Blind Hope - Ch 4

May 13, 2008 21:46

 Title: Blind Hope Chapter 4
Author: Me; gothic_elvis
Pairing: Vam in near future
Rating: PG-13 to R/NC-17
Summary: Bam is a spoiled brat who - in his boredness - discovers 'the best band ever' and takes it upon himself to make them his friends. Though when they finally cross paths, things are not as they seemed....
Disclaimer: I merely own the words from their mouths and the spunk in their peckers.
Warnings: A bit of sexiness. ;)
Authors Notes: You people are all so spoiled - so no complaining! Two updates of two stories in one day. Yeesh. I've really overworked myself. xD Hehe

I dedicate this chapter to
jezebel1386 because she's an amazing writer and such a sweetheart. (And she dedicated a chapter of her story to me, so it seems only fitting! xD)

Chapter 1 -
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3 -

Bam stumbled around in the dark bathroom, calling out Ville’s name repeatedly - but with no answer.

He stupidly tried to flip on the light switch, only to remember that was the reason he was there in the first place.

“Ville?” The man whispered one last time before sliding open the shower door.

His eyes were adjusting enough that he could make out Ville’s form crumpled on the floor; cold water flowing over him.

“Shit.” Bam muttered, carefully bending down - getting wet in the process - and slowly started to pick up the man.

“What…” Ville started but Bam shushed him as he got him out of the shower and set him on the floor.

He plucked a towel from the rack and wrapped it around him; trying not to notice the feel of his soft wet skin against his hands, or the fact that nothing separated him from seeing the most private area of the rockstar.

“Bam?” The Finn whispered and Bam nodded, only to realize…

“Yes, it’s me, Ville. What the hell happened?” Bam, once wrapping the other securely, picked him up and carried him carefully out of the bathroom and down the hall towards the guest room.

“Power outage, is my guess.” Ville murmured, shrugging into the skater.

He rolled his eyes, “Obviously. But I mean, in the shower, what happened? Why’d you fall?”

The Finn shrugged again, “I slipped on a bar of soap…”

Bam doubted that for some reason; knowing that the probability of him slipping on the soap exactly as the lights went out was unlikely - though he did not question it yet.

Once in the room, he set Ville down gently on the bed; watching as the outline of him crawled up to rest against the headboard.

“Are you going to be okay?” Bam asked warily, seeing the towel get loose on the man’s hips.

“I’ll be fine, Bam, I’m no invalid.” He muttered in reply with a short laugh.

After a moment of silence he asked, “Can you see me?”

Bam swallowed, “No, not really.” He lied.

Ville nodded, “Okay.”

With that, he slowly took off the wet towel and flung it to the ground, laying back on the bed, legs spread a bit as he relaxed.

“Does it often do this in storms?” He inquired a minute later.

Bam didn’t answer right away; swallowing once….and again….one more time; finally answering, “Sometimes…if it’s bad enough.” His voice came out in a hoarse whisper, throat dry and scratchy as he stared at the naked Finn.

He didn’t understand why he kept staring; if it had been any other guy, his gaze would have been elsewhere by now. But the slenderness and pale lines of the singer were attractive to him…so he kept looking.

The girlish, tiny waist and curvy hips; flat stomach and smooth chest all appealed greatly to him; unconsciously licking his lips, he moved closer to get a better look.

It was hard to see in the dark - and the fact that the man he was studying so closely was blind didn’t help his guilt.

He watched as the eyelids fluttered as the man rested, lips parted to breath in long, deep breaths. His eyes moved lower to the chest, moving up and down rhythmically with each inhale and exhale. The soft, pink buds of his nipples slightly erect on either side of his body looked - somehow - inviting to Bam and he moved in closer still.

Ville’s stomach was as flat as a lot of womens’ he’d seen and the navel placed directly in the middle just begged to be licked; as did the intriguing heartagram tattoo below it.

“Bam…” Ville whispered, making the man jump; seeing as it had been perfect silence.

“Yeah?” He replied shortly, voice cracking in just the one word. To anyone it would have seemed obvious that he’d - it seemed - been caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to.

“What are you doing?”

“Nothing.” Bam whispered, eyes roving lower towards Ville’s soft cock that hung between his legs.

“Oh God…” The man breathed, hands clenching the mattress as his eyes took in the large, fullness of it - even limp it was magnificent.

“Bam, please, what’s wrong.” Ville’s voice sounded more urgent now and he sat up, moving towards the edge of the bed to grab the towel again and drape it around himself.

Bam’s tongue edged around his lips with regret as the beauteous body was hidden from his sight.

“Where is my phone…” Ville grumbled impatiently, reaching around blindly for his bag before remembering it was in his jeans which were in the bathroom.

A sad sigh escaped his lips as he turned back to Bam, never knowing or seeing the way he looked at him.

“Do you want to go get your phone, Ville?” He asked him quietly, to which he nodded.

“Yes, please…I’d like to call Mige.” For some reason the Finn felt…anxious, almost nervous to be here by himself - even though he knew Bam would fall head over heels to help him.

Bam stood, walking around the blind man towards the door, “Stay here, I’ll be right back with the phone.”

When he was coming back from the bathroom the lights flickered twice before staying on; the sudden illumination causing Bam to squint for a moment after he entered the bedroom.

“Well, here’s your clothes…” He laid them on the bed before handing Ville his phone.

“Thank you…” Flipping open the phone, he began to dial as Bam wondered if he could tell the lights were on.

“Do you think the lights will be on soon?” Ville asked shortly thereafter, proving he did not.

Bam swallowed, preparing to lie again, “No, I don’t know…”

Now the older man let out an agitated sigh, pressing the phone to his ear as he dropped his towel again and grabbed his pants.

The skater watched from the doorway; eyes on the pale, small - yet round - ass of the singer; watching as it moved slightly when he bent to drag on the jeans.

He was talking in Finnish so Bam didn’t have a clue as to what he was saying, but he listened anyway; musing to himself how different that language sounded from his own native one.

Soon after Ville flipped his phone shut and pulled on his jeans, straightening. All in the same moment, his back stiffened and he whispered something that made the hair’s on Bam’s neck stick straight and fall off.

“Stop staring at me, Bam.”


Rather short, but at least it's something right?....Fah.

I'm visiting my grandparents tomorrow so I'm not sure if I'll even be able to update; guess that's unconciously why I updated both tonight. heh. Either way, I /will/ try to update at least HOC, but we'll see. Just keep a look out.

Just a warning to any non-members reading; this fic will become friends-locked in the next few - if not the next - chapter(s). Just a fair warning so you will know that you /will not/ be able to see it unless you join here.

Please comment if you read. <3 Comment whore here. :)

Con-crit welcomed; any mistakes I made I'll fix tomorrow. I'm pooped.
XoXo <3
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