He's What I go to school for- Chapter 12

Jul 05, 2008 23:43

Title: He’s What I Go To School For
Author: Kimmi
Pairing: Vam
Summery: Ville is the school Goth freak who no ones pays attention to, let alone knows he exists.  But when the bullying starts to increase is there any point in staying in school, well there is when he meets his new Media teacher.
Disclaimer:  I do not own them -although I wish I did- As real as Ville’s tiny pecker xD
A/N: New story! I was just so bored while waiting to fall asleep last night that I just started thinking about how hot teacher and student Vam relationships are xD

Chapter 1/ Chapter 2/ Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11

[Okay so I know you are going to kill me once you have read this....But don't worry, it WILL happen at some other point in the story properly with full on discription *creeps away from you so you don't kill me* try and enjoy! Sorry again *Hides*]

We entered the bathroom together, a tangle of bodies.  The two men’s arms under my shirt, wanting to get it off so desperately.  I felt like a dirty whore, but if this is what a being a dirty whore felt like…I’d do it more often.

The pleasurable feeling of being wanted was too much for me to take from just one person, but when I had Jonne making me feel the same as Bam, at the same time was just fucking unbearable.  My mind and body had separated, almost like my spirit self was watching the action unfold above me.  Watching as Bam’s hands started to undo my tight pants.  At the same time I saw Jonne’s hands starting to undo my lover’s…a flash jealousy coming over me.

Ignoring it I started to feel the cold, public toilet air crash against my cock as Bam removed the very hardened manhood from the tight confines.  I felt myself being pushed against the stone-cold sink counter, my hips being lifted onto the marble as Jonne was ridding of his shirt.  I didn’t want to be completely naked, not in such a public place.

I was sure the owners of the bar had banned many a customer from their bar for such acts like this one.  The moment was heated, the air was cold.  The restroom window was open, the Finnish night breeze floating through the window like a feather in the wind or smoke from a cigarette, floating unconsciously.

I wanted this more than anything in the world at this moment.  But what about in the morning when I wake up next to my little innocent Bammie and turn to my other side and see the seductive, sexy teen that was Jonne, could I handle it?  I didn’t think so.

Before I could even contemplate what was happening before me, my cock was enveloped into Jonne’s deliciously hot mouth, making me moan out loud from the surprise and pleasure.

I didn’t want this.   I knew I didn’t want this, deep down.  But the sensation Jonne was causing me, couldn’t even tell him to stop.  Even if I did try it would come out as a strangle “Don’t Stop” So I simple kept my mouth shut.

I tried not to let the idea of Jonne turned me on so much.  I loved Bam, I needed Bam.

As I opened my eyes, the image I saw broke my heart.  My Bammie was fucking Jonne.  I couldn’t let this happen, it just wasn’t right.  I loved the man and I’m letting him have sex with someone he barely knows, just because he thought I wanted it.

To be honest, I did at first, I wanted it more than I wanted to become a musician.  But this was getting out of control.  I needed my Bam to show Me his love, not Jonne.

I felt Jonne moaning around my cock, the vibration from the back of his throat shooting pleasure around my body.  That was it, I had had enough.

“Jonne….Stop” I tried to get out without a single moan escaping me, proving quite difficult.  “Stop”  He carried on sucking my cock, Bam’s thrust making my cock move past his gag reflex like it was an everyday event for Jonne, not once did it seem to bother him “Stop” I tried again.  My eyes looked to see Bam looking at me softly.  He could see it in my eyes.  He could see the regret in them.  His thrusting stopped, Jonne whimpering in protest, starting to thrust his own body back onto Bam’s cock.

I was getting frustrated.  To me, Jonne just seemed like a whore looking for a good time “Stop!” I shouted, the boy’s eyes shot open, confusion embedded within his blue orbs.

He removed my cock from his mouth, giving me a slight scowl as he continued to thrust back onto Bam’s cock, oblivious that Bam wasn’t paying any attention to him, but rather his gaze was fixed on me.  He had blocked out the pleasure to give me his ‘Have I fucked up?’ look, me averting my gaze to the sink beside me.  All I wanted to do was fill the sink up with water and dip my head it the coolness, cooling my face down, but for another purpose.  To stop me breathing.

A Loud scream erupted from Jonne’s throat, making it obvious he had reached his climax, neither my or Bam’s names rolled off his tongue.  He pulled himself from Bam’s cock, standing up straight and finding his shirt, slipping it over his head after buttoning up his pants.  He gave a slight growl as he exited the restroom, not a word spoken between anyone, only the faint sound of Jonne cursing under his breath.

I pushed my still hard cock back into my jeans, zipping up the flies and jumping from the counter “Lets go home Bam” I said, my voice weak.  I entangled my fingers with his, holding his hand like lovers do while walking on the beach at night, slowly pulling him from the bathroom.

As we walked out, there were eyes boring into my back, giving me silent glares.  I knew they were Jonne’s, I had spoiled his fun.  It was nothing compared to what he had just done, he could have ruined mine and Bam’s relationship.

I knew I wasn’t ready for a threesome.  I had only just started having sex with just Bam and then I try to have a threesome with some guy I sit next to in Swedish class?  What the fuck was I thinking? I’m such a fucking fool.

I pulled the older man out of the bar after grabbing our coats, deciding that the cold Finnish night air would make me feel at least slightly better.

“I’m sorry baby” Bam cooed in my ear, pressing me against the outside wall of the bar.  I smiled at his apology, but knew it wasn’t enough.  It wasn’t even his fault my mood had taken a turn for the worse, it was mine.  I just didn’t want to admit it to myself.

“I know, but it’s not your fault” I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my head deep into his chest.  I wanted to weep, I wanted to smile, It was all so confusing.  A person I thought was a decent guy had completely turned out to be a whore looking for some cock, my cock…And Bam’s.

I knew there would be awkward conversation in Swedish class from now on.

“No, It is my fault.  I’m the one who should have known you didn’t want it, I should have been the one to tell you that you were not ready” He bowed his head, whispering into my curly hazelnut locks.

I tilted my head up and attached my lips to his, arms still wrapped around his neck.

“We better get you home, it’s fucking freezing” He chuckled slightly.  I forgot that he wasn’t quite accustomed to the coldness of the Finnish weather, being from America and all.

He didn’t even have a coat on.  I slid mine from my arms and placed it on his shoulders to keep him warm.

I didn’t understand why this was so wrong.  So what, he’s my teacher, but that doesn’t mean it is wrong.  Love doesn’t catch you on the people you are supposed to fall in love with.  Love is Satan’s work, he makes you crave for kisses and long for caresses.   He makes you want the things in life you can not have.  Sex, drugs and Rock n’ Roll….all Satan’s pieces of art, waiting for you to drown in his doings.  But those factors didn’t seem like sins to me, they seemed like a good time.  If god has restrictions then why follow him when you can not even fall in love with the person you know you want to fall in love with, just because of stupid titles.

I guess all of this explained why I was not religious in anyway and thank go- no Satan for that.

I needed to get home and curl up in bed.  Loose myself in the adventures that unfold within the book I would read that night.  Most likely a book about lovers.

I grew more tired as we walked, not a single word was spoken, just the feel of each other’s hands enough for both of us.

[Thanks for reading! and theres a no killing Kimmi policy here *bites lip* Dammit, saying that I will probably cause a riot...next chapter up on monday, I promise! Please comment tell me is you hate it, love it, hate me/ wanna murder me for not including the REAL smut, anything! just comment! I'm a comment whore xD oh and Beth...I know you will hurt me next time we meet up xD]
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