He's What I go to school for- Chapter 14

Jul 09, 2008 08:02

Title: He’s What I Go To School For
Author: Kimmi
Pairing: Vam
Summery: Ville is the school Goth freak who no ones pays attention to, let alone knows he exists.  But when the bullying starts to increase is there any point in staying in school, well there is when he meets his new Media teacher.
Disclaimer:  I do not own them -although I wish I did- As real as Ville’s tiny pecker xD
A/N: New story! I was just so bored while waiting to fall asleep last night that I just started thinking about how hot teacher and student Vam relationships are xD

Chapter 1/ Chapter 2/ Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12 / Chapter 13

[Hello! just a quick post before I have to disappear to work *sigh* at least I'm working with my little Linda today xD all we do is sing Black Sabbath and Guns N' Roses songs all day xD it is so awesome.  Plus I'm actually really happy to be going, I've been off sick all last week and I was so bored at home lol! anyway, i'm gunna shut up and present you with Chapter 14....looks like life is one the up for Willa and Bammie! Enjoy!]

“Ville, what is this I hear about you quitting school!” I heard my mother’s voice ring down the phone.  It had to be the first conversation I had had with her for about three months.  She was angry with me, as usual.  It broke my heart to think my own mother didn’t want to love me simply because I was gay.

“I’m sorry Mama” I apologised weakly, tears threatening to fall.

“Why?  Why Ville?” She asked, voice softening slightly.

“I couldn’t handle it anymore.  Do you remember those jocks that were expelled?”

“Of course”

“They were allowed back into school.  They wanted to make my life hell for getting them expelled in the first place, thus why I left” I cried silent tears of the memories of coming back to the flat broken and bruised having been chased home.  Bam couldn’t even do anything at the time.

A gasp came from down the phone, the sound of the small device being dropped and quickly being picked up once more to be held in my mother’s grasp “Oh Ville, I’m so sorry”  For the first time in half a year my mothers voice felt….emotional.  She held sadness and  an apologetic tone, something I hadn’t heard in a long time.

“Why didn’t you leave sooner?” Was her next question, voice softened considerably.

“Bam was the reason, mama.  He’s what I go to school for” I smiled, glancing over at the man singing a random Iggy Pop song while making breakfast.  I watched as he pranced around in his bright orange boxers, swaying his hips with his words.  He had a good singing voice, just never liked to admit it.

To my surprise she let out a small laugh “You really love him don’t you?” She asked seriously, eagerly waiting for my answer.  She knew what it would be, but I guess she needed to hear it to at least give me her blessing.

“More than the world Mama” I said, meaning every word that flowed from my mouth.

“Just as long as your happy Ville.  Listen; I bet you’re looking for a job right?”

I raised an eyebrow, knowing that she couldn’t see it but still doing it nonetheless “Yeah” I said slowly.

“Your father is looking for help in the shop;  He’s been begging me to ask you”  She gave another small laugh, an obvious smile behind her words.

“Of course I’ll help!” I laughed, jumping up and down on the spot like an excited child “Thank you mama!” I shouted happily, attracting the attention of my lover, now putting pieces of bacon on a plate.

“Your welcome kulta, now when can you start?”

“Well I am going to see Bam’s family for a week or so in a couple of days, so can we say, 2 weeks?”

“That will be fine, your father will call you a couple of days previous.  I better be going Päivänpaiste, have fun visiting Bam’s family”

“I will Mama, I love you” I smiled, truly happy I had my mother back.

“I love you too kulta”  I heard the smile in her voice once more, saying our last goodbyes, we hung up.  I turned around quickly, facing Bam with a large grin.

“I have my Mama back!” I shouted happily, running over to him and wrapping my arms and legs around his body, effectively sending us crashing to the floor in a heap, laughing about pretty much nothing.

“I have a job too” I smiled, running my fingertips over his bare chest “I’ll be working in my daddy’s sex shop” I gave him a seductive smile, pressing my lips to his as he attempted to say something inappropriate.

I got up from his body, standing up and pulling him with me “What’s for brekky?” I asked in a childish voice.

“Bacon, eggs and toast” He smiled, kissing my lips once more.

“Carry on like that and we won’t have any breakfast ‘cause it’ll go cold” I smiled, kissing his lips like he had done.  Softly caressing his own lips with mine as his hands went to rest on my ass.

“I don’t care” He laughed, letting his tongue enter my mouth, making sweet love with my own.

I pulled back “I do, I’m starving” I said, sitting at the table and digging into my food, seeing the pout on his face I laughed, shoving a piece of bacon in his mouth as he opened his mouth to speak “No complaining. Eat” I laughed, carrying on chewing my yummy bacon.

The rest of breakfast was eaten in silence, only the sounds of the knives and folks scraping against the porcelain plates echoed about the room.

Sighing contently, I lent back, rubbing my now full stomach.  I rose from my chair, picking up my plate along with Bam’s and shoved it in the sink, standing and waiting for something to happen.  Bam glanced at me, standing from his own chair and sauntered towards me, pinning me against the counter.

I instantly felt his aroused member poking into my belly, smiling I grinded my hips into his “Looks like I’m stuck between a hard place and a hard place” I laughed, placing my hands on his waist, pulling him in for another kiss.

Our lips didn’t meet, instead his lips and teeth attached to my collarbone, nibbling on the soft pale skin.  I moaned, grinding my hips into his once more, showing my now hardening manhood.

He got down on his knees, kissing my own bare abdomen, tongue running along the line where skin met the thin material of my boxers, tongue slightly dipping just under the waistband.

His hands held my hips in place, stopping me from wanting to thrust to him.

“You,” He kissed me hip bone “are,” He kissed my other hip bone “so,” He kissed my bellybutton “beautiful.” He licked from the waist band of my boxers to my bellybutton, driving to the brink of insanity.

He started to remove my boxers, sliding them past my hips and letting my cock spring free.

This was the first time I’d had any attention from Bam in months, well in this way and oh how it felt good to do this once more.

[Thank you for reading my dearest darlings! hope you have a great day!]

And heres the wideo I made to go with the story! lol ignore the name of the teacher in the song and replace she with he ;) hope you enjoy!

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