NaNo Ridiculousness Chapter 12

Nov 22, 2012 00:03

Hey there,

Here's Chapter 12 of "I Prefer the Mind Control." I'm trying to make actual chapters now. Enjoy the NSFW ridiculousness!

Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5(ish), Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11


With the strange thing possessing me, moving was more than a little difficult. Xan's power nearly froze me to the ground. My body no longer felt like my own, and that made it harder to move. I tried to relax into the strange force.

“Can you feel that?” Xan asked. His eyes fucking blazed.

“Yeah,” I said.

Damn fuck, his eyes right now? Fucking terrifying, almost. They always had that soul-piercing quality, but, backed up by his power, I knew that to be more than a mere metaphor. His energy coiled around my being. It made me ache between my legs, even. You might not think being possessed by superpowered alien mind control would be remotely sexy, but it was. It fucking was. I simply stared back at Xan, meeting his blazing eyes despite the fear they generated in me.

“That's good,” he growled. “You should be absorbing my power now. It's going to take over every inch of your being. You will no longer be your own. Do you understand?”

Sort of? I kind of understood? Maybe?

I stammered, “I - I think I get it.”

“It has only just begun,” he said. “When you feel the full power, you will know. You will know what it means to be mine.”

As I watched him, I quivered. I wasn't sure of my ability to stand, but I didn't think I exactly had permission to sit down or anything like that. Xan as he was right now? Scary as fucking hell and not somebody I wanted to cross. Damn, I had never, ever seen him like this with the eyes of fucking fire and the face of pure fucking power. Yeah, I knew, “face of power” sounds like total bullshit, but I can't describe it any better, okay? He radiated power, like I had never thought he could. Before him, I was fucking tiny.

I started shaking as the power inside me increased like some kind of fucking storm. Almost, I cried out, but I was too afraid of making any noise. By then, Xan was the only one in the room to me. The others had disappeared, or close enough to it. My surroundings blurred, my mind retreating into some other kind of dimension, some new kind of consciousness. Then? Totally fucking powerless. Damn, I wished I had something to hold onto.

Xan somehow intensified his stare. “You are having trouble standing, aren't you? Is it difficult to stand before my power?”

Barely, I nodded.

He grabbed my shoulders and pushed down. “Best get on your knees, then. Do you understand?”

I understood. As quickly as I could, I dropped to my knees. Wasting no time, Xan removed his pants. I knew exactly what to do. From down here, his power only intensified, but at least I was steadier on my knees than I was when trying to stand up. Also, the power itself seemed to want me to suck Xan's cock. When I took him in my mouth, the energy possessing me responded in some way I couldn't accurately describe.

It was like the power was saying “this is what you should be doing.” Not like the power could, you know, speak or anything, but that was the closest I could come. I got this sense of “you are in your place, where you should be.” And so, I began working Xan, sliding my lips up and down his length. I went slowly at first, mostly because I still had to get used to the strange power sharing space inside my body. I got used to it pretty fucking quickly though, as the power did want me down here, after all.

I sucked harder then, taking as much of him in me as I could. I heard Xan moan softly in response and knew I was doing something right.

He purred, “That's a good boy. You're doing what you should be. You're in your right place.”

Huh, funny, he said almost exactly what the power “said” to me. I continued to blow him, enjoying the feel of his dick in my mouth. I teased him with my tongue, flicking it back and forth. My own body shuddered. I could tell I was pleasing him; he seemed to get ever harder. For that matter, I pleased myself, feeling that ache between my legs. As much as I could, I smiled slightly as I licked the underside of his tip.

Then, he growled, “Keep working, pretty one.” Xan tangled his fingers into my hair and pushed me deeper along his length. I complied.

He said, “That's right. Do it like that, you slut. You are in my power and it is your function to please me. Mmm, that's good.”

I flushed a tiny bit at the praise and continued to suck. Xan's nails dug into my scalp and the bit of pain pushed me to work harder. From what I could tell, he was getting close. It was a bit hard to tell, if only because his power continued to feed into me as I blew him. It suffused everything about me. A fucking transporting experience. I felt almost like an extension of Xan. I definitely no longer felt like me and no longer felt fucking human, to be honest. I didn't mind that, though. While I felt inhuman in a way, I felt so fucking right as well.

After barely another few moments, Xan came in my mouth. I heard him moan with such satisfaction, it could have sent me over the edge. As he came, his power practically fucking exploded through me, shaking me to my core. I collapsed, totally out of breath. The power didn't leave, though. As I lay there half fucking dead, it crackled through me. I didn't even come or anything. The power just took me over even more because Xan came.

When I looked up, Xan hardly appeared winded at all. He looked, somehow, even more full of fucking power. If I didn't know better, I would say he were no longer a creature of flesh and blood at all. Hey, for all I knew, Xan could have been made of energy right now.

He growled, “Is the power too much for you? It should be. After all, it's supposed to break you.”

Though I could hardly fucking move, I nodded.

Without warning, Xan leaned down and scooped me off the ground. While he held me in his arms, he whispered, “Each and every Soulbreaking is a little bit different. The Breakers do things their own way, modifying the basic procedure to suit their needs and the souls of their Broken. That means I get to decide what to do with you. On the other hand, you have no choice in what happens to you now. Your soul was willing; it accepted my power, so now you're at my mercy. After all, you gave me your freedom.”

As he spoke, the power increased even more. I couldn't move at all. My whole body? Totally fucking limp. I felt like some kind of doll in Xan's arms. The kind of doll that could still ache between its legs. The power had killed my ability to move, but it didn't kill my desire. Far fucking from it.

Xan threw me down onto the bed. I bounced rather harshly because of just how hard he threw me. He stood over me, smiling with an extremely predatory smile. Xan looked like he could fucking eat me or something.

He murmured, “I am going to enjoy having your freedom. Oh, you don't know just how much I am going to enjoy having you under my power. I shall relish taking your self from you and making it mine. I shall savor turning you from a free man into my little slave.”

His eyes flashed as he continued, “Indeed, this will be very, very fun for me. I do believe you'll do an excellent job satisfying my desires. You already are. I cannot tell you how much it excites me to watch you as you lie there, so helpless you can't even move. It suits you to be so powerless.”

If I could have moved, I would have nodded in agreement. My whole body ached for Xan's touch. The more he spoke, the more I fucking wanted him. The power pushed itself ever deeper into me. Any time I thought it could go no further, it, indeed, went further. It penetrated me so very fucking far. It owned me. I could feel it as it took over my psyche, my whole fucking mind. The power filled me. It stretched me. I knew it wouldn't be too long before it broke me. I eagerly awaited that moment.

Xan could tell how I anticipated it. “You so want to be broken, don't you? It's written all over your soul how much you want me to shatter it, how much your being burns to be remade into something new. Soulbreaking never works on the unwilling but, my, I didn't expect you to be this easy to break. It's almost as if your soul and your life were meant to be mine.”

I didn't believe one bit in predestination because that was bullshit, but I still understood exactly what Xan meant. As much as such things were possible, my soul and my life were meant to be his.

Slowly, Xan leaned over just enough to gently brush his hand against my cheek. Such a small contact sent a fire blazing through my body. I gasped. I didn't even realize my body were capable of making sounds in its prone state. I tried to form words, but I couldn't manage that. All that came out was some incoherent noises.

Xan laughed. “Don't try to speak; you won't be able to. Now is not the time for you to talk. I can tell easily enough what you want, or, more accurately, what you need. I can sense your body's desires and your soul's wishes. I want this to be good for you as well.”

It already was.

When he kissed me lightly on the lips, an electric surge raced through my body. I gasped at the shock and the overwhelming pleasure. My body remained still, but my mind shook, caught in the grip of a power far greater than it was. Dammit, I wanted more, but Xan pulled away all too fucking quickly. I pleaded with my eyes for more. Desperation must have radiated off of me, but I couldn't help it.

He smiled down at me. “I see how your very self trembles. I see how desperate you are to have more.”

Xan kissed me again, longer and deeper this time. While I was essentially paralyzed, my mouth still worked well enough that I could return the kiss. I pressed my tongue forward, and he met it with his own. His power surged through me, the strongest it had been yet. Every inch of me felt it as it crackled along my being. I moaned into Xan's kiss. Damn fuck, everything felt so amazing. I could barely fucking think at that point.

I ceased to be fucking human and became something else, a creature made of desperate desire and need.

He clearly realized this. Xan stopped kissing me to whisper in my ear, “That's not enough for you, I can tell. You ache for more. Every time I touch you, you get that much closer to shattering into an infinite number of pieces. Oh, you pretty little thing, you'll be even more beautiful when I'm done with you.”

I didn't doubt this at all. The truth resonated througout his fucking words. That power of his? It made everything just that much more forceful. I didn't know how I was still in one piece at this time. How was I still together? But I did, in fact, feel rather close to shattering. As Xan said, every time he touched him, I did get closer to breaking. I couldn't fucking wait for that point.

Xan looked me directly in my eyes. His own bronze ones flashed, and I swore I could almost see into his soul. There was something there, for sure. It was like looking into the source of his impossible power itself. Swirling fucking vortexes of energy and dominance. Power unlike fucking anything before it. And he showed it to me with those eyes of his as they blazedd into me. Damn, just damn. As Xan stared, I somehow opened myself up even more, though I hadn't thought that could even be possible. How open could I possibly get?

“That's right,” he murmured, “open yourself up to me. Give me everything. Give me your entire self, and let me destroy it. Come on now, don't hide anything from me. Don't try to preserve any part of you. Give it all to me.”

His eyes blazed yet more. Though I didn't know if I could, I tried to do as he said. I tried to open myself up. I willed my own soul to expose itself, to let him in as much as possible. I stretched my psyche out to him, silently offering what I could. Take it, I thought. Please take it. Somehow, my mind formed those words, even if my mouth couldn't speak.

Xan laughed, the sound next to my ear sending yet more waves of pleasure through me. “Oh, I will take it. You can bet on that. Keep doing what you're doing. Keep opening yourself up to me.”

And so I did. I stretched myself even more, tried to expose every last inch of myself. I didn't wan to hide fucking anything from me. Damn fuck, this Soulbreaking had to fucking work, so I would do everything I could to make sure it didn't fail.

“Good, good,” Xan said. “You're doing so very, very well. My, you're an eager one, aren't you? Oh yes, yes you are.”

He kissed me on my neck then, sending waves of power and pleasure through me. My mind shook again. I gasped, letting the sensations completely fucking overtake me. I could feel myself beginning to break, could feel the fucking fault lines in my very soul. Xan, well, he was far from gentle. He bit down on my neck, making me yelp. He chuckled quietly at that. The pain mixed with his energy to create a feeling like nothing fucking else. It zapped me, causing those fault lines in my soul to widen, causing everything in my psyche to shake wildly.

Xan continued to kiss me, now tracing his tongue along my collarbone, flicking it back and forth. Every single thing he did increased the psychic energy that had taken hold of me. Every single thing he did wrapped more and more of that power around my being. He was so huge with his psychic ability, his fucking power. Xan had reduced me, made me so small with what he was doing. I fucking loved it. I loved being so small and so breakable.

When he kissed down my chest, I nearly fucking lost it. Just from kisses.

He stopped long enough to say, “My, I won't even have to take you in order to break your soul, at this rate. I can see how very, very fragile you are. It's remarkable.”

Oh man, oh fucking man. Shudders ran through my body, shaking me on the inside, making those fault lines widen. How could I be together at all? No clue, I had no fucking clue.

Xan took one of my nipples in his mouth, playing with it with his tongue and the little darts of pleasure were just too much. I nearly fucking screamed with how good it felt. If I could have moved my body, I would have grabbed the sheets to steady myself, or wrapped my arms around Xan. I could do nothing of the sort, though, so I had to let his actions and his power move me as they would. Unable to move, I was at their mercy, completely.

Then? Xan crawled onto the bed and on top of me. The simple weight of him heated my fragile soul, made it break just that much more.

Damn, I didn't know what to do. My mind, and the rest of me, wanted to shatter into a million pieces. More than million. Infinite pieces, probably, if such a thing were possible. I didn't know how exactly souls were even supposed to break, so yeah. I wondered: why hadn't I broken yet? What was even keeping me together at this point?

Xan murmured, “Not yet. You can't break just yet, but soon. It will be so very, very soon.”

I said nothing in response. For a moment, he just lay on top of me, not kissing or doing anything else. I couldn't understand it, but I accepted it. I had no choice but to accept it.

He said, “I know you want me to shatter you, but it has to be done at the exact right moment. You can't rush these things, you know. That just wouldn't be proper.”

Uh-uh. Okay. Whatever, sure. A strange impatience seized me. Who would have ever thought I would be impatient for something like this? But I was. I totally fucking was. And, from what I could tell, Xan absolutely knew it.

He kissed me again, both deeply and slowly. I returned his kiss, enjoying the taste of him as my soul cracked ever more. Damn fuck, he tasted amazing. I sighed, the small sound of satisfaction somehow tinged with desperation. Alirght, alright, I was fucking desperate. I could admit that.

Xan broke the kiss to murmur, “Oh, I can see the desperation in you. It's fascinating, really. I never thought I would see such a thing from a human.”

Never say never, I supposed. He kissed me again, and I tried to let go of my impatience. All things in due time or whatever, right? When was my time fucking due? When?

When he kissed down my chest again, the power made another surge through me, the most powerful yet. It fucking shook me like I had never been shaken. The fault lines inside me widened even more. If I could tell anything, and I wasn't sure I could, I thought it would happen soon. But what was the “it” going to be like, exactly? How did a broken soul feel? Curiosity burned me, along with all the other fucking emotions racing through my body.

I had no idea how I stayed in one piece. Perhaps Xan deliberately held me together, waiting for the “exact right moment” to break me. Such a thing was not impossible. I shivered beneath him.

As his lips traveled lower and lower, I wondered if he were going to take me in his mouth. He stopped with his mouth right above my cock. His eyes twinkled so brightly, so fucking fiercely and he smirked.

“Oh, you would like that, wouldn't you?” he said.

In this state, I couldn't answer him, though the answer was most definitely “yes, please.” I tried to plead with my eyes. Right now, I ached so, so badly. Xan's strange power and my own natural physical responses combined to flare my desire to almost painful levels. That desire itself felt like it could break me. Would Xan shatter my soul simply by denying me physical release?

He purred, “I think I'm feeling nice today. I think. nice am I feeling today?”

The pause that followed sliced through my heart and made me whimper.

“I would make you beg, but you can't exactly speak right now, can you?” Xan's eyes flashed as he talked. “Hmm, but you can make more pretty little noises. I said it wasn't time for you to speak, but it is time for you to earn your pleasure.”

Xan wanted me to make noises? I could do that. I whimpered again, trying to put as much emotion as possible into it. With my hampered vocal cords, I whined and cried and begged without using a single word. My eyes shined, tears nearly spilling from them on account of my deep, burning desperation. Please, I need this. Please, I need this so much, I thought. Damn, I hoped Xan got the message and thought me worthy.

He smiled. “Those were some awfully cute noises you made. I can tell how much you want this. Hmm, I am feeling nice enough today, I think.”

That eased my desperation somewhat, but only somewhat. Xan spread my limp legs apart and positioned himself between them. While the rest of me couldn't move on its own, I could still get hard. Xan smiled one last time. “I'll make you feel so good before I break you.”

I didn't doubt him one fucking bit.

He smiled one last time before taking me in his mouth. The feelings from that? Like nothing ever before. Fucking seriously, like nothing ever before. Of course, I had gotten blowjobs from Xan before, but with the soul-breaking power? Something fucking else. His amazing power surged through my body, making those fault lines inside me widen more and more. Soon, I would break. It had to be soon. Just fucking had to be.

The sensations were such that I felt a serious need to steady myself, but I couldn't do that. Instead, I had to let the power buffet me as it pleased. I kind of rode the waves of it. It tossed my psyche about, though my soul still held together as Xan slid up and down my length. He grazed his teeth along my cock, and I yelped from the pain. Damn, that felt fucking amazing. Everything felt fucking amazing.

I felt Xan chuckle against me, which only increased the shocks of pleasure. Right then, I was completely at his mercy. Every small thing he did, every slide of his lips, every flick of his tongue drove home how completely I was under his power.

nanowrimo, nsfw (actual sexual content - really!), pairing: xan/dylan, character: xan, nano novel 2012, character: dylan, series: i prefer the mind control

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