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Comments 3

theun4givables November 24 2012, 16:34:39 UTC
Woo, sparkly other dimensions! I love that this is such a silly story, because it makes it a whole lot of fun for me to read. It's so goofy, and sexy, and Dylan is the perfect narrator for it. He really is.

I love that the demonic shadow things are testing him. Trying to see if he truly and utterly wants his soul broken. Dudes, he does. Let him just be SoulBonded with Xan now please, kthx. All of the assassination attempts need to stooooop. xD


alien_writings November 24 2012, 16:56:33 UTC
Dylan agrees with you that the assassination attempts need to stop. His narration makes the story a lot of fun for me to write as well. The sparkly dimension is ridiculous as hell, but it's amusing, isn't it?

Even after Dylan is Soulbonded with Xan, he's not going to hear the end of people being all "WTF?" about his choice to do it. Like from, say, his planet's government. Haha


n3m3sis43 November 26 2012, 19:34:44 UTC
Yay, sparkles! Hahaha. I love the idea of a sparkle dimension being scary. Although I'm not sure if it's actually scary or if Xan is just a big old wuss. Dylan doesn't seem scared, but maybe that's because he has magical Mary Sue powers in this dimension? Of course he would. Although I guess that actually sort of makes a weird kind of sense since the dimension was created by the breaking of his soul.

Also, I loved how he was just like, "What, again? Why are people always fucking trying to kill me?" Well, duh, Dylan. It's because you're the biggest Mary Sue in a universe that's apparently filled to the brim with Mary Sues. Obviously. :D


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