NaNo Ridiculousness Day 2

Nov 03, 2012 08:22

Day 2 of "I Prefer the Mind Control" in all its ridiculous and smutty NaNoWrimMo speed-writing glory! As usual, the NSFW warning applies.

Day 1


Too much fucking awkwardness around this throne competition, I decided. To remedy that, I changed the subject to something much fluffier, yet still completely relevant.“So, guys, how exactly am I going to get clothes? I don't think I can wear hospital sleepwear in your Palace. Even with my limited fucking fashion sense, I know that's a no-go. You must get your clothes from somewhere, right?”

“We have a palace tailor. Several of them, actually,” Xan said. “I can contact one of them now to set up an appointment. You do desperately need something to wear that's befitting the companion of a Prince.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I agreed.

Walking around in pajamas might work for my dormitory or even going to class, but I wanted to make a good impression on the people here. I couldn't fucking do that in hospital fucking sleepwear. You know what's funny? Being a cyborg didn't frazzle me nearly as much as the idea of trying to socialize in a fucking palace. Sure, I could be charming enough I supposed, but dealing with a space court full of space nobility? Dammit, that scared me. Are you looking at me funny for having my concerns backwards? Would you find it easy to deal with a royal court? Hey, author, how are your social skills?

Liretta returned at the moment, bouncing into the room with a pile of clothes in her arms. Her high ponytail flipped back and forth like some kind of manic pendulum.

“Hello!” she beamed. “I got some sleepwear for you! Thought I would bring it to you myself as you're just so fascinating!”

Come to think of it, I hadn't so much as seen a nurse or anything. Weird.

“Um, thanks?” I said.

The doctor handed me the clothes after I put down the mirror, with Xan shifting and removing his arm from around me so she could reach me. I inspected the pile. The sleepwear all black, with a strange sheen to it. Fucking shiny pajamas. That was odd, but I could deal. The stuff strangely resembled regular human drawstring sweatpants and t-shirts. Landing on an alien planet where the residents were humanoid had advantages. What the fuck I would have done if Xan's people had extra arms or something, I didn't know.

I slid off the bed after placing the pile of clothes on it. Xan got up as well. I slipped on a t-shirt and drawstring pants. The stuff had an odd texture and felt kind of weird, but I was glad of having clothes. Xan wasn't, though.

“Aw, I liked seeing you naked.” He put his arm around my waist and turned me towards him. He kissed me, so I embraced him. I savored the taste of his lips before he broke it off.

Liretta smiled even more than normal. “You two really do make a cute couple!”

Jirrin nodded. “They do. Especially with Dylan's upgrades.”

Huh? While I could accept the cybernetics were cool in their way, I still had a bit of trouble wrapping my head around the idea that they really were an improvement. But, hey, they did make blushing look badass. How many fucking people could say that?

He continued, “Cybernetics are sexy.” Jirrin leered at me, or possibly at my tech, which were the same thing. Whatever he were looking at, he certainly fucking eyed me, taking time to scan my now-covered body. If he had started licking his lips, I would not have been surprised. Jirrin's violet eyes did sparkle in a mischievous way. I blushed and then grinned because, hey, badass blushing.

Xan murmured, “You're sexy no matter what, though I'll admit you would be sexier in something other than sleepwear.” He pulled a communication device out of a pocket, or maybe thin air. It was his fancy-ass fucking phone. If he got service on Earth and on fucking Zimara, Xan sure got better service than I did. My plan? It advertised “no dropped calls” because you couldn't make phone calls in the first place all too often.

He let go of me and began making his call, talking rapidly to whoever was on the other line. Did I ever mention how fucking distracting cellphone conversations are? It's fucking impossible to know what's really going on, which just makes it fucking harder to ignore. Even read a science article supporting the “phone calls overheard annoy the fuck out of you” theory. Sorry for the aside, it's just a pet peeve of mine or something.

Finally, Xan finished his call. “Dylan, as soon as we're ready to go, we can head right over to the tailor and get you something more appropriate, and sexier, to wear.” My partner turned to Liretta. “Can we go? Dylan here seems like he's okay, but you are the doctor.”

“Of course I'm the doctor!” she chirped. “But Dylan here does seem ready to go. Everything checks out! That's the advantage of cybernetics: quick healing time! And the fact that they even worked on a human. I'm still so pleased at that!”

Fucking exclamation points.

“Me too,” I said. “Would rather not be dead and all, you know.”

“Of course you wouldn't want to be dead! That would be silly! Unless your life really sucked or something, but yours doesn't!” Liretta exclaimed.

Mine didn't. She was correct about that, even if she were really, really annoying and odd for a doctor. Jirrin looked seconds away from facepalming again. I so didn't blame him.

Doctor Merrico said, “I gotta go now, kids! Important doctor stuff to do! See you later!” She waved and bounced on the balls of her feet. Then, she proceeded to fucking bounce out of the room. “Bounce” being the only way to describe how she walked. Did they feed their medical staff fucking medical-grade speed or something? Drug addict doctors weren't unheard-of, after all.

I allowed myself to check out her ass as she left, but yeah. Too much sugar or speed or whatever for that fucking one.

“I'm not a kid,” Jirrin grumbled.

Neither was I, unless you believed all the Earthly news articles about the “epidemic of man-children.” Load of bullshit, if you asked me. Didn't Aristotle or somebody complain about the fuckery of today's youth all the way back in Whatever BCE? Sure, my brain hadn't all the way developed, but “man-child?” I wasn't fucking one of those.

“You ready?” Xan asked.

I nodded. “I'm ready. Enough fucking hospitals for me, damn. Let's, um, go shopping?”

He smiled. “Follow me.”

I couldn't follow him per se as he put his arm back around my waist. Wasn't so much following as walking side-by-side. Worked for me. I liked being close to Xan.

We exited the hospital room, Jirrin walking on the other side of me. The hallway crawled with doctors and nurses, or what I assumed were doctors and nurses. They all wore some variant of Doctor Merrico's black and silver outfit. The hallway itself was a very hospital sort of white, though the linoleum-like tiles were a black and silver checkerboard thing, unlike the “white to end all white rooms” aesthetic of my hospital room itself.

These doctors and nurses didn't bow to Xan but they nodded in a definitely fucking respectful sort of way as we traveled down the hallway. I guessed if they were busy saving lives they didn't fucking have time to bow. Xan nodded back at them. Me? I just kept walking, trying not to get too fucking overwhelmed.

I took time to notice the people in the strange medical outfits once I adjusted. I had never seen so many Zimarans in one place, but, duh, this was fucking Zimara itself. Their metallic eyes all scanned me, definitely fucking curious as a species. But how often did you see an alien cyborg, really? I was a fucking alien. Try to wrap your mind around that; it's hard.

Some of them eyed me with a definite sexual interest, if I weren't simply overestimating my own appeal. Okay, that nurse definitely fucking smirked at me.

She called out, “Is he available?”

“If you're nice to me during my next checkup, maybe,” Xan answered.

Yup, definite fucking interest with her. I blushed.

Soon enough, we all passed through a door and exited the hospital. It appeared to be some kind of side door or something, on account of how we didn't pass through any sort of big “welcome, sick people” entrance area. No more people checking me out in this much-narrower hallway, either. My ego was disappointed. Admiring glances and more-than-glances like that? Definite fucking rush. I hoped it wouldn't go to my head too much, because I didn't want to morph into a total fucking asshole.

I looked at the narrow hallway we traveled through. Might as well get familiar with my surroundings. This one had a strange silvery floor with white walls. I had only limited time to inspect the area, though. Xan pushed me against the wall and kissed me roughly. My eyes flew open in surprise, but I quickly closed them. Damn, I should be fucking used to random kisses now, shouldn't I? Even if I did get startled, I certainly liked them.

Xan bit me on the neck, once, before whispering in my ear, “I need something from you. The clothes can wait a bit.”

He turned us around so he was against the wall. Xan unbuckled his belt, dropping his pants and exposing himself. I knew exactly what he needed. Without any prompting, I dropped to my knees. I looked up at Xan for just a moment before taking him in my mouth.

“That's a smart boy,” he purred.

Jirrin said, “You're got him well-trained already, haven't you?”

At first, I sucked shallowly and lightly, teasing Xan with my tongue. He didn't let me do this for very long, as he tangled his hands in my hair and pushed me deeper along his length. I was happy to oblige. His nails dug into my scalp as he pushed me yet deeper. I sucked harder and grabbed Xan's hips to keep my balance. My eyes flicked up to see him with his own eyes closed, a blissful expression on his face. I kept up my sucking, working to bring my beautiful partner as much pleasure as I fucking could.

He moaned, and I felt an ache building between my own legs, just because of what I could do for Xan. The noises he made as I worked sent shivers through me. Damn, this was fucking awesome. As he pushed me farther yet, I sucked as hard as I could, hoping to bring him over the edge soon. I shut my eyes and let myself become completely absorbed in the motions I made.

Xan thrust his hips forward; he was close. I tried not to squeeze them too tightly; I didn't want to hurt him. It wasn't my place to do so. He let out a truly fucking amazing sound that words couldn't fucking describe. He came, and I made sure to swallow fucking everything because Xan deserved nothing less.

As he went soft, he pulled me up by my hair. I opened my eyes, as did he. For a moment, we simply stared into each other's eyes, Xan's going straight for my fucking soul. He kissed me without letting go of my hair. I savored it, especially when he pushed his tongue into my mouth. The kiss lasted only a moment before he broke it off. Xan gently pushed me out of the way so he could pull up his pants. I leaned against the wall, almost surely with a goofy grin on my face.

“Nice show!” Jirrin exclaimed.

Xan rested against the wall for a while, his face showing just how satisfied I had made him. When he recovered, he wrapped his arm around my waist again.

He said, “Let's get you something nice to wear, now. Show you off properly.”

We took off again, and soon the hallway ended. Another hallway or two and we arrived in an area that seemed a bit less abandoned, if rather odd. The lights along the walls were those rainbow ones, bathing everything in a strange multicolored wash. Definitely fucking trippy. The first hallway? Much more normal white-type light. In addition, this hallway featured weird-ass sculptures that looked like modern art on Earth, only distinctly alien, as if they were made with geometry that didn't exist on my home planet. Some were black, some silver, everything odd.

The door looked odd, too. Weird funky handle with a keypad displaying glowing numbers. Even their digital keypad lock whatsits glowed with rainbow light. These guys loved rainbows.

“We're here,” Xan announced, gesturing to the door. “The tailor gave me his daily code, so we just have to enter it and he'll see us.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Your tailor has this much security?”

“He takes his work very seriously. Doesn't want other people stealing his designs.” Xan began tapping a code on the keypad.

The door slid open, silently, and an acid trip of fashion greeted us. Clothes hung everywhere, from curving metal racks attached to the walls at very unusual angles as well as from freestanding racks. Rainbow lights shone here, too, and mirrors stared at us from seemingly everywhere that didn't contain clothes. The center of the room featured a raised dais, in black. Even the carpet was black.

“Hello and good afternoon, Prince Yavion, Lord Rezelion.”

Yavion? And where did that voice come from? I blinked and a woman appeared mid-bow, short and curvy and definitely good-looking. Most people on this fucking planet were good-looking, didn't think I had seen an unattractive Zimaran yet. The woman had skin almost as dark as Jirrin's but her waist-length hair was strawberry blonde and her eyes were silver. Like mine.

Xan gestured and the woman rose. He greeted her, “Good afternoon, Berri.”

Berri then appeared to notice me. She looked me over, scanning very, very carefully with a sparkle in her eyes. She said to Xan, “I see you've brought something new for me to work with. This should be fun. I take it he needs clothing suited for Palace life? You don't mind if I touch him, do you? It's necessary for, ah, taking proper measurements.”

“I don't mind,” Xan said. “You can touch him if you need to, or even if you just want to.”

“Oh, good.” Berri began running her hands all over my body. I didn't exactly understand how this would help her take my measurements, but it didn't bother me.

Berri murmured, “Hmm...has a rather slender build.” She squeezed my ass, startling me. “And a nice butt.” Definitely had no idea how that would help measure me, but, again, it was all good.

Jirrin and Xan stood there observing as Berri “measured” me. Eventually, she stopped, just long enough to get a silver whatsit. Berri waved it around me. “Okay, before was just because I wanted to touch him. This is for actual measurements.”

I knew it.

She asked, “So, does he have a name?”

“Dylan Hathaway.” Xan answered before I could. Truthfully, I didn't know if I were even supposed to speak. Alien protocol confused me.

Berri stepped back from me. “Dylan needs clothing suited for Palace life, but is there any style in particular you're looking for, Prince Yavion?”

“Something that will show off his lovely body. I didn't acquire a plaything all the way from Earth just so nobody would be able to see him,” Xan replied. He walked over and lightly stroked my cheek before kissing me quickly. After that, he stepped back. “And I think his wardrobe should in the Official Colors, because, after all, he's here for me. Dylan's not officially mine, not yet, but he is my companion as opposed to a noble who just likes to idly hang around Court.”

“Mm, yes, the rules about those things do get tricky, don't they?” Berri murmured.

If I thought my fucking fashion knowledge on Earth was bad...

“They do get tricky, don't they?” Xan agreed.

Berri didn't answer, instead she started searching through the racks of clothes. Some of the racks were too high for a regular person to reach, let along the rather short Berri. She pushed a button on her whatsit, though, and the racks fucking shifted on the walls, the higher ones coming lower and the lower ones going higher. I stared in fucking awe. How could that even work? But it did work and I was the only one who was impressed, likely because I was the resident ignorant human.

After what felt like a lot of searching and shifting walls, Berri held a huge stack of clothes in her hands.

I couldn't help asking, “Don't you have, like, assistants or something?”

She smiled. “Your Earth accent is adorable. Translator chip, I take it?”

“Yep, translator chip.”

“Sometimes I have assistants, but I'm alone today plus it's an honor to serve Prince Yavion personally,” she explained.

Berri handed me a couple items of clothing. “Try these on. I would direct you to the fitting room, but I would rather watch you undress.”

I examined the clothes. They seemed awfully...flimsy and small. Not that I knew fuck all about fashion. Slowly, I undid the drawstring of my pajama pants with one hand and let them drop to the floor. I placed the clothes on the ground and removed my shirt.

“Ooh,” Berri said.

Okay, that made me blush. I didn't get it, how so many people seemed to want me here. That didn't happen back on Earth, as far as I knew. The logic, it did not compute, though my ego appreciated it. Did Zimarans have a “thing” for me because I was a human cyborg and thus really fucking unusual? To me, they were all so damn pretty none of them should have even looked twice at me, especially not with the look all three of the others were giving me.

The first thing I picked up appeared to be a pair of shorts. Short shorts. I pulled them on. They fit loosely, and the silver fabric was thin and sheer enough that anybody could see how endowed I happened to be. The shorts barely covered my ass, and I felt almost more naked wearing them than wearing nothing. The shirt, which was black, worked in much the same way. Sleeveless, more of a tank top really, and low-cut, the thing didn't completely cover my abdomen.

Xan nodded his approval. “Fantastic!” he decided. “Berri, that's exactly the kind of thing I want for Dylan.”

Was I really sexy enough to wear something like this and get away with it?

nanowrimo, nano novel 2012, character: dylan, nsfw (actual sexual content - really!), character: xan, character: jirrin, character: liretta, trigger: dubcon, character: berri

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