He's What I Go To School For- Chapter 5

Jun 11, 2008 19:29

Title: He’s What I Go To School For
Author: Kimmi
Pairing: Vam
Summery: Ville is the school Goth freak who no ones pays attention to, let alone knows he exists.  But when the bullying starts to increase is there any point in staying in school, well there is when he meets his new Media teacher.
Disclaimer:  I do not own them -although I wish I did- As real as Ville’s tiny pecker xD
A/N: New story! I was just so bored while waiting to fall asleep last night that I just started thinking about how hot teacher and student Vam relationships are xD

dedicated to
karinvam and
villespunkchick for being just the sweetest people on earth!

Previous Chapters:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

[Hello Everyone, I'm so happy with this chapter for some reason.  I guess because I think it's kinda funny in a way.  Hope you enjoy!]

It was Monday once again, lucky for me my first lesson was Media.

I pulled the earphones from my ears, turning off my music which was currently on ‘Search and Destroy’ by Iggy Pop and The Stooges, shoving the earphones into my bag along with the personal CD player.

As I walked along the crowded corridor I felt a football hit me in the back of the head.  If I wasn’t in such a good mood, I would have run over to the asshole who through it and punched him right in the fucking face.

I rounded the corner to where the classroom was, seeing people crowded around the door, I pushed past them looking into the classroom I saw Bam at his desk writing, tongue lapping at his lip.

The room was filled with the sound of Elvis Presley’s ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’ and I smiled knowing it was for me.  Nobody else knew of course, it was my favourite Elvis song too.

“Mr. Margera has lost it” A girl whispered to her friend, I spun around looking at the two girls, giving them a death glare.

Shaking my head, I walked into the classroom, sitting at the desk right in front of his.

He noticed me, lifting his head and smiling, he looked to the door seeing all the girls staring at him.

A sudden stern look crossed his handsome features “Stay behind after class Ville” He told me, looking into his eyes I could see mischief.

“Yes Sir” I nodded, giving a fake sigh of disappointment.

Inside I knew he just wanted a quick make out session before his next class.  I drew my eyes to the notepad in front of me.

I jumped in surprise as I felt a foot trail up my leg, Bam must have slipped his baggy skate trainers off, looking up I saw the grin on his face while he marked a test paper, flashing me a lust filled gaze.

I knew now was the not time to become aroused, not in class with the rest of the day ahead of me.  It wasn’t even as if I could just go and jerk off somewhere.

“What are you drawing Mr. Valo?” I heard his voice ask, distracting me from my work of art.

I had unconsciously been drawing a cock, Bam’s cock to be precise.  I laughed, drawing a base of a vibrator and writing ‘The Bam’ along the shaft.

I knew it was risky if someone saw it and to be quite honest, I didn’t give a flying fuck.

I past him the notebook, his eyes lit up “I’m designing a product for my Daddy’s shop” I said with a smirk.

“Don’t you dare say that!” He said in a warning whisper, a slight smirk across his own lips.

More students walked in, his leg still ran up and down my leg, getting closer and closer to the bulge in my tight black jeans.

Just as his leg was about to touch my crotch the bell rang, making me groan in frustration.

He rose from his chair “Good morning class!” He said over the loud class chatter.

“Okay today we are going to study for our exams because I already have a good amount of papers to mark so get on with your studying.  You can talk but not too loud okay?” He said receiving a few groans in protest and a few people jeering, continuing talking to their friends.

I smiled as he sat back down, I noticed my handwriting on the paper he was marking, seeing him correcting some of my spelling but not circling them, drawing hearts around them with a smile on his face.

He still had the notebook on his desk, hidden behind a paper tray so only he could see it.

I didn’t know what to do, I sat twiddling my thumbs for a good ten minutes until his foot found my leg once again.

It moved up my leg to the inside of my thigh, massaging the area just nicely.  But my fucking cock didn’t want to stay buttoned away for long, I was actually afraid that the button would pop off with the amount of strain my hardened manhood had put on my jeans.

“Get on with your studying Mr. Valo” he said in a warning voice, foot moving over to my crotch, massaging like he had done my thigh.

“Y-Yes sir” I stuttered, people looked at me strangely, raising eyebrows and shaking their head mumbling the odd “Fucking freak” But at this moment in time I didn’t give a shit, the pooling in my groin was distracting me from everything.

His foot pressed in just the right places, I didn’t know why he was putting me through this torture.

His foot moved at a faster pace making me want to moan at the pure pleasurable friction it was causing.  I had to cough to hide a moan that escaped me.  I couldn’t help but squirm slightly as I neared climax, putting my head in my hands to mask the look on my face as my seed spilled into my jeans.

This was one of those moments where you wish you had put underwear on in the morning.

I knew I’d have a fucking stain as it slowly soaked into the thick fabric.

“S-sir, can I go to the toilet please?” I stuttered, seeing his smirk and a nod of the head I ran out of the classroom, hoping nobody noticed the stain.

I ran to the toilets, luckily they weren’t too far away, just a couple of corridors down.

I nearly ran into the restroom door, swinging it open and rushing into a cubical.

I went to grab some toilet roll but there was none left, hearing the door open and some guys walk in going to take a piss next to each other.

“Don’t you think Mr. M seems a little out of it today?” I heard a voice echo about the large restroom, suddenly I was interested in what another person from this hell hole had to say.

“I just thought he got some ass last night” The other guy answered with a slight chuckle.

It wasn’t uncommon to hear people taking about Bam as if he was one of the students, in fact he acted like one most of the time.

The first guy laughed loudly “Yeah it was probably that fucking Goth freak he hangs around with”

“Who? That Ville Valo guy?” The other, deeper voice answered.

“Yeah, I see them at the skate park together sometimes, they totally flirt with each other” The first guy laughed, making the other boy laugh with him.

I heard their laughter fade away as they walked out of the room, slumping onto the toilet.

I looked at my favourite black jeans, a white stain now marked the slightly faded fabric.

“Fuck” I mumbled, thinking of both the stain and the conversation I had overheard.

Was it that obvious that we liked each other?

I guess we should be more careful in future or Bam will lose his job for sure.

I attempted to clean the stain away, most of it came off with a lot of water but there was still a outline.

I walked out of the toilets and back to my lesson.  I knocked and walked into the classroom, head bowed low and hands in a weird position to at least attempt to cover the slightly still visible stain.

When I sat down I once again felt his foot on my leg, placing a hand under the table, I batted it away with a stern look towards the smirking teacher.  I saw my notebook being pushed back onto me desk where I saw some of Bam’s writing.

‘Sorry couldn’t resist, you looked so fucking sexy when you walked in’ I grinned towards him in appreciation, writing down my reply.

‘I loved it but dammit don’t do it again! Oh I need to tell you something after class’ I passed the notebook back.

‘What do you need to tell me?’

'I overheard something in the toilets while I was cleaning the cum stain from my jeans'  I passed it back to him, seeing him nod, he closed the book and passed it back.

The rest of the lesson was boring, Bam was too busy marking papers so I sat staring at the desk where someone had carved there names into the wood  ‘AL ♥ VV 4EVA’.

wait….The art girl’s initials are AL….Amy Lee, fuck, does that mean she likes me? I mean….I of all people have a secret admirer.  Maybe that’s how that fucking rumour started My thoughts where interrupted by the ringing of the school bell.

I had to stay behind after class, Bam said so.

I sat still as all the other students poured out of the classroom most of them going to their study period.

I waited as the last girl stood talking to My Bam, twisting her hair around her index finger, bent over his desk talking to him about how she needed help with her work.

He completely ignored her the whole time, still marking test papers.

He answered with the occasional ‘Hmm’ but that’s it.  I felt a sudden proud feeling in my heart that I was on his mind, I knew because he was drawing the symbol I created, doodling it on his desk, carving it into the wood.  He was like a rebellious teen and that’s what made him so liked.

“Okay, so I’ll come here after last class tomorrow right?” Bam still ignoring her replied with another ‘Hmm’ she squealed and went to go out of the room.

“Don’t you have a faculty meeting tomorrow after school Mr. Margera?” I asked, a slight smirk across my lips.  His head shot up and I gave him a ‘go along with it’ kind of look.

“Oh Yeah” He said looking at me confused.  I looked to the girl seeing her glaring at me.

“Some other time then Mr. M?” She asked her teacher who was currently still staring into my eyes.  Her voice shattered our connection like a high pitched scream smashes a glass window, Bam turning to her.

“I know your game and sorry but I don’t date students” He said with a stern look.

She gave off a little ‘Huff’ sound and walked out, Bam’s left hand swung up giving her the middle finger while he continued to marking the papers.

“Your going to get fired doing that” I said with a slight chuckle.

“I’m going to get fired doing you” He smirked, taking his eyes from the paper he was marking, folding it and throwing it in the other marked papers pile.

I stood from my chair, walking over to the side of his desk and sitting down on the edge.

“You haven’t quite “Done Me” yet have you?” I said using air quotes.

He pushed his chair out from under the desk, revealing a rather large erection hidden under his work trousers.  He placed his hands on my hips, pulling me onto his lap, one leg either side of him.

“I will do soon my little devil” He said winking.

I felt his erection being pressed into my ass and oh how it felt so fucking good.

I grinded my ass on his cock a couple of times, making him moan out in pleasure “Don’t you have a study period now right?” He asked me, seeing me nod he continued “Well Mr. Dunn is taking over my classes for the day because I have a doctors appointment at two”  He grinned “I’ll take you to the nurse and state that you don’t feel well, I’ll offer to take you home”  He said conjuring up a plan with a wide grin plastering his face, hands running over the pale skin under my shirt.

“Sounds like a Plan” I agreed, finishing with a moan as he thrust his hips up, cock sliding between my ass cheeks.

I slid from his lap, standing up.  I walked towards the door holding out my hand for him to follow.  Rising from his chair smirking, he followed me out of the room and towards the Nurses office.

[Woohoo! a long chapter too! hope you enjoyed ^_^ and I shall be seeing you all very soon!]
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