He's What I go to school for- Chapter 6

Jun 16, 2008 00:24

Title: He’s What I Go To School For
Author: Kimmi
Pairing: Vam
Summery: Ville is the school Goth freak who no ones pays attention to, let alone knows he exists.  But when the bullying starts to increase is there any point in staying in school, well there is when he meets his new Media teacher.
Disclaimer:  I do not own them -although I wish I did- As real as Ville’s tiny pecker xD
A/N: New story! I was just so bored while waiting to fall asleep last night that I just started thinking about how hot teacher and student Vam relationships are xD

Previous Chapters:

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

[Hello my lovely Vammers, yes it's me once again with a new chapter.  I was thinking of starting a new story but i don't know what to do.  If you have any suggestions could you please tell me ^_^ Thank you hand hope you enjoy!]

As we walked down the corridors towards the nurses office, I couldn’t help but grin.  The thought of being able to hang out with my lover was a great feeling.  Maybe he might even make love to me, I doubt it though, he still thinks I’m not ready.  His hand drifted over my ass, making me moan as the simple contact made.  Electric shocks shot through his body to mine with a quick touch, it made me think about what it would feel like to have him inside of me.

His hand rested on my ass, going into the back pocket of my tight jeans, I loved the feeling of his hand cupping my ass, but damn it, I didn’t want to cum in my pants again, not after the first round from before.

As we rounded the corner, we bumped into the headteacher, feeling his hand quickly slip out of my back pocket “What are you doing out of study hall Mr. Valo?” His stern gaze rested on my guilty, flustered face.

“I don’t feel well” I managed to squeeze out, forming a stutter slightly.  His gaze rested on Bam, looking him up and down.

“I’m taking him to the nurses office, he had to run to the toilet during my class, I think he might have caught a bug”  Bam said, calm as usual.  Seeing the headteacher nod he continued “Well, we better get you to the nurse as soon as possible before you puke in the hall ways”  He let out a slight laugh, oh how it was a nice sound.

I nodded and stepped to the side of Mr. Koskinen and pleaded Bam with my eyes to get going.  He smiled a sweet smile “See ya” He waved to his colleague and started to walk down the hall way towards the nurses office once more. I loved his cockiness, it was so brave to stand up to your boss.

I wish I could have done that when the bullies were still here, if I would have stood up to them, maybe they would have just left me alone.  I doubt they would have but you know…you can dream can’t you.

We walked at a fast pace, me having to run to keep up with the older man before me.  I didn’t understand why he was rushing, maybe he was just really excited about getting the afternoon off.  We had arrived outside the office that smelt of sterilised needles, rubber latex gloves and cleanliness, something I wasn’t used to.  My bedroom back at my parent’s house is a fucking pig sty.  I watched as he waited for the door to swing open, his foot tapping on the shiny school floor.

He knocked on the door for what seemed like the 50th time, his aggravation growing the more and more he waited.  “Come on! Where is she?” He said to himself, a strain on his voice.

“Baby calm down” I said quietly so no one could hear if they were around.  He let out a loud sigh and turned to me, grinning.

“Can you run?” He asked me, a plan forming in his head.

“Yeah”  I quickly answered, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“Fast?” At my nod he grabbed my hand and started to run….fast.  I nearly tripped over my own feet as we ran down the long network of corridors, running down steps, past Mr. Koskinen’s office and out the main entrance, running as fast as my long legs would take me.  Bam had let go of my hand and had run back inside, obviously telling them I was going home because I was ill.

I stood next to his car, catching my breath, not being able to catch it.  My lungs were starting to hurt, a lack of oxygen making it to my straining organ, my chest heaved and I started to cough, unable to do much else.

Once again the freak Goth kid is having an asthma attack, and once again the stupid freak Goth kid had forgotten his inhaler inside. My lungs burned, aching for more fresh air in them.  I couldn’t breath, I needed to, this was going to be mine and Bam’s afternoon, I can’t ruin it for us!

“Can’t. Breath” I panted out, the lack of oxygen making my head feel funny.  I was going dizzy and my knees felt weak.  They gave in, making me collapse on the floor in a heap.  I was clutching the side of Bam’s car for dear life, almost like that was the thing helping me not give in to the worst asthma attack I’d had in years.

“Ville? Oh shit!” I heard my baby’s voice next to me, holding out a plastic tube type thing.  My inhaler.  My weak hand grabbed the medication from his grasp, placing the nozzle between my lips and pressing the top, releasing puffs of my medication.  I took a deep breath, letting the coolness of the medicine massage my burning lungs.  Two more puffs and I was back as a normal breathing.  Bam pretty much just saved my life, but where the hell did he get my inhaler “You left it in the classroom, I had to go back and get my skateboard from the closet” He laughed, rubbing circled on my back.

I let out a couple of coughs, my heart rate starting to slow at the feeling of Bam’s hands on me, calming me instantly.  He wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me off the ground and opening the passenger door, helping me in.

As he got into the other door, I smiled towards him “Thanks for helping me baby” I said, ending it in a slight cough.

“No Problem” He said smiling at me, eyes connecting and pulling us closer like magnets, lips meeting in a sweet kiss.  My eyes shot open and I pulled back, a look of horror crossed my face “What’s wrong sweetheart?” He asked, a look of hurt and confusing etched his handsome face.

I kept staring out of the window behind him were my eyes met with one of the jocks who had bullied me months ago.  I didn’t understand why he was here but most of all, he had seen us kissing.  Me, The Goth freak kissing a teacher.  A fucking teacher!  If he told Mr. Koskinen, Bam would loose his job.


Bam’s body swung around in his seat, eyes growing wide as he saw the shocked butch jock “Oh fuck no!” He said loudly, sitting right in his seat and starting the engine, putting the car into reverse and driving out of the teachers car park.


“Some one has reported seeing the two of you kissing in Mr. Margera’s car in the teacher’s car park” Mr. Koskinen gave us both a look that said ’you know what’s coming next don’t you?’.   I bowed my head in shame as he continued giving us a lecture about how it is against the rules to have a relationship let alone a sexual relationship with a student

“I’m going to have to take this to court, but for now you two need taking care of” He gave a devilish grin, going over to my Bam and taking his wrists in his hands, pulling them behind the back of the chair he was sat in and tied his wrists together, pulling a pocket knife from his inside pocket of his blazer, flicking it open and popping off each of Bam’s buttons from his shirt and running the blade over Bam’s toned chest, slicing the skin as Bam sat there in silence, wincing slightly at the pain.

I watched at Mr. Koskinen raped my Bam right in front of my eyes “I thought nothing was gunna harm me while you was around?” Bam asked in a pleading voice, that’s when I broke down into tears, putting my head in my hands as the headteacher licked at the cuts on my Bam’s chest.


I woke up in a hot sweat, panting as I noticed I was once again led in my lover’s bed, his nearly bare form pressed against me.  The dream left me with anger and guilt resting in the pit of my stomach, looking at how calm Bam was about the situation, it made me wish I was that calm too.  He told me everything would be fine but that doubt is always there when Ville Hermanni Valo is around, admit it, I’m not the luckiest person in the world.

I felt his cock digging into my ass and I pushed myself down onto him, even though he was still clothed in that area, I still got a sweet taste of what he would do to me very soon.

I felt him grin against my neck, his hips thrusting forwards, making his cock bury deeper into my ass, he was starting to become aroused, I could feel it growing between my ass cheeks.

“Hmmm Bam please can we…you know…make love?” I asked him, turning my head to look at him from the corner of my eye seen as he was behind me.  I felt him nod against my neck, moving the arm that was wrapped around my waist lower to place a hand over my aroused cock, stroking it through the thin cloth of my boxers.  His hand moved higher, stroking my abdomen and fingers dipping under my boxers then reappearing to dip into my belly button.

He moved down once more, hand going under my underwear and towards my hardened manhood.

“Are you sure you want this?” He whispered into my ear stroking my cock as he panted in rhythm with his strokes.

“Yes” I answered confidently, turning my body to face his “Extremely sure” I said thrusting my cock into his hand to prove my point.  He grinned and kissed me softly, starting to move his body on top of mine.

[I really hope you enjoyed that! and i'm sorry stopping it there, i know  it was extremely mean of me I'm sowwy *pout*  anyways, i was wondering is anyone had the link to the vam story archieves cause i got a new laptop and have lost the link, please help me!! buh bye!]
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