He's What I go to school for- Chapter 9

Jun 24, 2008 23:38

Title: He’s What I Go To School For
Author: Kimmi
Pairing: Vam
Summery: Ville is the school Goth freak who no ones pays attention to, let alone knows he exists.  But when the bullying starts to increase is there any point in staying in school, well there is when he meets his new Media teacher.
Disclaimer:  I do not own them -although I wish I did- As real as Ville’s tiny pecker xD
A/N: New story! I was just so bored while waiting to fall asleep last night that I just started thinking about how hot teacher and student Vam relationships are xD

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

New extra long, extra funny, extra sexy chapter for yoy ;) hope you enjoy it very much, and I better get to bed cause its like 11.40pm and I gotta get up at 7am for work *sigh* anyways.....enjoy muchly ^_^]

Bam took me into his arms, soothing my shaky sobs.  I felt safe in his arms, too safe.  I knew this would have to stop eventually, it was selfish of me because Bam could loose his job, especially now my mother knows that we are together.  She has that power in her hands once more, it all depends on whether she decides to rat us out to the school board.

“Shh, baby it’s going to be okay” He fingers stroked my silk locks, brushing them out of my red and puffy eyes.  I must have looked terrible, being naked and crying….weird combination.

Soon my sobs were reduced to silent tears, breathing heavy as tears fell like rivers over my pale complexion.

“Have you calmed down enough to tell me what’s going on?” Bam asked softly, hands stroking my back in a calming manner.

I nodded, more tears threatening to fall as I thought of what my mother had said “My Mama…she said…she doesn’t want a gay son…and…she’s pretty much just fucking disowned me over the phone” I said, anger filling my voice as I recapped my mother’s words in my mind, over and over again.

“Baby it’s okay, you can stay here, with me” He smiled softly, looking at me with suggestive eyes.  I grinned and nodded, wiping my tear stained cheek with the back of my hand “Okay, now that, that it settled, lets get something to eat, all this pleasure is making me hungry” He winked at me and climbed off the bed, making me giggle at his cuteness.

He pulled on his boxers, making me pout.  Shaking his head exited the room, calling for me on the way out.

I rushed to him, hopping along while trying to put my boxers on.  I found him looking through the cupboards in the kitchen, biting his lip.  I could probably guess there was either nothing in or he didn’t know what to eat.  I stepped into the kitchen and closed the cupboard door.

“Leave it to me” I smiled to him, leaning my back on the counter, palms resting either side of my body, lifting me to sit on the counter.

Bam moved between my legs, kissing me and hand trailing up my boxers.  I batted the hand away with a smirk, kicking his outer thigh with the inside of my foot lightly “Willa is a perfect little housewife” He said in a rather childish voice, a pout covering his lips.

“Uh, never” I sighed heavily.  I hadn’t ever seen myself as someone who would be a stay at home dad, I’m too untidy and lazy to do that.  Plus, I think it’s just a reason to sit around all day and do fuck all.

I opened the cupboard next to my head, seeing that there was pasta, other than that…nothing.

It was decided that I’d make tomato pasta with cheese on top, it was tasty and great for me, being a vegetarian and all.


Bam leaned back in his chair, rubbing his belly “Fuck, I’m stuffed” He let out a large breath and let his head fall back “That was awesome” He pulled his head back up to face me, smiling and sitting up properly.

I continued to eat my pasta, slow, like always.  I never did have much of an appetite, not even as a child.  That was probably the reason I was so skinny.

I ate the last piece of pasta I could manage and pushed my plate forward, silently stating I was finished.  I sat and stared at him for a good ten minutes while he played with his cell phone, obviously texting somebody.

“Who are you talking to?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.  It wasn’t like him to text someone and not tell me who he was talking to.  He looked up from the small device, a scowl covering his forehead.

“Your mom” He said, placing his phone on the table and leaning back once more “I’m trying to get her to bring your stuff round here.  She’s not going along with it, so we might have to go to your parents house and get it for ourselves”  I nodded in agreement.  I knew my mother wouldn’t have agreed to that.  I stood from the table, taking my half full plate in one hand and Bam’s licked clean one in the other, taking them over to the dishwasher and placing them in, after scraping my leftover food in the bin.

I followed into what was obviously the bathroom and saw him turn the shower on, slipping his boxers from his body once again and climbing in once the water was a nice temperature.  He motioned for me to join him, moving over slightly so I could climb in once bare.

As soon as I entered the shower, I was pinned against the tiled wall, wet hands roaming my body, wet lips attached to my neck.

“Baby, it’s already 8.30 we need to hurry up if we are going to get my stuff” I stated, trying my hardest to protest about the hand slowly stroking my cock to full hardness once more.

“I’m sure you don’t want to see your mother with the biggest hard on I’ve ever seen in my life, babe” I cursed at my over excited teenage hormones and gave in, letting him stroke my cock.

His hand moved at a fast pace, trying his hardest to get me off quicker than ever “It will only take two minutes” He grinned, getting down on his knees and quickly engulfing my cock into his hot mouth.  He took my cock fully into his mouth until the head of my cock was resting against the back of his throat, starting to suck and bob his head quicker that his hand was moving.

His tongue ran along the underside of my cock, swirling around the head, sending shivers down my spine and pleasure pooling in my belly.

My orgasm was rapidly approaching and before I could even process anything, I had cum down his throat without warning.  I blushed and felt the guilt, but seeing the wide grin on his face relieved some of the guilty feelings inside my mind “One minute forty two seconds, that has to be a world record” He laughed, standing up and grabbing the shampoo, squeezing the bottle over my head for the liquid fall on my hair.

He massaged the shampoo into my hair, creating bubbles, then quickly pulled me into a kiss under the showerhead to rinse it off.  My knees still felt weak and my heart was still beating at a million miles per hour, but I felt calm.  I felt like an adult for the first time in my life.


“I told you I didn’t want anything to do with you” My mother’s eye burnt into mine as she gave me and Bam the deadliest glare I had ever seen in my life.  I knew she wouldn’t just accept my homosexuality like that, but she could have at least sat down and talked to me about it.

“Anita I need my clothes” I restrained myself from using her usual address, hoping that she would realised just how much she hurt me if I didn’t call her mama.

“YOU WANT YOUR FUCKING CLOTHES, HAVE YOUR GOD DAMN CLOTHES AND GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU FUCKING BRAT!”  She screamed, lights from other houses around us switched on, faces poked through their curtains, being nosy as usual.

She threw my clothes to me in a black bin bag, she obviously intended on throwing them in the bin.  The door slammed in our faces, only an inch from hitting both me and Bam in the nose.

I glared at the door and tears filled my eyes once again.  I could hear my mother and father arguing in my native tongue, Bam seemingly confused at the foreign language.  I saw my brother’s face pop up at the window, a shy and confused looking young face pulling the curtain back slightly.

He gave me the smallest smile I’d ever seen, before my mother’s hand yanked the curtain back to it’s original place.

How was it that you could feel so wanted by one person and so unwanted by another at the same time.  Someone I thought who would love me unconditionally was starting to turn into a monster, someone I recognised as my grandfather.  He was always like this and he had brought it out in my mother.  A homophobe.

I turned my back to the door, silent tears falling from my emerald eyes once more.  I picked the bag up, feeling Bam’s hand around mine, as he lifted it with me, offering to carry it to the car.

His other hand intertwined our fingers, his thumb stroking the back of my hand as we looked at the neighbours now stood in their doorways in their slippers and curling rolls, a blanket or dressing gown wrapped tightly around them as they stood in the cold wind of the Finnish night.

The sky was clear, stars dotted here and there.  There was a slight icy breeze, making the cold even colder.  Some would say it was a beautiful night, the moon shining brightly, lighting up the forest in the distance.  Only on nights like these could you see the outskirts of Helsinki with such a clear view.  And the way the moons pale rays illuminated the leaves of the fur trees was beautiful.  It still astounded me to this day, just how beautiful the place I was born and raised really was.  I felt lucky to have been born here.

I kept my gaze to my folded hands in my lap as we drove the 15 minutes home.  Bam’s hand had rested on my knee a couple of times while he had a free hand.  I hated and loved my mother at the same time.  I hated her because of what she had just done, but I still loved her because she was the one who brought me into and up in this world.

We entered the apartment both me and Bam shared.  Yes, it was our apartment now.  That sounded quite nice.  As soon as the bin bag full of my clothes where stuffed into a corner, I collapsed on the bed, clothes still hanging off my body.  Bam lay next to me, taking me into his arms.  He was undressed, I was not, but we still fell asleep that way, locked together in a loving embrace.



I heard the sound of the alarm from Bam’s clock go off, feeling Bam unwrap his arms from around me and grab a free pillow, swinging it over my body and hitting the alarm clock, making the beeping stop.

“I don’t wanna go to school” He mumbled, making me giggle at his cuteness.  It was me who was supposed to be saying that, not him.  It was his choice of career after all,  It is compulsory for me to do whether I like it or not.

I groaned, knowing I didn’t actually have any classes with Bam that day, pulling the cover over my head, trying to hide from the morning sunlight creeping into the room like tentacles through the curtain.

“Okay, lets get up”  Bam said with a sigh, pulling the covers from my gasp and uncovering my still clothed body and his naked one.  It was a nice sight to see in the morning and I smiled, knowing that I could wake up to that every day.

He stood from the bed and went over to his closet, dragging out the usual boring teaching clothes he wears.  I rose from the bed, walking over to my bin bag full of clothes and pulling out the first pair of jeans and the first t shirt I could find.  Noticing that I was actually still wearing my cum stained jeans, I quickly removed them, tossing them into the wash basket in the corner of the bedroom.

I looked at the shirt, seeing it as my favourite Elvis Presley shirt, slipping it on after I removed my dirty shirt.  I slipped the pants on.  They wear just a pair of dark blue jeans, quite tight around my ass and thighs and became more baggy towards the ankles, kind of like flares but a little less gay.

I noticed my make up wasn’t in the bag, sighing in annoyance.  I knew that I wouldn’t get any eyeliner at this time in the morning.  I didn’t have time, Bam set his alarm for a little later then when I usually get up.

“There’s a spare toothbrush in the bathroom, don’t be too long because we need to set off in 10 minutes” Bam stated, a toothbrush and white foam dangling from his lips.  He ran back into the bathroom, spitting the foam from his mouth and rinsing out the rest.  He exited the bathroom and sat on the bed, hands folded on his lap “Chop chop” He grinned.


I sat tapping my pen against the desk…Swedish….why the fuck would we need to learn that?  This class was pretty much pointless.  Some girls had wandered over to me, trying to flirt as best as they could until I told them to fuck off.  They squealed like piggies and ran away, almost crying with each other in embarrassment.

There was only one person I would flirt with and that was my Bam.

The bell rang and I packed my stuff away, holding my binder under my arm as I walked out of the room and up the corridor to science lesson.  During break I had told Bam I’d come and “talk” to him, I think he understood what I really meant though.  I just couldn’t stand being away from him all day.

I sat in my usual place, letting the class go by in a blur along with the time.  Classes went quicker when I thought about Bam.  It flew by like a bird at a window as I thought about his mesmerizing ocean blue eyes.

I had started to sketch in my notebook unconsciously, drawing a small cartoon version of me and him kissing with “Bam Margera and Ville Valo forever and always” wrote across a banner that bats were holding up.

I smiled at my work as the bell rang once more, signalling the end of lesson before I even knew it had started.

I grabbed my books once more and dashed out of the room and towards my baby’s room only a couple of corridors away.  When I got there, I was out of breath slightly, knocking on the door and entering slowly.  I saw his expression lighten as soon as he saw my shy face creep round the door.

The frown was turned upside down so to speak “Bad morning?” I asked him, seeing the nod in response I continued “Well, I might have to make you feel better then” I seductively smirked towards him, placing my hands on his chest and trailing them down to the waist band of his black work pants.

I straddled his lap, pressing my lips to his is a passionate kiss, tongues tangling lustfully.  Pants and moans escaped both of our lips as I grinded my hardening cock against his own.

A knock on the door made me jump up, looking around the room, I hid in the only place that was unnoticeable.  Under his desk.

He pulled his chair back under so his bulge was right in my face. Licking my lips as I heard him call the person into his room.  I knew his face was flustered and his lips were swollen but the idiot teacher didn’t notice, just kept walking into the room, talking about an assignment of some sort.

My hand raised to his bulge, stroking it softy, applying pressure in just the right places with the palm of my hand.  I heard him choke on his breath, the other teacher becoming concerned.

“Bam, are you okay?” He raised an eyebrow, searching the expression on the skaters face.

“Uh huh….hmmm..I’m okay…yup….just…uh….swallowed my cum….I mean gum” He quickly corrected himself with a high pitched voice, shaking his head had his cheeks became redder and redder with the blush of embarrassment and pleasure pooling in his groin.

I started to unbutton his pants, pulling the zip down as quietly as I could.  I knew him going commando today was going to be an advantage to me.   I pulled his cock from his pants and slowly kneeled so I was mouth height with his cock.  I took him into my mouth, making sure my tongue teased the head nicely, running over the slit to taste the salty precome that had leaked from his excited member.

I took more of him in and began to suck, taking more in every time I bobbed my head.

“Are you sure you’re okay Bam?  I mean, you look rather flustered”  I gave a silent laugh from around his cock, feeling his body shake with need of an orgasm.

“Yeah..j-just fine.  I’ll talk to you in the staff room at dinner, I have papers to mark” He stuttered his words.  My hand cupped his balls, massaging them slightly as I felt them starting to tense.

“Okay, I’ll see you then” The male teacher said, walking towards the door and with one last wave the door slammed simultaneously with the cum that shot down my throat.  A choked moan escaping his lips as his orgasm shook him violently.  He came harder then ever before and I felt a strange sense of achievement.  I was proud of myself.

I had give him a blowjob in front of another teacher…

Man….that felt good.

[Hope you enjoyed and I would love it so much if you would comment.  I've not been feeling all that happy these past two days.  I just found out my great uncle Brian died of a heart attack last night *cries* and therefore this chapter is dedicated to those who I loved and lost over the years.  on a brighter note, the hamster is covered in sawdust xDD please comment!]

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