Blind Hope - Chapter 6

May 26, 2008 16:56

 Title: Blind Hope Chapter 6
Author: Me; gothic_elvis
Pairing: Vam in near future
Rating: PG-13 to R/NC-17
Summary: Bam is a spoiled brat who - in his boredness - discovers 'the best band ever' and takes it upon himself to make them his friends. Though when they finally cross paths, things are not as they seemed....
Disclaimer: I merely own the words from their mouths and the spunk in their peckers.
Warnings: Alcohol, language, very minor violence
Authors Notes: Another rather short chapter - kind of a filler, yet kind of not. Heh. It reveals a key...plot...I guess you could the story, so, yeah. xD Not sure how to say it, just know that this short, horrible, insignificant chappie has significance later on.

Chapter 1 -
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3 -
Chapter 4 -
Chapter 5 -

I shouldn’t be doing this…this is wrong, so wrong, Bam thought to himself as his body was pulled atop of Ville’s.

Even in his drunken stupor, the coherency of his conscience shone through and he was having a hard time not listening to it - and also listening to it.

Ville’s lips on his…his tongue entwined with his own…it didn’t feel bad; by no means, did it feel wrong.

But…he was blind, that had to count for something right?

He was sure he’d go to hell for this - drunken making out with a blind rockstar.

Ville seemed to come to his senses at the same moment Bam was about to move away; his hands suddenly pushing the skater’s head away from his own.

Their lips pulled apart with a loud smack and Bam stared down at Ville - his own closed - as they panted hotly into each others faces.

“Bam…” Ville slowly started, frowning, managing to sit up and scoot away to lean against the cupboard.

Their previous engagement seemed to sober both men and Bam realized what it was the Finn wanted.

“Come on, I’ll help you to the room.” He reached out and grabbed the man’s forearms, only to feel him pull away again.

The younger man watched miserably as the blind beauty scrambled to grab the countertop and make his way to a standing position.

“O-on a second thought…I’ll find my own way back.” Ville whispered, head turning over his shoulder towards Bam.

Bam merely nodded, saying nothing as he watched the desperate, older man clumsily walk to the stairs. Once there, he tripped over the first step and fell; sprawled awkwardly on the ground.

He heard the man whimper and mutter as he struggled to his feet again and held with iron fists onto the railing as he slowly made his way up.

Bam simply stared, unable to move; unable to help. He didn’t know what was wrong with him, why his eyes simply stared even as he willed his legs to move.

Come on! Help him! His mind urged to his body, wanting to assist the man.

Ville managed to get up the stairs and started off towards his room, hands trailing over the wall to guide him.

A few moments later Bam heard the door shut and that’s when his body and mind seemed to rejoin.

“Stupid piece of shit.” He cursed to himself, angrily standing and kicked a few beer cans into the fridge door.

His anger was directed solely at himself; feeling wholly responsible for whatever harm may come to Ville, seeing as he was the only one there to take care of him.

Bam let out an angry sigh and stomped over to the couch, collapsing on it heavily; frowning deeply as he glared at the ceiling.

Hours later, his fury died down and his eyes managed to droop until he was taken by a light slumber.


A loud, insistent knocking awoke Bam and his eyes flew open; body sitting to an upright position almost immediately.

“I’m coming, I’m coming, asswipes!” He called, expecting it to be Dico or Dunn.

Though when he threw open the door, he saw not his friends, but a very pissed HIM.

“Let us in, asshole.” Burton muttered, pushing past Bam, holding a cane.

“Be nice, will ya?” Mige called in return as Burton made his way up the stairs, stepping into the house along with Linde and Gas.

“How’d you guys get here so fast?” Bam asked, shocked as to how they arrived so quickly.

Mige grinned as he took off his jacket and threw it on the chair, “We managed to…well…persuade a few young lads to give us their earlier tickets.”

Linde snorted, though said nothing as he sat down.

“Where’s Ville, Bam?” Burton called from up the stairs.

Bam sighed and shook his head before replying, “Last room on the right!”

Mige noticed the skater’s expression and frowned, sitting beside the guitarist as Gas made his way to the fridge.

“Something wrong between you two?” The bassist asked carefully, smirking as Gas threw him a can of beer.

Bam shrugged, sitting on the arm of the chair, “No…not really…”

Linde’s eyebrow rose and he and Mige glanced to each other, though said nothing.

“BURTON!” An excited scream echoed throughout the castle and Mige’s booming laugh followed.

A few moments later, the pianist and the singer came in view - holding hands, yet Ville also holding onto a cane.

They slowly made their way down the stairs, Ville beaming widely as they did. He used the cane to find where to step and when they ended, so this time he did not trip.

Bam’s eyebrows rose and he opened his mouth to ask why the hell he needed a cane when a hand suddenly curled around his bicep.

He jumped and turned to see Linde glaring harshly into his eyes, hand tightening around his arm.

“Not a word.” He breathed to him, suddenly pulling him up and out of the room.

Bam looked back as he was dragged away, watching as Ville happily embraced Mige before they were out of his sight.

He was whirled around and stared into the eyes of the angry guitarist, lips thinned.

“Not a word on his use of a cane, ai? It took us long enough to convince him to use it without his feeling like a helpless wimp. Almost a year we had to persuade him to carry one around in private for his own well-being and I don’t want you telling him otherwise.”

The skater’s eyes narrowed in return and his arms crossed over his chest, “Why the hell would I make him feel that way? I’m not some selfish, inconsiderate bastard.”

“Well obviously something happened while you two were here by yourselves that makes me think differently, Bam.” Linde whispered, not so much angry anymore as much as he sounded tired.

Bam’s hands clenched into fists, “It was nothing major, nothing happened.”

The blonde shrugged, not believing a word of it, though said nothing.

“Regardless, remember what I told you, Bam. And if there’s so much as one depressed, insignificant look on Ville’s face; you will pay.” He warned, before going out to join the others.

The younger man simply stood there, breathing hard, disbelieving that Linde would think so little of him. No matter he had been about to say something, but that was besides the point.

“And he says I’m the bastard?” He muttered, going out to rightly welcome his guests.


Two hours later and HIM and Bam were wonderfully wasted; their bodies sprawled all over the living room floor - talking loudly and joking crudely; all other problems forgotten.

Mige was in the middle of telling the old story of how Linde got stuck inside a motel elevator with two fat chicks and it took five tries to squeeze out.

Bam was laughing so hard as Mige re-enacted the scene he felt as though he would piss his pants; clutching his beer to his chest.

Ville sat on the chair, curled into a ball, chuckling quietly; having heard the story many times before.

“Well, what do you say we have another beer and pass out for the night?” Linde said finally, throwing down his bottle with a flick of his wrist.

The band nodded in agreement, reaching down for their last one when the front door suddenly opened.

“Yo man you won’t believe what I -“ The druggie Novak stopped short, dropping his bag when he walked around the couches, seeing the drunk bodies.

“Man what the hell? Why didn’t you tell me you were throwing a party?” He whined, frowning.

Bam laughed, shaking his head, “Hardly a party, Novak - this is that band, HIM, I was telling you about.”

The guys all said their friendly hellos and gave slight waves to which Novak nodded.

“Hey…which one of ya is the singer?” He asked suddenly.

They seemed reluctant to point him out, but finally Gas gestured to the small figure of Ville on the chair - eyes closed, but facing Novak.

“Hello.” He murmured to him in his low, sensual voice, smirking slightly.

Novak eyed the man, jeering more like it - causing Burton to clear his throat pointedly.

The druggie didn’t seem to realize the hint and made his way towards Ville, holding out his hand to the man.

“Brandon Novak, Villie, nice to meet you.”

Bam snorted, “It’s Ville, smart one.”

Novak ignored his friend, staring at Ville, wondering why he wasn’t shaking his hand.

“Yo, dude.” He said finally before Linde whispered, “Shake his hand.”

Ville jumped, quickly reaching out to shake his hand and smiled slightly.

“Nice to meet you too.”

He quickly jumped away from the chair, staring wide-eyed at the blind Finn.

“Dude…what the fuck?” His confusion was clear in his voice and Bam knew it was time to intervene.

“Yo, Novak, come with me…come.” He stood and beckoned towards him.

“No, man, what the hell is the matter with him? He blind or something?” The man’s nose wrinkled and he shook his head. “God, what a waste…”

Burton was suddenly up and his fist connected with the face of Novak. That was all it took for Novak to go ape-shit and start randomly hitting the pianist - his temper short.

Mige and Gas quickly went to Burton’s rescue while Linde simply watched patiently, lips down-turned into a frown.

Bam was about to try and help when his eyes saw movement; flicking to Ville as he stood and stumbled towards the stairs - forgetting his cane.

“Ville…Ville stop!” Bam cried, running after him, not wanting the man to fall in his blind attempts.

The Finn did not stop - did not respond as if he had even heard him.

When the skater approached, he heard the unmistakable sounds of crying and - in an immature moment of thinking - wondered how blind people could cry.

“Ville, no, please.” Bam begged, finally reaching the man and wrapped his arms tightly around his waist.

“Let go of me!” Ville yelled, hitting at Bam; tears streaming down his face, even as his eyes were closed.

“No! I won’t let you go, Ville! I don’t want you to go off by yourself and cry…I’m here for you now, I wasn’t before, but I am now.”

With that sentence, Ville stiffened before relaxing fully in the man’s arms, resulting in their falling onto the stairs.

“Shh, Ville, it’s okay…I’m sorry about Novak. He’s an ass.” Bam whispered into Ville’s hair, hugging him tight to his chest.

Ville’s arms moved to wrap around him in return and he pressed his face into his shoulder, breathing in a ragged breath.

They both huddled on the steps, oblivious to every one else watching; the fight ended and yelling ceased.

Their eyes on the men who were so obviously right for each other even when the world could not agree and would never see.


Please comment luvvies! I need my love - even though this chapter /sucked./ Well...sort of. :P Bleh.

It's so hard to remember Ville's blind at times. xD I've had to change at least two parts in this chappie alone where I put something like "Ville stared at" or something of the like. *sawbs* This is why Ville can never - and will never - go blind.

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