Blind Hope Chapter 5

May 20, 2008 16:40

 Title: Blind Hope Chapter 5
Author: Me; gothic_elvis
Pairing: Vam in near future
Rating: PG-13 to R/NC-17
Summary: Bam is a spoiled brat who - in his boredness - discovers 'the best band ever' and takes it upon himself to make them his friends. Though when they finally cross paths, things are not as they seemed....
Disclaimer: I merely own the words from their mouths and the spunk in their peckers.
Warnings: Alcohol, sexiness, language
Authors Notes: Short, yet sweet chapter for all you lovely people. Enjoy and please comment! It motivates me. ;)

Chapter 1 -
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3 -
Chapter 4 -

Bam swallowed, eyes widening at Ville’s one uttered sentence.

“What?” He asked stupidly, voice cracking at the single syllable.

Ville let out a tired, defeated sigh before turning around. He was still shirtless, jeans low enough that his heartagram tattoo was visible.

Bam tried not to let his eyes linger there too long; though he had a thought to go out and get a tattoo similar to it - he loved it completely.

“I may be blind, Bam, but I’m not stupid and certainly not void of all other senses.” Ville spoke softly, though the hurt rang through clear in his voice.

Bam swallowed once more, feeling even guiltier than before - knowing that Ville knew he had been staring all along. He felt ashamed taking advantage of the moment and using it to its full potential, but it was all he could do to not physically touch the singer.

“I’m sorry.” The skater whispered, wishing he could be sincere and sound it.

Ville shook his head, pinching his nose between index and forefinger, “Don’t say that Bam, because I know you aren’t. Now, at least tell me the truth, are the lights on yet?”

Bam nodded before squeaking, “Yes. They have been for several minutes.”

Ville frowned, turning back to face the bed; looking away from the younger man.

“I wish to be alone right now, if you don’t mind. When and if the band makes it, can you please tell Mige I would like to see him? I’m going to rest now. Goodnight Bam.”

Bam bit his lip, eyes locked on the ground as he nodded, “Okay, I’ll tell them. Do you-“

“No. I can figure it out. Please, just go.”

Every word that Ville uttered broke Bam’s heart and his body shuddered as he left.

Did he have to make him feel guiltier?

After the door was shut, Ville let the tears fall; silent, wet tears that clung to his pale skin as they slid down his face.

“Oh, Bam…why must you be like the others?” He whispered, sitting down on the bed; feeling hopeless and eternally wounded.


Bam lay on the couch downstairs, staring up at the ceiling; trying to forget, but remembering well what had happened.

He let out a shaky breath and shook his head, leaning forward to rest his face in his hands.

“God…I’m an idiot.” He whispered to himself, falling back once more to rest against the couch.

He only hoped he hadn’t completely ruined things with Ville, there had to be a way to redeem himself.

Bam just had to think; what was it that would make Ville happy? What did he like?

Well, that answer was easy enough; booze, fags and…girls? But girls were out of the question…but, then again, why were they?

On that train of thought, Bam pondered when or if Ville had ever had a lover. If he had, then they certainly had to know about his blindness. That being so, wouldn’t they release it to the public? Not everyone was as trustworthy and honest as they should be, so it wouldn’t be any surprise to see a headline “Ex-Girlfriend of Ville Valo Claims Man is Blind!”

Bam shook his head, deciding not to think about it as it was giving him a stomach ache and a sore head.

Finally he decided on a nice bottle of red wine and a pack of fags he knew he had stored somewhere.

After gathering the peace offering - if that’s what it could be called - Bam shuffled towards the guest room and gently knocked on the door.

“Ville? Are you still sleeping?”

The door was finally pulled open ajar a few moments later; a very bed-headed Ville peeking out, eyes closed.

“Not anymore, obviously.” He growled, voice gravelly.

Bam blushed, embarrassed that he had woken him.

“Well, I…uh…just wanted to, er, apologize for how I acted earlier so I brought you some cigarettes and red wine.”

He handed out the items to the blind man, not surprised when he didn’t reach for them.

“I, uh -“

Ville reached out then, grasping around for them before finally landing his hands on the wine and took both from Bam.

“Thank you - it’s been ages since I’ve had red wine.” He smiled a bit before shrugging, “And I forgive you, I suppose.”

Laughing a little, somewhat shyly, he whispered, “I can’t really find what people find so attractive about my body, but…it’s flattering, nonetheless.”

Bam rolled his eyes, Because you can’t see how hot it is, idiot. You’re blind to who you really are.

“Well, I’m curious now,” Bam started in a light tone, walking with Ville back into the room and sat down on the bed beside him; watching as he skillfully mastered the wine bottle.

“Yes?” Ville questioned, brow rising as he sipped the liquid from the bottle.

“What do you think you look like? I mean, obviously you must know you’re attractive - what with all the screaming fans and adoring letters I assume you receive.”

Ville chuckled, “In all seriousness? Ugly. I think I am truly ugly - inside and out. I feel like a scrawny teenage boy. I know I must be pale, so, pale and scrawny. To me, my nose feels small and my lips full. I’ve heard my eyes are green and my cheekbones are high. Add those together and what do you get? A female man.” He shook his head and laughed a bit again.

Bam shook his head, objecting again.

“You’re not as feminine as you may believe, Ville. Yes, you have female…traits, but that doesn’t make you a femme male. You just have certain characteristics of one, which is fine. Great, actually. Manly men are rather disgusting.” His nose wrinkled before he blushed, not believing he just said that.

Ville busted out laughing, “You really are something, Bam. Though thank you, I appreciate your input. So, I take it you find me…” He trailed off to let Bam answer.

“Hot, definitely.” Bam said in a teasing voice, trying to lighten his own mood.

Ville smiled coyly, “Really? Why Bam, how sweet of you.” He leaned forward to touch Bam’s thigh and the skater felt his legs tense.

When the Finn pulled back to swallow more wine, Bam’s eyes followed the line of his neck as he curved when his head tilted back; watching the little dribble of liquid that slid down his jaw, following the line of his neck.

Bam unconsciously licked his lips, wanting to lean forward and lick the droplet right off his skin, and then continue to praise the beautiful flesh.

“You want any?” Ville offered, holding out the bottle to the man.

Bam shook his head, “No thanks, I’m more of a booze person, myself. What do you say we go down to the bar and get wasted?”

Ville smiled widely, smile teeth shining, “Sounds like a plan.”


Twenty beers under and they were - as Bam put it - ‘wasted.’ Utterly and totally.

Beer bottles and cans strewn about them as they lay on the floor, giggling over nothing and rambling nonsense to each other to which the other laughed as if they understood.

“Oh, dear, Bam…you’re quite lovely when you speak.” Ville giggled girlishly, pushing Bam’s shoulder lightly, though it still resulted in him falling over.

Bam snickered, “You too, Ville love. Quite the gentleman you are, letting me have the last beer.”

Ville giggled, “I don’t think either of us needed it, to be honest.”

The Finn lay back on the tile, eyes closed as he reached around for an empty can to throw at the skater.

“So Bam Bam, what do you say -“ He was cut off by a large weight on his body and a sudden ‘oof’ left his lips.

“I think I fell on you.” Bam whispered, chuckling, turning to look at Ville’s face; his lips turned upwards into a drunken smile.

“Oi, I think you have, love. Now…what does one do in this here predicament, hmm?” He questioned, hands going to rest on Bam’s shoulders.

“Well, I dunno, maybe…this.” Bam leaned down to softly kiss Ville’s cheek, them both giggling afterwards.

“Oh, no, Bam, I think it’s more like this.” He sat up to softly press his lips to Bam’s; the warmth spreading throughout his already blistering body.

“Shit.” Bam whispered against the man’s lips; hating how much he loved the feeling and what they were doing.

“Shit indeed.” Ville mumbled back, pulling Bam on top of him.


Short and...sweet? You be the judge - the drunken banter, ahhh, always needed. *breathes it in* hehe.

Sorry for the shortness, hopefully quicker updates.

Please comment if you read - I need moi lovin'. :)

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