At least I'm housebroken.

May 13, 2008 20:10


“You simply must come with me to Morreau’s party, Bammie, darling,” Rosalie simpered, clutching Bam’s arm with her long, candy red talons as they breezed through the door of the restaurant, Dunn snickering as he followed them.

“I…I don’t know Morreau,” Bam tried, again attempting to pry her off of his arm and put some space between them, and again to no avail.

“Well, I never said you had to know him, sweet, only that you had to come, you see?” Rosalie was none the wiser to the fact that Bam was at that very moment holding his breath not to gag at her scent and begging Ville in his head to call his cell phone and save him from her mindless, flirtatious chatter.

“Would he want me there?” Bam asked, hoping she would think, say no, and let him go. He had a feeling this Morreau wasn’t someone he wanted to meet. The actor types, excluding Ville and the other gorgeous Finn who’d played his best friend in his last movie, Jyrki, never really appealed to Bam.

“Oh, my love, it’s not an issue of whether or not he wants you there. See, Morreau, the poor dear, he and I used to date, and he’s not quite over it. But with arm candy like you, he’d have to leave me alone!”

Bam swallowed hard to stop himself from retching at the sickly flowery scent soaking from her arm into his and picked off one of her fingers, working on the other as he answered flatly, “I don’t want to be your arm candy, Rosalie. I don’t want to date you.”

Rosalie snorted. “That’s preposterous, dear. The only men who don’t want to date the great Rosalie are either married or gay.”

Bam threw a glance at the attendant showing them to their seats and flushed. “Well, um, you see, Rosalie, I kind of am gay. And I almost got married a little while ago, and I really still want to marry the man.”

“Oh, darling, you’re just going through a phase. All actors do it, you know. The gay phase, the camp phase, the surly, silent phase, the passionate aggressive phase…”

Bam blinked, staring at Dunn with incredulity written over his face. “I’m not an actor, Rosalie.”

Rosalie’s jaw dropped and she gaped at him for a long minute as they were seated, while Bam tried not to run away screaming and Dunn tried not to die from laughing.

“But, Bammie! You have to be! I mean, with your beautiful complexion and your amazing eyes and your flawless…ahem…physique. You have to, my darling, you simply have to! I’m going to have to go get you some products to make you just a little more stylish and shiny and then we’re going to get you in a studio right away, I swear it!”

Bam’s eyes were very scared when he turned to look at Dunn, clasping onto his arm nervously. “Products? Ryan, what the fuck! Does she want to date me or decorate me?”

Ryan couldn’t speak for biting his fist to stop himself laughing. “F-I’m sorry-face your demons, Bam,” was all the help he offered before dissolving into loud laughter again.


Thankfully, before Rosalie could speak another minute and further scar Bam’s fragile, woman-fearing psyche, his cell phone rang.

Bam exhaled in a huge rush of relief, grabbing the plastic and flipping it open as he put it up to his ear.

“…Bammie?” The voice was tentative and scared; nothing like the Ville Bam used to know.

“Fuck, it feels great to hear you again,” was Bam’s response. He hadn’t only missed Ville, his lover, over those past miserable months. He’d more missed Ville, his best friend.

“You have no idea, my darling,” Ville said softly, and Bam could hear how much he meant it in his voice.

“How-how have you been?” Bam stuttered out, wishing hard that he was talking to Ville face to face so he could tell what he was thinking from his eyes.

“Um, Bam, do you really want an answer to that?” Ville asked seriously.

“Yeah, I do. If we’re ever going to be us again, we have to get back to that honesty we’ve always had, right? So here it is. I’ve been miserable without you. I know I was the one to walk out, I know it’s my fault we’re apart, but you’ve got to understand, whatever you’ve been going through while we weren’t talking, I was going through the same thing.”

“Oh, Bam…” Ville’s voice shook and he sounded close to tears. “I…I was wretched, sweetheart. I was completely not me without you and I missed you so bad it hurt. Sometimes I wouldn’t even talk to Mizee and Lily because I wanted to hear things from you so much and they just…weren’t you.”

“Ville, I miss you as my best friend. You and I have been thick as thieves since we were little kids, and I miss you that way more even than I miss you as my lover.”

“Bam, you were the greatest friend I ever ha-” Ville started, but Rosalie cut him off, clutching Bam’s arm with her talons again.

“Bammie, love, this is really rude, you know. Entirely unbecoming of a new actor, in my opinion,” she sniffed.

“Bam, is that…?” Ville asked, shocked, and Bam made a noise of confirmation.

“Oh God. Bam, I’m so sorry! I know she never leaves you alone and darling, I wish I were there to keep you away from her because…”

“Because?” Bam was ignoring Rosalie’s loud, dramatic huffs now, because Ville was far more important than anything that wench wanted to say.

“Because you’re mine and she’s never going to have you,” Ville mumbled, and Bam felt a shock of excited happiness shoot through him.

“You-you mean that?” Bam asked softly, terrified that he may have lost that with the abrupt way he had left all those months ago.

“I’ve never been more serious about anything in my entire life, my love,” Ville said firmly, the fondness for Bam making his voice warm and syrupy.

“It wasn’t really ever an act, was it, Vil.” Bam realized.

“No, Bammie, it wasn’t. Acting career aside, I took the strange audition idea they had mostly because I figured it was the only way I’d get to be with you. I’d forgotten how much you already loved me, and I’m still sorry for that, but really, the act was mostly born out of wanting you and thinking I couldn’t have you.”

“Ville…” Bam was speechless after all that, and Rosalie finally saw the adoring look in his eyes and backed away, latching onto a now completely stony-faced Ryan.

“Yeah, darling?”

“Could you…could you come home, please?” Bam felt a fat tear make its way down his face, and suddenly, he didn’t care about all that had happened between them, all the lies, all the deceit. All he wanted was his Willa to hold him.

“Are you sure, sweetheart? I can wait, if you need me to.” Ville’s words said so, but his voice said say yes, please, I can’t live without you anymore.

Bam listened to his voice. “Yes, Ville, I’m sure. I’ll leave your key under the mat for whenever you get in.”

Ville was crying audibly when he answered, “I’ll be there on the next flight, Bammie.”

And when they hung up…both of them were smiling through the tears.


Ooh! Happiness to come! ...If you leave me love, that is. : P. Well, probably anyway, but...;)
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