Blind Hope Ch 8

Jun 17, 2008 19:28

Title: Blind Hope Chapter 8
Author: Me; gothic_elvis
Pairing: Vam in near future
Rating: PG-13 to R/NC-17
Summary: Bam is a spoiled brat who - in his boredness - discovers 'the best band ever' and takes it upon himself to make them his friends. Though when they finally cross paths, things are not as they seemed....
Disclaimer: I merely own the words from their mouths and the spunk in their peckers.
Warnings: language
Authors Notes: Sorry for the long wait - almost two weeks, but, this one is longer than the last chapter. So be happy. :) xD

Previous chapters beneath the cut!

Chapter 1 -
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3 -
Chapter 4 -
Chapter 5 -
Chapter 6 -
Chapter 7 -


“We need to have a little talk, Bam.”

Bam swallowed, staring at the other man stupidly for a moment until he regained his senses.

“Yea…Yeah.” He murmured, shaking his head in hopes to get rid of the last of his hangover.

Burton nodded and walked past the man into the living room; immediately plopping down in a chair without being asked.

“We need to talk, Bam.”

“I believe you’re already mentioned that…” The skater muttered to himself as he scratched his neck and took the available chair across from the Finn.

It was bad enough he started out the conversation with those few haunting words, but what’s worse is that he didn’t begin to explain right afterwards. He made Bam sit and wait…and wait…knowing he was anticipating something terrible.

Bam’s eyes remained on the carpet in front of him before flickering up to the man’s; guessing he wouldn’t say anything until they had eye contact.

He noticed that wasn’t the reason, though, as he watched Burton thoughtfully drum his fingers on the arm of the chair and bite his lip.

Finally he seemed to remember his purpose for being there and leaned forward, arms resting on his thighs.

His eyes went to Bam’s and he sucked in a deep breath before saying, “I’m sure that you know by now that Ville and I have a very strong relationship; very strong.”

The American nodded, “Yeah, I kinda fig-“

“Shut up, please, until I am finished.” Burton snapped, eyes flashing at the arrogant skater.

Bam simply glared at him, but said no more.

“As I said, I know you figured of our friendship, but I’m also positive that you didn’t know that we had…more…than that.” He started to slow at that point, licking his lips and adjusting his sunglasses atop his head; all signs of nervousness, it seemed.

The other man’s eyebrows rose, but he didn’t speak as he had been told to.

“Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that I know you and Ville are somewhat of friends and-“

“Somewhat?! Is that what he’s been telling you?” Bam couldn’t keep his voice quiet then, needing to know the truth.

“Is that what he says to you, Burton? That we’re just mere acquaintances? Barely qualified to even be promoted to friend?”

“Sit down and shut up, you pathetic little brat!” Burton shouted in response to his outburst; his own anger almost immediate.

Bam looked at himself, realizing he’d stood in his rush of fury. Slowly, he complied and sat back down on the chair; leaning back.

The pianist glared at him, shaking his head.

“And here I thought you’d be good for the job…but I guess not. You can barely control your own anger, how the hell could you take care of a human for four days?” He rambled to himself.

“What the hell are you talking about? I mean, will you just get to the fucking point! You keep skirting around it and dancing over the subject, but you keep going past it!” Bam snarled, anger flaring once more as his strong hands gripped the arms on either side of him.

Burton, surprisingly, did not become irritated once more; simply smirked and shook his head, chuckling darkly.

“Oh, Bam, this is exactly what I’m talking about. Your shortness of patience, overwhelming rudeness, and complete lack of care for other people will get - and is getting you - nowhere.”

“Yeah, say that to my mil in the bank.” Bam whispered, glaring at the floor.

Burton let out his breath slowly; trying to keep himself under control.

“Look, brat, all I came here to do was to ask if you would fly to Finland for the next four days and watch over Ville. Maybe get a motel room or something, I don’t know, you figure it out. The guys and I are going to LA to start working on a side project and Ville refuses to come. The only one he said he would co-operate with…is you.” He swallowed and looked away momentarily; almost as if that fact bothered him.

Bam’s eyes widened and he leaned forward, interest peaked.

“Oh really? Is that so? Hmm…Well, I’ll have to check my schedule…”

Burton’s nostrils flared as he prepared to throw a torrent of choice words at the punk before he laughed.

“Just joking, dude, lay off.” He continued to laugh until a coughing fit took over and the pianist glared at him in disgust.

“Well, whatever, he expects you to check in with him as soon as you can.”

“Check in? What am I? Some kind of kid that needs to-“

Burton stood, blatantly ignoring the kid as he walked towards the door.

Bam’s jaw dropped; completely stunned that he would just tune him out and walk away from him.

He turned back from the door, smirking slightly.

“Remember what I told you, Margera, motel. No sleeping at his place. And, if I see one scratch on that man when we return there will be hell to pay.” He didn’t give him time to answer; slamming the door on his way out.


“Stupid, stupid Finns and their direction giving…” Bam muttered to himself, heaving as he lugged his suitcase towards Ville’s tower - also known as his house.

It had taken numerous taxis and too many explanations that ‘no, I am not a fan’s to finally arrive at his home. Every single person he asked either didn’t know or didn’t tell him because they thought he was an American paparazzi photo-taker.

With a sigh he dropped his bag on the step and left it there, figuring he shouldn’t need to bring it in anyway, seeing as he was supposed to ‘get a room.’

He knocked heavily on the door, expecting it to be forever before Ville reached the door, though was surprised when it opened quite momentarily afterwards.

Ville was wearing baggy grey sweats and a ratty looking Black Sabbath shirt that hung loosely on his thin frames; prominent collar bones jutting from his porcelain skin in a perfect V shape.

“I’ve been expecting you, Bam.” He murmured, opening his door wider to let him in.

Bam couldn’t hold back his laugh, shaking his head.

“That was such a creepy mansion, older creepy dude greeting, by the way.”

Ville laughed too, stepping back as Bam shut the door and looked around.

The first floor wasn’t much, but he could tell everything was organized so Ville could find it.

“So...uh…nice place.” Bam said slowly, realizing that this had been the most the two had talked with each other in a while.

Ville nodded, smiling faintly, “Yes, it is, thank you. The upstairs is where I live, though.”

Bam’s first instinct was to reach out as soon as the blind man stepped onto the stairs, but luckily he refrained - watching the Finn climb the steps with ease. He’d walked that path far too many times to forget it.

Once upstairs Bam sighed and looked around; liking the whole roomy feel of the place. It was small, but nice.

There was a small living room with a large t.v. placed near the wall and a couch and a few chairs scattered around. A huge cd collection lay in piles close to the other wall and a few hallways scattered off to other rooms.

“I like it.” The skater commented, glancing around.

Ville smiled faintly, “It’s okay, I suppose. Everything just has to be in a certain place so I’ll know where to find it.”

Bam nodded, telling himself not to move anything around.

“So, you can sleep in here and my room is just across the way. Also-“

“Wait, wait, Burton said I had to call a hotel or something.” Bam interjected, very surprised indeed. He’d figured that Ville would have been the one to want him to sleep somewhere else after their previous engagement.

Ville smirked, shrugging, “What he doesn’t know, won’t hurt him. Plus, I don’t want you to have to spend your money when you have a perfectly good place right here…Unless, you want to stay at a hotel?” He turned to Bam, then, waiting for his reply.

“Well…I…uh…sure, I mean I have no complaints staying here. I just thought that you would have been the one that would want me not to stay here.”

The Finn’s eyebrows pulled together as he shook his head, “No, no, Bam. I’d never say that nor had I ever thought it.”

Bam shrugged and turned to go get his bag downstairs; silently jogging down the steps.

Ville sucked in a deep breath, preparing his speech; not knowing Bam was gone.

“Bam…I…I wanted to talk about what happened last time, okay? I mean, I know you probably don’t want to, but it needs to be done. We can’t just avoid it and pretend it never happened. It did and we need to accept that. Now, I just want to talk about what it’ll mean…I suppose it doesn’t have to change anything. I-I don’t want it to, not at all. I just…I…” He stopped to sigh and was surprised when Bam didn’t try to interrupt, “I like you, Bam, I really, truly do. I just….I don’t know how to say this…I think….I think I could like you in that way, possibly, sometime. But not quite yet, it’s too soon…And I-“

“Okay, I’m back.” Bam called, setting down his stuff in the room Ville said would be his.

The Finn’s mouth snapped shut and he blinked to show his confusion.

“Back? What do you mean ‘back?’”

Bam looked around, wondering what was with the sudden tone.

“I…uh…went down to get my bag. Why? What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

“No.” Ville snapped; angry with himself for being so stupid even though deep down he knew it wasn’t his fault. “Everything’s fine, actually. Just fine. Dinner will be ready in a little while, I decided to prepare something bigger than just pizza.”

With that, he stomped away towards the kitchen; arm hitting the frame of the door on his way out. He cursed and rubbed the spot before continuing on, leaving a very confused Bam in the living room.

‘What the hell did I do now? Most of the time I do things without even realizing I did it, nowadays.’

With sigh, Bam walked to his room and pushed the bag off the bed onto the floor with a heavy thud; plopping down on the bed afterwards.

This was going to be a very long and awkward four days.


I have /no idea/ what Ville's tower looks or looked like - I'm assuming that's where he moved to just recently; maybe moved out of, but I dunno - so it's all just a writer's guess. ^^

Please review if you took the time to read; I love moi comments. <3


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