NaNo Ridiculousness Day 9

Nov 15, 2012 00:57

Hey there,

Here's Chapter 9 of "I Prefer the Mind Control." I'm trying to make actual chapters now. Enjoy the NSFW ridiculousness!

Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5(ish), Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8


Unfortunately, things didn't look any more reasonable in the morning. Not that anything looked reasonable in the morning, because, you know, it was the fucking morning and thus totally created by Satan. Not that I believed in Satan, but mornings were proof of his existence if anything was. Mornings were unbelievably evil.

I yawned, taking a moment to remember where the fuck I was. This sure wasn't Earth, was it? Had I dreamed the whole thing, though? Was I in a dream at this very moment, soon to wake up back in reality where things were real and thus infinitely suckier and more awful? Because I would rather that didn't happen, thank you very much.

Luckily, that didn't appear to be the case. Especially as when I tried to roll over, someone's arms were around me.

“Xan? Are you real?” What? Okay, fine, it made no sense to ask a hallucination if it were real, because the hallucination might very well lie to you and say it was real when it obviously wasn't. Brains were fucking liars, you know. Stupid fucking liars who lied.

He was, in fact, real though. Xan squeezed me gently. I could feel him laugh against my body. He said, “Of course I'm real. What, did you think this was all a dream?”

I murmured, “Well, look at it from my perspective. It's all a little too good to be true, you know.”

“No, I don't know. I'm real and certainly not too good to be true. If anyone's too good to be true, it's you. And didn't we go over this already? You need to think better of yours.”

For no logical reason, I started giggling. Early mornings or mornings at all were not peak sanity times, okay? Thus you had my giggling over the idea of getting a self-esteem pep talk from a gorgeous alien Priince who should, by all logic, have no idea I existed.

“What's so funny?” Xan asked.

“Just everything. Nothing. I don't know. My brain is borked, okay? And it's too early for, like, thoughts. Or being awake. Do you guys have coffee?” They better have had fucking coffee, seriously.

“We have caffeinated beverages, if that's your concern. Though, I think, we have far bigger concerns right now.”

“Don't remind me. It's way too fucking early to think about how the Earth government people want to take me back to my home planet seemingly for the sake of drama and definitely not for the sake of anything resembling logic,” I grumbled.

“It does seem highly illogical, doesn't it?” Xan remarked.

“'Highly illogical' is an understatement that would win the Blue Ribbon in the Understatement Competition at the State Fair,” I said.

Xan laughed. “Politics is really a mess, isn't it?”

I nodded. “Yeah, it totally fucking is. Bet you're sick of it even worse than I am since you're a Prince and all.”

He sighed. “Sick enough to avoid it, for the most part. That's part of why I was on Earth. I didn't want to deal with things.”

The air in the room felt heavier all of a sudden. “But now you kinda have to deal, don't you? With the whole throne competition and, well, me. Sorry about, um, my entire fucking planet.”

“It's not your fault your political figures are acting like spoiled children with sharing problems. And, besides, you're more than worth it,” Xan said.

My cheeks flushed. I couldn't see myself right now, but I was sure I was blushing something serious. Like whoa. Nobody had ever told me I was worth interplanetary conflict before. Granted, how many people were ever put in such a situation? Not very fucking many, I was sure. Xan's voice fucking resonated with sincerity; I could tell he actually meant it when he said I was worth an actual interplanetary conflict that was actually, in all likelihood, actually fucking happening. For fucking real.

“Aw, thank you,” I murmured. “You don't know how much that means.”

“I think I may have some idea.”

I didn't really think he did, but I also didn't feel like arguing with him. Too early for a debate, you know? Way too fucking early.

You know what else it was way too early for? A phone call. Definitely way too fucking early for one of those, but that didn't stop Xan's vidscreen from turning on and flashing us the words “Very Important Call from Kingdom Security Master Firi Arco.”

Wait, what?

“I think you probably need to answer that,” I said. “Or she might decide to kill us or something after all,” I said.

Slowly, Xan moved himself out from under the covers and clicked some button somewhere, causing Firi to appear on the screen. She did not look happy. In fact, she looked rather fucking terrifying, though her Death Glare of Doom didn't seem to be directed to either of us. Rather, she looked like she were trying to death glare some mysterious force that wasn't us. I had some idea of what it might be, causing my stomach to sink into the center of the planet's core because oh shit.

I asked, “So, are the rumors true, then?”

She said, “You know what I'm calling you for, then, don't you, little whore? The governments of Earth and their delightful Coalition of Earth Nations have decided you belong to them, when that simply isn't true.”

“They can't have him,” Xan hissed.

“Legally, they can,” Firi countered. “I'm sure you're familiar enough with their Important Person Retrieval Agreement?”

“The agreement that makes no sense whatsoever? Yes, I am familiar with it,” Xan grumbled.

“Then you know there's not much that can be done,” she said.

“I know it, and I don't like it.” Anger radiated from Xan with such intensity, I was almost afraid.

“So, the Earth people absolutely insist on bringing me back despite the fact that I wasn't fucking abducted?” Why, I had to ask myself again, were the people of my planet being so goddamn stupid?

Firi nodded. “Indeed. And they want you sooner rather than later.”

“How soon is 'sooner?'” Xan asked.

“Too soon,” she muttered. “They're giving us a week to send him back, or else they're going to come and retrieve him themselves.”

“A week?” I couldn't fucking believe that.

“A week,” Firi confirmed with a decidedly grim expression.

“So we have a week to find a loophole and or get the Coalition of Earth Nations to back off?” I wanted to be sure I had this right.

Firi nodded. “That is correct.”

Xan hissed, “Dylan is not going back.”

She said, “Of course he isn't. It's not very nice of Earth to try and steal our toys.” She gave us a strange look. “Oh, Prince Yavion, I see you like to sleep in pajamas, but what's your little friend wearing under the sheets? I can see he doesn't have a shirt on.”

In response, Xan pulled the rest of the sheets off of me, exposing my naked body. I blushed, just slightly.

Xan said, “As you can see, he isn't wearing anything. After all, my plaything doesn't need clothes for sleeping, does he?”

Firi's eyes sparkled. “No, he doesn't. I like him best when he's naked, which is how he should be. I need to be going soon, unfortunately.”

He actually pouted. “You're going to go before I have a chance to do this?”

Xan leaned over and kissed me. My eyes widened in surprise, and I quickly returned his advance, even embracing him as he crawled on top of me. When he deepened the kiss, I gladly let him, savoring the sweet taste of his lips and the texture of his tongue. I moaned quietly as he kissed me. Damn, he felt amazing, amazing enough that I felt that ache building between my legs.

Firi breathed, “Oh, I do like a show!”

I did, too. Xan nibbled on my bottom lip; I moaned again in response. Knowing Firi watched made it all the hotter. Though she watched only from a vidscreen, I could still feel her eyes on us as Xan kissed me. Already, I writhed beneath him, my body begging for more.

Xan whispered, “You're such a good little slut, aren't you? You'll let me do whatever I want, won't you? Because you're mine, and you know it.”

I breathed, “I will.”

“Of course you will.” He then kissed me on my neck. I writhed even more as he teased me with his tongue. Xan's actions drove me wild, and he knew it. He chuckled, clearly enjoying the power he had over me.

When he bit down on my neck, I yelped, which made him laugh yet again. He lifted himself up, gently encouraging me to let him go. I did as he directed, though I whined just a bit. Was he going to stop now? He seemed to understand my distress, saying “Oh, there's no way I'm stopping yet. It wouldn't be much of a show if I did, would it?”

Firi asked, “Are you going to tie him up? Because that I would like to see.”

Did Xan even have such equipment in his room?

“I do happen to have some relevant supplies,” Xan said. “Do you think I should I should gag him as well so he can't talk back? Not that he would ever tell me no; Dylan's too much of a good boy for that.”

She smirked. “Oh, I definitely think you should gag him.”

My cock ached in anticipation; I was already hard, which Firi didn't fail to noticed. I saw how her eyes, even from the vidscreen, looked me up and down. Xan got off the bed and opened a drawer in what I assumed was his nightstand. He pulled out what looked like several long, thin pieces of shimmery black fabric. His eyes twinkled.

He said, “I'm going to tie you up now. I know you're a good boy, so why don't you raise your arms over your head for me?”

I did as I was told. Xan expertly tied my arms to the bedposts, wrapping the fabric strips around my wrists so that there was no way I could undo them. I felt trapped and powerless, as I should. He kissed me lightly before gagging me with another fabric strip.

Xan said, “Oh, you look so cute when you're all tied up.” He turned to the image of Firi on the viewscreen. “What should I do with him now?”

She replied, “Hmm, I think you should blow him, but don't be gentle about it. I want to see him squirm.”

Even just hearing her made me squirm. Firi smiled, her eyes locking with mine.

“I think I can do that,” Xan agreed. “I like watching my little toy squirm as well.”

He spread my legs apart and positioned himself between them. As Firi had instructed, he wasn't gentle. Xan took all of me in his mouth, wasting no time. He sucked hard and wasn't afraid to use his teeth. Xan grazed my cock with them, the pain sending sparks of pleasure through me. I moaned through the gag. He grabbed my hips, digging his nails into them.

Xan stopped working me long enough to whisper, “I can't have you moving around too much, can I?”

Quickly, he took me in his mouth again. Damn, it felt too good. Everything felt too fucking good, from the way I was tied up to the way Xan now teased me with his tongue. That teasing didn't last long, though, as he bit down on my dick.

I yelped. Damn, that hurt so deliciously. My eyes even teared up.

Firi noticed that. “Aw, you're making him cry. I like that. It's good to remind him who has the power here.”

After that, Xan removed his mouth from around my erection. He said, “I don't want you getting too close, now.”

Why not?

He growled, “Because I want to fuck you.”

“You should take him dry,” Firi said. “I don't think you've caused him enough pain.”

Xan looked at me, his expression downright predatory. His eyes twinkled as they looked directly into mine. Briefly, he turned around to look at Firi. “I like your idea,” he said.

She smiled in response to that, her own eyes twinkling. As for me? I quivered in anticipation, my body eager.

Xan asked me, “Do you like this idea? I bet you, don't you? Doesn't matter; it's not up to you, anyway. But that's how you like it, isn't it?”

He removed his pants quickly and then positioned himself between my legs again. His smiled made my heart flutter. When he pushed inside me, I cried out in surprise and pain because I wasn't quite ready. It hurt, but, damn did I want it. Okay, I wanted it partly because it did hurt. This time, Xan didn't bother to start slowly or anything like that. He thrust hard, showing nothing like mercy.

As he worked me, he stared into my eyes, going directly for the soul. He had such a way with his eyes; it was hard to fucking believe. He grabbed my shoulders to steady himself, letting his nails dig into my skin.

“You enjoying yourself?” he asked.

I wasn't capable of speech at that point, so I nodded. With the gag, I couldn't make much noise that anyone could hear, but I moaned anyway, the pleasure quickly overtaking everything else. Damn, how did Xan do that?

The way he worked me? Fucking incredible. Seriously fucking incredible. He transported me to another dimension, one where I ceased to be human and became something more.

Firi purred, “Oh, I'm enjoying this. Very much. Say, does he really need to be able to breathe so much? He seemed to enjoy it when I made him pass out.”

Oh, damn, I had enjoyed that very, very much.

Xan glanced over his shoulder at Firi and murmured, “Yes, the little slut did seem to like that, didn't he?” He looked back at me. “You did, didn't you?”

I nodded again. I couldn't lie about that, now could I?

Slowly, Xan's hands left my shoulders and slid towards my neck. At first, he only lightly clasped them around my neck, but that didn't last for long. Soon, he squeezed tight, cutting off my air supply. I squirmed beneath him, my body flushing with pleasure. As Xan choked me, he pounded me even harder. I thought I might come soon from everything he was doing.

I was right; just as I blacked out for a moment, I came, my whole body shuddering. I regained consciousness right when Xan let go of my neck and came himself, his hands briefly tightening before they let go of me. I could see the expression of bliss on his face. Damn, that was fucking amazing. I looked into his eyes, which burned into my soul. Again, damn.

As he slipped out of me, he smiled. “You enjoyed that, didn't you?”

I couldn't answer him because I was both gagged and too exhausted to so much as move a muscle.

Firi said, “That was a simply lovely little show you two put on. Dylan is so very cooperative, isn't he?”

Xan answered, “Of course he is. That's part of why I like him so much.”

Suddenly, Firi's eyes hardened. “After that, there's absolutely no way I'm letting the Coalition of Earth Nations take him back.”

“But what can we do?” Xan looked seriously worried.

How they could recover quickly enough to worry was beyond me. I was still too wiped out to do more than vaguely process their conversation. Still, a bit of worry gathered in the pit of my stomach as I wondered just how we would keep me where I belonged. The Earth people might have thought I belonged on Earth, but I did not belong on the fucking Earth, no matter that I was born there.

“I don't know,” Firi grumbled, “but we will think of something. Earth may think Dylan's theirs because he's human, but they're wrong about that. He belongs to us now.”

Do you know how much of a fucking ego trip it was to have two whole fucking planets fighting over you? Underneath all the panic, my ego had inflated quite a bit. Sure, the Earth's reasons for wanting me back were as stupid as fucking anything, but they still wanted me. And I knew Xan's reasons for wanting me were far less stupid and far more reasonable. And sexier. So, despite how ridiculous the conflict was, at least it was doing something for my admittedly shaky self-esteem? I didn't think they taught “get two planets to fight over you” as a self-esteem boosting method in psych classes, though. It wasn't exactly practical, was it?

“We better think of something,” Xan hissed.

I wished I had an idea, but I didn't. Preston said we would need a “fancy loophole,” though where exactly were we supposed to find one of those?

Firi sighed. “I have other business to attend to, but I will see what I can do about keeping your little plaything here on Zimara where he belongs. Goodbye for now.”

With that, the screen blacked out.

What the fuck were we supposed to do, dammit? I did not want to go home. You can understand why I wouldn't want to go home, right? The quantity of hot people who wanted me was much higher on Zimara. Back on Earth? I'm assuming you know it's kind of crap out there for bi guys like myself. And that's all I have to say about that at the moment, okay?

Xan sighed as well. “Firi Arco may be terrifying, but even she knows it's not so easy to circumvent the Important Person Retrieval Agreement.”

If I weren't still gagged, I would have said how it was the dumbest agreement I had ever heard of, and that included the promise some kid made that he would be the first “Ninja President of the National States.” Last I heard, that kid was in rehab, so yeah.

Since we were stuck with a stupid, stupid, beyond fucking stupid agreement, we would have to find a way around it. I had no idea what that way would be, but we would find one, without a doubt. I wasn't going back to Earth without a fight.

Xan looked at me. “I'm sorry about all this trouble. It's terribly unfair, isn't it? It's like the people of your home planet think they have some kind of claim over you. They don't own you; I do.”

But Xan didn't have a fancy agreement on his side. He couldn't, like, change the laws or something, could he? Maybe he could ask the dad that was still sane to make up a new law that said I could stay on Zimara? That wouldn't be too fucking implausible, would it? I would float this suggestion by Xan as soon as he took this gag off me.

For a few mintues, he didn't try to remove the gag or anything, instead staring at me with a strange mixture of sadness and desire. Oh damn, I hoped that expression didn't mean he thought we had already lost, because I had exactly no intention of losing yet.

It would help if I could come up with an idea that would have a chance of working, though. Yeah, that would be fucking useful indeed.

Xan stroked my cheek lightly before untying my gag. I sucked in air, unused to being able to breathe through my mouth if I wanted to. He kissed me quickly before untying me from the headboard of his bed.

I asked, “You don't have one of those 'fancy loopholes' hiding under your mattress, do you?”

That got a small laugh out of Xan. “No, I'm afraid I don't keep loopholes in my mattress.”

“Got any in your closet, then?”

“No, I'm afraid I don't have any in my closet, either,” he muttered.

Dammit. Not that I really thought loopholes were physical things you could hide in your closet or under your mattress. No, loopholes were hidden in dense legal documents written in language foreign to everyone without a law degree of some kind.

I lied there, struggling to come up with something. A week. We had a fucking week. They say Rome wasn't built in a day, bu I didn't think it was built in a mere week either. And yeah, what the fuck were we going to do?

“Sucks that I'm an important person,” I said.

Xan lay himself down beside me. “It more than 'sucks,' Dylan. It's terrible. I know I haven't known you for very long at all, but I absolutely cannot bear to lose you to stupid politicking.”

My heart warmed to hear that, but my stomach sank at the same time because we simply had no ideas.

I suggested, “You really can't just say I'm part robot and thus not actually a person at all and thus not subject to the stupid agreement of stupid doom?”

Xan shook his head. “No, I'm afraid that's not legally feasible.”

“Well, it was worth a try, at least? Maybe?” I laughed bitterly. Things had been going so fucking awesome, and now they looked like they were going to be taken away from me. “Well, maybe I can come back after they drag me to Earth?” That didn't sound so hopeful, either.

“That's not so likely if you're arrested,” Xan muttered.

I decided; there must be a way. We had to find a way, and, therefore, one would exist. Even if I couldn't just pull a 'fancy loophole' out of Xan's mattress, as convenient as that would have been. My resolve hardened; I simply was not going to return to Earth. That was all there was to it.

character: firi, nanowrimo, pairing: xan/dylan, character: xan, nano novel 2012, character: dylan, series: i prefer the mind control

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