NaNo Ridiculousness Chapter 13

Nov 24, 2012 11:20

Hey there,

Here's Chapter 13 of "I Prefer the Mind Control." I'm trying to make actual chapters now. Enjoy the NSFW ridiculousness!

Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5(ish), Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12


I had never felt like this before; nothing had ever felt so amazing as what Xan was doing to me right now. The way he worked me? If ecstasy could kill, I would have been dead a fucking million times over, and then some. I never, ever, ever wanted this to end, only I wanted him to break me even more, and I somehow suspected that would require him to stop sucking my dick.

Indeed, he did stop. I whimpered because damn fuck it felt so good. The loss of his lips around my length practically hurt physically. As painful as Xan's stopping was, I had hope it meant he would be doing more to me. I looked into his eyes and tried to ask him what he planned to do next.

Xan smirked. “Oh, pretty one, you didn't want me to stop, did you? Don't worry, though. I know what you need. It's almost time to shatter your soul, and I know exactly how I'm going to do it. This will be delightful.”

He spread my legs even wider and settled in between them. I could see how turned on he was. Would Xan do what I thought he was going to do? Damn, I hoped so.

His eyes fucking sparkled as he grabbed my shoulders and pushed himself inside me. I cried out at the sudden pain. While it hurt, I still wanted it, and it still felt amazing. Xan stretched me in body, mind and soul. Now, I felt on the very edge of breaking, but I didn't tumble over that edge, not yet. He looked down at me, smiling while he fucking blazed with his strange power. If I thought Xan's sucking my dick was intense, I knew nothing. This? I almost fucking exploded right then and there.

The power surged through me. With every thrust, Xan sent more of it crackling through my being. He dug his nails into my shoulder. That hurt, too. The power itself almost hurt with the way it used my body as its own fucking playground. I gasped with the overwhelming pleasure of everything. I felt so far from human, then, like I was less a person and more a receptacle for Xan's breathtaking psychic energy. I fucking loved that.

“It's going to be very, very soon,” Xan said.

But what did he mean by “soon” this time? People would often use “soon” to mean “no, it's actually going to be several thousand fucking centuries before X happens” because people sucked. So, while, I felt on the edge of breaking, part of me wondered, just a bit, if he were teasing me or something like that.

Of course, I couldn't ask Xan what he meant by “soon” because I couldn't form actual words. Also, the possibility existed that he wouldn't even tell me even if I were able to speak and thus ask him. Despite all that, I pleaded with my eyes for Xan to elaborate on what he meant by “soon” this time.

He answered me with a smile that seemed deliberately mysterious. Damn you, deliberately mysterious smile. Damn you.

Luckily for me, Xan actually spoke then. “Are you ready? Answer me; make a little noise if you are. I don't want to do this unless you're truly ready. Alright?”

Was I ever fucking ready! I made a funny noise somewhere between a gasp and a whimper, hoping Xan would take it for the affirmative it was. My whole being quaked with the most intense desperation I had felt yet. I shivered internally with my desire, no with my fucking need to be broken.

Xan smiled. Damn fuck, was that the most beautiful smile in this entire dimension. I didn't know much about other dimensions, if those even existed, but I bet he would win any beautiful smile contests elsewhere as well.

He said, “That's all the answer I need. My, my it's incredibly obvious how ready you are. So obvious I almost didn't need to ask you if you were ready.”

In truth, he really didn't need to ask me. I had been super, super ready since before we even started. I think he realized this, too, because of the way he looked at me then. His eyes shone with an unusual depth of sorts. Their metallic nature combined with Xan's power enhanced his current inhuman nature. Right now? Definitely fucking made of power.

Made of the kind of power that shook me to my core and beyond, way fucking beyond. The kind of power that attacked my soul like an atom bomb on crack. Those fault lines inside me? They split open the widest yet. And kept splitting. And then split some more. My being quaked, the power running through it with force that had to violate the laws of physics as I knew them.

And then it happened.

My soul shattered.

One final blast of Xan's power, and my soul exploded into millions and millions of tiny pieces. I went from whole to broken in less than a fucking nanosecond. When it happened, I screamed, a sound of both terror and ecstasy. And possibly terrified ecstasy because feeling that good? Scary as fucking hell, let me tell you.

As he broke me, Xan's face showed joy like I had never seen. Power and bliss mixed in his features to create a picture of absolute fucking perfection. While I screamed, he made not a single sound. After that? Fucking hard to explain. I - I floated in darkness, only kind of conscious. I knew I existed, but I was no longer me. Instead, Xan's power held all the scattered fragments of my soul, so I became an extension of him and a project in his hands. Now? He had me so completely at his mercy, so much so that he could determine the future definition of “me.”

I knew he would redefine me as something better than what I had been; I trusted him to do this.

So when a beam of blue light sizzled across my vision, slamming into my chest, I trusted that this was supposed to happen. But I quickly decided it wasn't. A vicious, burning pain seized me, one different from anything else Xan had done. I cried out; unlike everything else, the beam of blue light felt wrong. I barely had time to register the wrongness of the beam before everything went dark. All I knew was a sense of “this isn't right.” Why? Was Xan even responsible? Or was it something that shouldn't have fucking been there in the Soulbreaking Ceremony Room at all?

I awoke in a sea of sparkles. Hey, don't look at me like that. I'm not making this shit up. You're making this shit up, as you're the fucking author of this thing. And the best way to describe what happened is “sea of sparkles” even if that sounds really, really, amazingly stupid. Okay?

Anyway, when I woke up, everything fucking sparkled. The air shimmered and shined and nearly blinded me. Against the silvery glitter-like obstructions, I could barely tell that this fucking weird place was white. What the flying fuck? I knew Soulbreaking would be weird, but this? This was definitely fucking wrong. That blue beam of light shouldn't have happened, and these sparkles shouldn't have happened, either.

“Shit!” I hissed from my awkward position on the ground.

“Dylan? Is - is that you?” Xan's voice sounded somewhere nearby. It shook. Judging by the tone alone, he didn't expect this any more than I did.

“Yeah, it's me. Where are you? I can't fucking see anything,” I said.

“Over here!” he called out.

Standing up very slowly, I started walking in the direction of Xan's voice. I thought I saw a shadow that might have been him. I reached toward that shadow, obscured by the sparkles, and made contact with a solid, warm object. A living object that moved.

“You found me.” It was Xan.

I sighed with relief. Of course, said relief didn't last very fucking long.

Another shadow materialized. It swooped down on us. I ducked and brought Xan to the ground with me. The shadow was dark. It oozed malevolence. The thing barely missed us. With our stellar luck, it came back for another attack. I managed to roll Xan and myself out of the way. But only just.

I knew we couldn't outrun it. The next time it attacked, I lost my mind. I jumped at the thing. Tackled it to the ground. Pain shot through me when I made contact with the ground. The shadow thing oozed and squirmed beneath me. It appeared to be nothing more than a formless blob. How the fuck did you kill a formless blob? I tried to squeeze it to death while the air glittered around me.

“Disappear, you asshole,” I hissed at the shadow blob.

Miraculously, my absurd, frustrated order fucking worked. The Shadow Blob of Doom disappeared. Just fucking disappeared like that. Seriously.

Then, I noticed Xan. He lay on the ground. While the sparkles obstructed my vision, I did notice how wide his eyes were. He was stunned. For that matter, so was I. What the fuck was going on? I wanted to know. No, I needed to know, or else I feared we might not survive. Who was to say there wouldn't be more Shadow Blobs of Doom? And would any other assailants be so easy to defeat? I doubted it, somehow.

Xan breathed, “I - I think I know where - where we are.”

That would be nice.

“And where are we?” I asked.

“In a whole lot of danger.”

Knowing that much, I muttered, “Yeah, I figured that out. But what kind of danger and what is this weird as fuck place?”

He said, “It's - it's a kind of...special dimension, created by the Soulbreaking.”

“So this is an actual expected part of the ceremony?”

Xan continued, “No - no, it's not. Not at all. My best guess is this place was created when you were attacked during the Soulbreaking. Someone hit you with an energy gun. It should have killed you, but your shattered soul meant that both our souls were sent to this place instead. I heard legends and theories about this happening, but I never expected to experience it. The idea is either that a shattered soul makes you easier to kill, or harder. I guess it made it harder to kill you.”

Wait, what? Seriously? Again? Seriously?

“Shit, someone tried to kill me? Again? Goddammit,” I said, smacking my forehead with my palm.

He sighed. “Apparently.”

Ugh, these assassination attempts were getting more than a little old, you know. I wished people would stop trying to kill me. I liked being alive and resented people who tried to make me stop being alive.

I asked, “Krun again?”

“Probably, though I don't know,” Xan answered.

“Now that that bit of exposition is out of the way, we have a bigger problem. Namely, getting the fuck out of this weird, creepy, way too fucking sparkly dimension of doom,” I muttered. “Wait a second, though. If it's illegal to kill me here and someone tried anyway, why not go after you, Xan?”

“Possibly the would-be assassin was merely angry you wouldn't die earlier and wanted to correct that 'mistake' despite any potential consequences,” he said.

I groaned. “That's just fucking stupid. So, anyway, any ideas on how to, you know, get out of here?”

Unfortunately, Xan appeared rather stricken. “None, none whatsoever. A dimension such as this was, up until now, just theory. There's no established way to get out.”

Fuck. Also, fuck. Hey, author, you wanna pull a magic solution out of the air for me? I would pull one out of my air, but it's clogged with way too many fucking sparkles. Nothing? Fine, I'll get Xan and me out of here, no thanks to you.

I grumbled, “If we're stuck in Creepy Sparkle Land for the time being, it would be nice if we at least had some fucking sunglasses so we might have a chance of actually being able to see.”

Suddenly, everything went dark. Not “can't see” dark, just “somewhat darker and not as sparkly” kind of dark. What the fuck? I reached to my eyes, hoping to somehow fix this latest freaky development, and hit something hard and plastic. That's when I realized - I was wearing sunglasses. So was Xan.

“H-how?” I breathed. “It's like the second I said we should have sunglasses, some appeared. Like I fucking summoned them with nothing but my brain.”

“Maybe you did,” he said.

“That's impossible!”

He countered, “This whole dimension shouldn't really be possible, as it was only a theory. People have been killed during their Soulbreakings, but this has never happened. So 'what's possible' is not likely to follow the normal rules of the universe.”

I muttered, “In that case, I would like an energy gun of my own in case the next Shadow Blob of Doom won't just disappear if I order it to do so.” Despite the magically appearing shades, I didn't actually expect an energy gun to materialize.

But one fucking did. Just appeared right in my hand.

This dimension had a spectacular sense of timing because, right then, another Shadow Blob of Doom swooped down. I rolled out of the way. As I rolled, I shot at it. Fucking missed.

This shadowy thing spoke, in a creepy echoing voice that seemed to come from inside my head. Maybe you should have materialized yourself the ability to aim. And given yourself some clothes. Shame to die naked, really.

The thing swooped towards us again.

“I don't need clothes to kick your ass!” I shouted as I shot at the Blob again. Direct fucking hit.

My brain had an interesting sense of style because my energy gun shot a pink beam of light. Pink lightning crackled around the Shadow Blob. It exploded into a bunch of inky droplets which quickly disappeared.

I looked at Xan. He was fulled dressed. I asked, “How come you've got pants on? I'm assuming I'm naked because I wore nothing when I was shot, but your pants were down when it happened and now they're up.”

“I don't really know,” he said.

“I figured as much but thought I'd ask anyway.”

There wasn't time to materialize myself some clothes before the next shadow thing appeared. It grabbed Xan before I could do anything.

Shoot me and he dies. Though I would let him die if I were you. If you let him die, you can leave. And be free. The odious voice echoed in my mind.

Xan's eyes widened. He trembled. Oh fuck no, I wasn't going to let him die.

I glared at the Shadow Blob. “I have no desire to be free!” I shouted.

Damn, I could almost swear the thing raised an eyebrow at me, though it didn't have any fucking eyebrows.


Maybe if I kept it talking, I could get it to let go of Xan? I hesitated on shooting it because what if it weren't lying? What if I shot it and Xan did die?

I stared at it, mustering as much courage as I could. The Shadow Blob of Doom floated ominously among the sparkles. You might think sparkles were pretty, but right now? Freaky as fuck, even through my sunglasses.

“Really. Polygraph me if you must.” Wait, would the Blob even know what a polygraph was?

I will.

Something like an electric shock passed through me. It threatened to knock me over, but I stood my ground. No shadow monster holding the man I loved hostage would knock me over, ever.


It was “fascinating” to try and knock me over? Shadow Blobs were fucking assholes.

You may be human, but you were not lying. You want him to own you.

Didn't I already go through this crap with the scientifically ridiculous door? I continued to stare at the Blob. Though, really, it was fucking unfair to have to engage in a staring contest with a creature whose eyes I couldn't even identify or see. You know what? I didn't fucking care if it had no eyes. I would win this staring contest anyway.

No need to get so angry, little human. I will let him go, but, my, you are an unusual one.

As much as I, perhaps foolishly, wanted to argue with the Blob, I resisted the impulse. The creature dropped Xan and promptly disappeared. I ran over to Xan. He shivered, so I hugged him to me.

“It's okay,” I whispered. “I'm here.”

He hugged me in return. I could feel how much Xan shook. That horrible Shadow Blob must have really freaked him out, understandably. At least none of them had touched my body. So far. Who knew what would happen next, though? What would we encounter, and would we actually fucking survive it? I didn't want to die by freaky shadowy monster. I didn't want to die at all, and I didn't want Xan to die, either.

nanowrimo, nsfw (actual sexual content - really!), pairing: xan/dylan, character: xan, nano novel 2012, character: dylan, series: i prefer the mind control

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