Blind Hope Chapter 7

Jun 05, 2008 22:10

Title: Blind Hope Chapter 7
Author: Me; gothic_elvis
Pairing: Vam in near future
Rating: PG-13 to R/NC-17
Summary: Bam is a spoiled brat who - in his boredness - discovers 'the best band ever' and takes it upon himself to make them his friends. Though when they finally cross paths, things are not as they seemed....
Disclaimer: I merely own the words from their mouths and the spunk in their peckers.
Warnings: Teasing, alcohol reference
Authors Notes: So short you shouldn't even be able to /call/ it a chapter....*le sigh* My muse has gone and left me for right now, so I have really no feel to write. This came out on a whim and even then it took a few hours to fully put it down. I promise to have longer, and more chapters for both stories up soon. :)

Previous chapters beneath the cut!

Chapter 1 -
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3 -
Chapter 4 -
Chapter 5 -
Chapter 6 -


The weekend with HIM passed by quickly after the little incident with Novak; Bam had forbade him entrance for the next month because of it.

Luckily Ville calmed down soon after and they were all able to go to bed and then get up the next morning and go on a brief tour of West Chester. There wasn’t all that much to do so only a few hours later the lay passed out drunk by the fire again.

The singer learned his way around the castle fairly well - though still was not allowed to go without a cane - and didn’t trip or fall over any objects anymore. Bam reminded himself not to do any furniture rearranging after they left.

The day when they were to leave came too soon for Bam and he stood, looking forlorn, in the hall as he watched the guys carry out their and Ville’s luggage to the van.

Ville and Bam had talked some during that weekend, but not as much as they had before the rest of the band arrived. Burton just seemed to mysteriously materialize wherever the two might end up being alone. And either Bam was paranoid or just imagining things, but he swore Burton paced back and forth between his room and the bathroom whenever Ville took a shower more than was necessary.

Like he really thought Bam would try something?

The skater really would have liked to have another conversation with the man, but knew it was impossible as long as Burton - or anyone, for that matter - were around.

With a sigh, Bam clomped towards the door as Ville turned towards him; the rest of the band already outside. He looked outside, not surprised to see Burton leaning nonchalantly against the vehicle; acting as if he wasn’t spying.

Bam scoffed, shaking his head, “Your pianist has it in his right mind that I’m going to rape you or something.”

Ville smiled, “Yeah, well, can you blame him?”

The younger man raised his eyebrows, which rose higher as Ville chuckled.

“Don’t raise your eyebrows at me, young man. Do you not remember that time you stared at me - unashamedly - while I had no knowledge?”

“How’d you know I had my eyebrows raised?” Bam asked, blushing, looking down at his feet.

“It seemed like a logical response from you, is all.” Ville replied with a shrug; closed eyes looking off in the distance.

Bam suddenly felt braver and stepped nearer to Ville, “You should take my staring as a compliment, old man…” The man whispered, rather breathlessly.

Ville felt his hot breath caress his face and couldn’t stop the involuntary shiver that moved his body.

The younger man noticed and grinned, moving to wrap an arm around Ville’s waist; snaking his hand around to play at the man’s shirt.

“You have a very…very nice body, Ville.” He whispered, leaning in close to his ear; lips brushing over the skin.

Ville swallowed, licking his lips nervously.

“You’re so beautiful, Ville…” Bam murmured huskily before letting his hand stray under the fabric of the man’s shirt; trailing lightly over soft skin.

The Finn suddenly panicked and moved away from the other man, opening his eyes. Bam immediately stumbled back from the sudden unseeing gross stare of the other man.

Ville closed his eyes once more; shoulders seeming to sag.

“Until you can bear to see me as I really am,” He whispered, “I am no beauty to you.”

With those last, haunting words, he opened the door and was gone…leaving Bam speechless and guilty where he had left him.


Months went by and neither of the men tried to contact each other - or even to think of one another. The last sentence spoken between them haunted their very dreams….

Well, to Bam it was haunting his life more, rather than sleep. He realized how right Ville was…and how wrong he had been.

He felt disgusted to his very core that he couldn’t even stand seeing the man open his eyes without shivering at the sight.

There was no way anything between them could develop if that feeling swelled within him every time he blinked.

Bam didn’t even know if they were friends now. A few weeks after the visit, Mige had called to ask if he wanted to come hang with them in Finland - only for the skater to hear Ville calling in Finnish in the background saying - what he gathered was - no.

After that no contact between Bam or any other members of the band had taken place.
He was ready to just give up all hope of ever returning to what had happened when a knock one Sunday afternoon roused him from his drunken stupor.

Ever since that day Bam had gone to the bottle for help more and more; drinking himself out of house and home by every week - sometimes even going to his friends for money even though he had enough.

He was just too lazy to go to the bank and get it.

“I’m comin,’ I’m comin.’” Bam slurred, stumbling towards the door.

The man threw it open, eyes widening before blinking rapidly to clear his vision.

Burton gave a little wave and half smile before changing his expression completely…to one of anger.

“We need to have a little talk, Bam.”


Minor cliff hanger eh? Eh? No....not really. I probably could have included the little convo but I have no more desire to write tonight....Bleh.

So short you shouldn't even be able to /call/ it a chapter....*le sigh* My muse has gone and left me for right now, so I have really no feel to write. This came out on a whim and even then it took a few hours to fully put it down. I promise to have longer, and more chapters for both stories up soon. :)

Comments would be nice just to prove I still have readers. <3

Thank you and goodnight. *salute*


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