneath him and pushed my tongue forward. Xan met it enthusiastically.

I wrapped my arms around him as he deepened the kiss further. Before shutting my eyes completely I saw Jirrin sitting there with a huge grin on his face. He sure looked happy, but that was nothing compared to how I felt. My body sparked with a sensation like electricity, making me shake. I gripped Xan more tightly as he ground against me. Damn, this felt good. Damn you know what? It felt good to be alive to experience this.

Xan broke the kiss and whispered, “You're enthusiastic today, aren't you, pretty one?”

“I'm glad to be alive,” I breathed.

“I'm glad you're alive, too. You don't know how glad I am, but I'll show you,” he answered.

Oh, did he ever show me! Xan kissed me again, more roughly than before. His lips hungered for mine, both sweet and insistent. Just a simple kiss made me arch my back and try to pull him yet closer. He broke the kiss again. I whined, but that didn't last long because he ripped off my flimsy silvery hospital gown and tossed it to the ground. Even on Zimara they had ridiculously flimsy hospital gowns. All the better to rip them off, then.

Xan took a a long, delicious moment to look at me; I was totally exposed. After that, he kissed me again, nibbling on my bottom lip this time. Felt fucking awesome. Even more fucking awesome? When he started kissing down my neck and teasing me with his tongue. While doing that, he looked up, his bronze eyes sparkling as they looked right into the soul I must have had, at least when with Xan.

Jirrin spoke up then, suggesting, “Hey, Xan, doesn't this bed come with restraints?”

He stopped kissing me. “You're right; it does,” Xan said.

His eyes sparkled even more as he crawled off of me. He positioned me so I lied down with my hands slightly spread out by my sides. “Stay still,” he ordered.

I tried my best to stay still, though I did quiver in anticipation. While in this position, I finally had time to notice my modified body. As with my arms, vein-like silver streaks covered fucking everything, including my dick. Xan didn't seem to care, so I didn't either. Not at that moment.

Speaking of Xan, he fiddled with some sort of control panel by the foot of the bed. I heard a whoosh, and silver restraints appeared out of nowhere and clasped my wrists and ankles to the bed. It made me ache; I noticed I was already getting hard.

“You look good like that,” Xan said.

“He does,” Jirrin agreed.

“Thanks,” I breathed.

Xan quickly crawled back on top of me. This time, he ran his fingers through my hair as he kissed me. I wanted to pull him closer, but I couldn't. The restraints prevented me from doing such; it fucking excited me to be held down like that. Never honestly thought I would like something like that, but, oh man, I did. I really fucking did.

He took my bottom lip between his two. I loved that little trick. Pretty sure Xan could tell as I let out a little moan. He stopped kissing long enough to smile at me. Fuck, was he gorgeous.

I said as much. “Damn, Xan, you're gorgeous. Inhumanly so, which does make sense as you're not human. I would say you're an alien, except this is your home planet.”

He laughed, eyes twinkling, before kissing me again. Xan didn't content himself with my lips, instead quickly going to my neck. He traced the side of it with his tongue, sending shivers down my spine. I sighed. Then, I yelped as he bit down on my neck, hard. Xan looked up at me, his eyes twinkling even more. I smiled at him.

Xan whispered in my ear, “You're mine to mark as I please.”

He bit down on my neck again, receiving another yelp from me. Those bites would leave bruises behind. Xan gently licked where he had bit. From what I could tell, he smirked as he did so. He bit me again, and I yelped for a third time. All this biting made me seriously ache between my legs. It must have made him ache, too, because I could feel his arousal.

Damn, I hoped Xan would leave marks all over me.

It looked like I would get my fucking wish because he lifted himself off me, grabbed my shoulders and dragged his nails down my restrained arms.

“Like I said, you're mine to mark as I please,” he growled.

“Yes, sir,” I gasped. It was hard to say even that much as my breathing had quickly grown ragged.

After he finished with my arms, Xan dragged his nails down my chest. Warmth exploded in me as the pain mixed with pleasure; my partner did not fucking scratch lightly. He didn't stop with my chest, even scratching down the sides of my legs. It hurt for real, in a fucking awesome way.

Xan asked, “Hmm, Jirrin, what would you like to see?”

“You should blow him,” he said.

I liked that idea.

Xan did too. “That's a fantastic idea.”

He positioned himself on the bed and took me in his mouth. Damn fuck, that felt good, all wet and warm and totally fucking awesome. Xan immediately started sucking hard. I arched my back as much as I could in my restraints. He grabbed my hips as he worked, digging his nails into my skin and preventing me from lifting said hips. Xan really made use of his nails, too. The pain from that enhanced the pleasure from his expert sliding along my dick.

I gasped, “Holy fuck, that's amazing!”

Jirrin said, “Dylan, you make the cutest faces when you're getting your dick sucked.”

“Glad you're...enjoying the show,” I managed, though it got more difficult to talk as Xan brought me ever closer to the edge.

When he grazed his teeth along my cock, I nearly fucking lost it. Nearly. Somehow, he stopped in time to keep me from coming. Xan lifted his mouth away from my length, smirking as I whined at the removal of contact.

“You're not coming yet,” he told me.

“Really, you're gonna stop now?” I whimpered.

“Not stopping,” he growled. “I just want to fuck you.”

He smiled as he took off his pants, straddled me and grabbed my shoulders, hard. His nails dug into my fucking skin with impossible force, but that didn't compare to what I felt when he thrust inside me. If I hadn't been restrained, I thought I might have fallen off the fucking bed. I cried out in pain, but that didn't mean I wanted him to stop.

“Damn,” I gasped. It was the only word I could manage.

“You haven't seen anything yet,” Xan said.

Truthfully, I hadn't because he somehow pounded me even harder. How he fucking did that, I had no clue. His moves nearly split me in half; I felt stretched to my limit, but, fuck, I wanted to go beyond my limit.

And I did.

When I came, my entire body shook violently. I tensed and released as white light exploded behind my eyes. I moaned loudly, and for a second, I really thought I had died. Moments later, Xan came himself with one final thrust. His face as he did so made my heart stop and my maybe-soul fucking sing again. As he slid out of me, he smiled so beautifully my heart skipped another fucking beat.

Xan lay himself down next to me while I was still in a fucking daze. The brain fog made it hard to think, but I didn't particularly want or need to think, not when my impossibly-amazing lover wrapped his arms around me and whispered, “You're mine, pretty one.”

I fell asleep quickly after that. When I awoke, Liretta hovered over us.

She chirped, “Aw, I know you guys had some fun, but playtime's over. We have to get Dylan acquainted with the basic features of his upgrade. His visual display isn't even online yet! This should have been done so much sooner, but I overheard you two going at it and didn't want to interrupt!”

Jirrin stood up. “Hello, Doctor Merrico.”

I groaned.

You're using sufficient exclamation points to record the doctor's speech, right? I may have mentioned it, but that woman talks with way too many fucking exclamation points.

Xan removed his arms from around me. He rolled off the bed but not before kissing me lightly on the lips. Liretta walked over to the control panel and tapped something. My restraints whooshed open, quickly disappearing. My mind still contained too much fog for me to do more than blink and stretch slowly. Apparently cybernetic enhancements were no match for Xan's sexy abilities.

“Can you sit up?” Liretta asked.

In response, I did sit up, the brain fog finally clearing away with the motion. I noticed Xan had pulled his pants back on. He looked entirely unashamed to have been caught with them down by the doctor, like it was normal. Here, that probably was normal. Where I came from, political figures with their pants down meant a huge scandal. Here, no big deal. For that matter, I didn't feel embarrassed, either, especially not when Xan smiled at me again.

Liretta said, “No need to get your hospital gown, I have to do a brief inspection of you anyway!”

She walked over to the bed and scanned me with a strange silver instrument. It gave off fucking rainbow light, cycling through all the colors. For a medical tool, that was just bizarre. Apparently the thing had some kind of readout as Liretta seemed to be staring more at the device than at me.

“Looks like everything's in order for full activation!” she exclaimed.

The doctor pressed a button on her weird instrument and...

Holy fuck!

What the fuck was all this stuff in my vision?

“What the fuck?” I asked, that being an extremely valid question in this case.

Liretta explained, “It's your visual display! It tells you all kinds of useful stuff.”

I muttered, “It's telling me how to be very fucking confused.”

Silvery icons floated in my filed of vision, like someone had stuck an alien smartphone in my brain. Was I a living fucking smartphone now?

“Just think of it like one of your computers back on Earth! What you need to do is focus on any given icon and more info about it will pop up,” she said.

I picked an icon labeled “lie detection” of all things. It worked like the doctor said, more or less. I focused on it and my visual display went even weirder. Yes, that was fucking possible. I stared at the doctor, trying not to focus too much on her chest, and a whole bunch of info about heart rate, breathing and stuff popped up.

She smiled. “You're doing great!”

My apparent lie detector flashed the word “truth” in front of Liretta.

“I think this thing is a lie detector, and I think it's saying you're not lying,” I said.

So fucking weird. But kind of cool, in an extremely disorienting way. I started to play around with other icons, including something called “extra data storage.” Maybe I could stick all the French vocabulary my brain failed to learn in there.

“Have you looked at your face yet?” Liretta interrupted my exploration of my own damn brain.

I never, ever thought I would need to explore my own mind like this. Or thought I would need a user guide to my own thought processes. But, in truth, even my fucking thinking felt off. Not like “just woke up from being drugged and thus a bit stupid” kind of off, either. A different kind of off where, the more I thought about it, the less I felt like me. Being on an alien planet was doable enough, but I didn't know about having this alien tech in my brain. I would rather have that than being fucking dead, though.

Wait, my face? What about my face?

“Haven't looked at my face,” I answered.

Slowly, I touched my face, which felt...odd. My skin's texture was too smooth, and I could sense lines on my face that were ever so slightly raised. No acne, at least. Sometimes I still broke out; that particular effect of puberty had forgotten its eviction notice. It never got bad, but even one zit sucked. My face now? Full of, like, fucking anti-zits with how damn smooth it was. Yeah, I know anti-zits weren't a thing, but regular human skin did not let your fingers glide along it like my new skin did.

Liretta chirped, “Touching your face is one thing, but you should look at yourself! I have a mirror!”

Someone needed to fucking outlaw such perky doctors. She bounced on her feet and those fucking exclamation points. I bet you're tired of typing up so many exclamation points, aren't you? I would be, if I were the author and not a fictional character.

Xan leaned over me. He brushed my too-smooth cheek gently with his hand. “Don't worry,” he murmured. “I still think you're beautiful, remember?”

My heart warmed to hear it. Doctor Merrico handed me a mirror she had seeminlgy pulled from thin air. Hey, if these guys had fucking hyperdrive, who was to say pulling things out of nothing was impossible?

Cautiously, I took the mirror, not yet looking at it. Xan actually sat on the narrow bed next to me, putting an arm around my shoulder. As he hugged me close, I finally looked in the mirror. My heart stopped.

I - I looked almost the same on my face as I looked elsewhere. Silver streaks covered my face. Stranger, my eyes - my eyes were fucking silver. I blinked at the man in the mirror. He - he fucking was me? Me? Seriously? I looked more alien than the actual fucking aliens!

A completely ridiculous thought occurred to me. I looked kind of - kind of...badass, like I could fucking laser you with these strange silver eyes of mine. Maybe I could.

Xan whispered, “Remember what I just said?”

“I - I remember.”

Jirrin, silent for a while, spoke up again.“Remember, Dylan, I still want you. I'm a programmer, you know. Not ever day I get to see such hot tech merged with such a hot person.”

I blushed. Somehow the cyborg tech made fucking blushing look badass. I could be entering “Ultra Laser Powerup Mode” or something.

“Liretta, can I shoot lasers out of my eyes?” It wouldn't hurt to ask, right?

She giggled. Doctors should not fucking giggle. “I'm afraid not, but that is a feature we're looking into! It would be handy for being a bodyguard, wouldn't it?”

Xan smiled at me. “You don't need to shoot lasers to be awesome.”

Looking in the mirror, I saw I had this huge, extremely goofy grin. While blushing looked like fucking lasers powering up, grinning like that just made me look like a fucking lovesick puppy. A cybernetic lovesick puppy, but still.

Figuring I might as well act the part of a lovesick puppy, I snuggled closer to Xan. He obliged, pulling me to him.

“Oh, aren't you two just adorable!” Liretta exclaimed. “Though Dylan, you should probably put some clothes on now.”

“Um, I don't have any clothes,” I answered. I had looked down and noticed the hospital gown I had worn was torn and unwearable, not that hospital gowns on any planet counted as clothes even during the best of times.

Doctor Merrico appeared to think on the matter. Her face looking so contemplative seemed downright odd, though I assumed she had to have a working brain to be a doctor. Even if she fucking giggled.

“I know!” she said, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “We have sleepwear for long-term patients. I can send someone to get some for you. You should really think about getting some real clothes, though!”

I raised an eyebrow. That did look cooler with my new face. “That might be difficult as I'm not exactly from around here. I'm not even sure how you acquire clothing on Zimara.”

“Oh right! You're human! I'm sure your friends here can help you out. Let me go see about that sleepwear!” Liretta turned on her heel and exited the hospital room. I couldn't prevent myself from checking out her ass. Like the rest of her, it bounced.

Jirrin smacked his face with his palm. I guessed facepalming might be the universal language. Ridiculous behavior certainly transcended fucking species.

“Doctor Merrico is really...something,” he remarked.
Xan laughed. “Both of my fathers trust her, and she did save my pretty little toy here.” He pulled me even closer. I rested my head on his shoulder, just enjoying the closeness. I seriously would not be able to process or handle all the weird if I didn't fucking have Xan. But I did, so that was fucking awesome.

Wait? He had two dads? Did he have a mom, too? Multiple moms? I had no fucking clue how Zimarans did family.

I wondered, “You have two fathers? Do you have mothers, too? Pardon the ignorant-human questions, but it's not like they exactly educated us about alien cultures back in the National States.”

They really fucking didn't. President Georgia Bradley had cut national educational funding like whoa because a nation of dumbasses was easier to rule over. At least, that was my theory on the matter.

“Yes, I have two fathers. No mothers, and that's not a case of bizarre alien biology or anything. We reproduce much like humans do. You could say I'm adopted, as are my two siblings. None of us bear any biological relation to our legal parents,” Xan said.

My jaw dropped a little. “You're the royal fucking family and you're all adopted? What about like, bloodlines and stuff?”

Back home, royal families loved their bloodlines so fucking much they preferred incest over adoption.

He smiled. “We do things a bit differently here. Genetics matter to us, of course, but harmonious relationships matter more. It's far better to have a pair of rulers who work well together rather than insisting the Heir marry for simple reproduction. An unhappy King or Queen won't do the Kingdom any good.”

“But that makes sense! Since when does political anything make sense?” I wondered.

Based on the way the most recent presidential campaign went, human politicians were downright fucking allergic to sense. Cringe-worthy spectacle, though? They sure did that.

Both Jirrin and Xan laughed.

“Oh, we have plenty of nonsense in our political system,” Xan assured me. “For example, the fact that the competition for the throne is taking place now when my sister Ayli isn't even of age is nonsense. I don't understand it at all, and neither of my fathers saw fit to explain.”

“That's weird. How does it usually work?” I asked.

He explained, “Normally the competition begins when the youngest of the children from the first three pregnancies or adoptions of the two current rulers comes of age at twenty Zimaran years. Doing it any earlier or later than that is extremely rare and nearly taboo.”

Jirrin narrowed his eyes. “Something's not right, Xan, and you know it.”

“My parents have always been a bit eccentric.” He shrugged. “Maybe they're just trying to make things more interesting.”

“By nearly breaking a huge cultural taboo? I don't think so,” Jirrin countered.

I had to agree with Jirrin on this one. My opinion might matter little as the resident ignorant newcomer, but if this throne competition thing had stable rules being suddenly, inexplicably overturned? Definite fucking weirdness. That said, I couldn't see any diplomatic way to tell Xan “hey, your parents are totally up to something” so I kept my mouth shut. For now.

“I'm sure it's nothing,” Xan said.

Why did I think he was trying to convince himself as much as he was trying to convince Jirrin?

nanowrimo, nsfw (actual sexual content - really!), nano novel 2012, trigger: dubcon, series: i prefer the mind control

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