Blind Hope Ch 2

Apr 29, 2008 17:04

 Title: Blind Hope Chapter 2
Author: Me; gothic_elvis
Pairing: Vam in near future
Rating: PG-13 to R/NC-17
Summary: Bam is a spoiled brat who - in his boredness - discovers 'the best band ever' and takes it upon himself to make them his friends. Though when they finally cross paths, things are not as they seemed....
Disclaimer: I merely own the words from their mouths and the spunk in their peckers.
Warnings: None as of now; maybe a scattering of language.
Authors Notes: I've had at least three ideas for fanfics in my head - this is the latest one - and I decided to go with it. The title sucks because it's all I could think of as of now; and I'm sure not going to change it. That'll just confuse people. My summary sucks, but, I'm sure most do.  Ah hell, I'm rambling. Read on, lovely people!

Chapter 1 -

Ville was blind.

Bam’s eyes widened at the sudden enlightenment stared.

The room was awkwardly silent, Ville’s head turned towards Burton.

“Burton…can you please help me out near the stage?”

The man quickly nodded and grabbed the thinner man’s arm; giving Bam a death glare as they made their way out.

Bam stood in his same spot, blinking rapidly at the door.

He turned slowly to stare at the other guys, “So, uh…” The skater began before trailing off.

“Yes, Bam, Ville’s blind. He has been for years.” Mige finally stated, voice friendly, yet wary. “And I would appreciate it - as would the rest of us - if you would keep that little fact unknown.”

Bam nodded, “Yeah, of course…I just…wow. How can he be blind and no one know about it?”

Linde shrugged, “We all try to hide it; Ville doesn’t want anyone to know - said so when it happened. So we try as hard as we can to keep it a secret.”

Seppo suddenly stuck his head in through the door, “Five minutes.” He grunted before leaving again.

The guys slowly started to stand and stretch; Bam realizing that none of them really primped themselves. Obviously they didn’t care as much as Ville how they looked on stage.

In a way, it was sweet to Bam; almost as if they wanted all the fans’ gazes to be focused on Ville - as if they weren’t anyway.

Then again, that might have just been his mind over thinking things for once.

They made their way past Bam, only Mige giving a slight smile to Bam.

“Don’t worry, Bam. He’s okay; he deals with it okay. Are you going to stay for the show?” He asked as an afterthought.

Bam nodded excitedly, “Of course.” He followed after the band and stood off to the side of the stage, careful not to be in any of the techies’ way.

His eyes went to Ville who was surprisingly off on his own, leaning against the far wall, puffing on a cigarette. The man’s eyelids were open, his unseeing eyes straight ahead, almost as if he were staring at him.

It unnerved the younger man and he looked away - uncomfortable to have that milky gaze settled on him. He hated how he shivered in an almost disgusted way at his deformity.

The opening band’s last chord rang out and the singer presented HIM; loud screams and shouts ringing afterwards.

The band scampered offstage, looking sweaty and worn out. A girl smiled over at Bam before going off with the rest of them towards their dressing room.

Everyone started to go out on stage, save Burton who stayed with Ville and placed him in the spot near me.

“Okay, wait about two minutes and then walk straight out about ten small strides and reach out for the microphone.” He instructed the man quietly.

Ville nodded, “Thank you Burton.”

Burton nodded in return before stopping short, sadness clear in his eyes as he said, “No problem, Ville.” and made his way onstage.

The fans’ screams grew louder as the band took the stage; all except the one man who drew most of the girls there.

Ville seemed to know Bam was there and positioned his body towards him, “Enjoy the show, Bam.” He muttered, smiling slightly before bounding out onstage.

Immediately the song began and the crowd went wild, reaching up towards the stage and screaming.

Bam couldn’t help but notice how comfortable Ville looked; grinning widely and gripping the stand between his fingers gracefully; lips grazing over the microphone in a caressing manner. Every so often he would mouth it, stretching his mouth over the speaker - which made the girls go wilder.

He looked free and wild there onstage, like nothing could stop him. Eyes closed, he sang song through song, looking nothing like a blind man. In fact, at that moment Bam didn’t see him as blind; simply a beautiful Finnish rock star with thousands of adoring fans unbeknownst of his deformity.

They ended with The Funeral of Hearts and Ville gave a low “Thank you sweethearts” before going off the way he’d gone on.
Bam immediately clapped, “Bravo, that was excellent, Ville.”

The man turned towards the voice, smiling; lights from stage pronouncing the sweat on his face and red lips.

“Thank you, glad you enjoyed it.” He stood, waiting for the rest of the band after a brief outro.

As soon as they all were behind stage the fans began calling for an encore, screaming “Encore, encore!”

Ville turned to Bam with a smile, “Would you like to call us back on?” He asked, pleasantly surprising Bam.

“Me? Seriously? Yeah, dude!” He grinned and quickly waltzed out onstage.

Not surprisingly, almost everyone knew who Bam was and yelled, clapping and cheering.

“Hey, everyone.” Bam called into the mic, once he had picked it up. “Great show, huh?” The crowd agreed with yells, “Well, they’ve decided to do an encore for all you great people, so, give it up once more for HIM!”

And they did, oh man did they scream as Ville came back out and walked to the microphone.

He reached for it, only to realize it wasn’t there; it was still in Bam’s hand. Panicking, he turned around wildly to try and get one of the band mate’s attention when he felt it slip into his palm.

“Sorry about that, man.” Bam whispered into his ear.

Ville smiled sheepishly, “No problem.” He leaned forward and kissed the man’s cheek, close to his lips.

Bam blushed as the girls in the front row were heard screaming, “Kiss him, kiss him!” and various other embarrassing statements.

Ville laughed into the speaker and shook his head, “No, no, darlings. Don’t want to excite Bam, now do we?”

Bam only shook his head as he exited the stage with a wave, going off to wait again.

They did two more songs before coming off with a bang, Ville bowing low and Burton picking him up; carrying him offstage.

“That was the best concert I’ve ever seen, guys.” Bam said with a nod after they were all back in the dressing room, getting ready to get back on the bus.

“Thanks, Bam, it was a pleasure to meet you.” Ville said, zipping up a backpack. “I hope we can meet again someday.”

“Hell yes!” Bam cried, “I’m definitely going to come see more shows.”

“That would be lovely, Bam.” The Finn smiled again, throwing his bag over his shoulder. “Until then,” He wrapped his arms around the skater.

Bam hugged him in return, watching Burton help Ville off towards the bus.

“Thanks for coming Bam, you’re a pretty cool guy. I’ll have to try and watch your show sometime.” Mige said, coming up behind Bam.

“Oh, well, thanks.” He rubbed his neck awkwardly, eyes on the two men as they climbed onboard. “Well, yeah…thanks again.”

Mige nodded, smirking a little, “I really do hope you come see us again soon, Bam. I think you and Ville could be great friends.”

With that last, questionable statement, Mige clambered off after the rest and Bam stood; staring and watching the bus drive off, leaving all the screaming girls behind.

“Until then…” Bam whispered, repeating Ville’s words, turning and walking away from the club.

A rather short, uneventful chappie, I know and I'm sorry. I had - er, have a lot of homework tonight, but made a goal that I would try to at least write one chapter for a fanfic. I promise the upcoming ones will have in them and be more interesting.

Con-crit welcomed. :)

Please, comment if you read! <3

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