(no subject)

Jan 25, 2007 18:33

Title- Maddening Shroud

Disclaimer- I own no one except for the characters I will make up later on in the story. The song is "When you were young" by the Killers

Summary- “Hey, you need to listen to this song, it’ll change your life I promise.” A chance encounter on a plane to San Diego lands Ville in a seat next a strange young man that will turn his whole world upside down.

Rating- R

Pairing- Vam

Chapter- 5/?




Ville stepped out his grandfather’s car into the glare of the oppressing San Diego sun. He stood on the street corner awkwardly in his Black Sabbath T-shirt along with his Navy blue swimming trunks with a ratty pair of converse All Stars.

“Damn it’s so hot,” he mumbled to himself as he wiped away a small bead of sweat on his forehead.


You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy to
To save you from your old ways
You play forgiveness
Watch it now
Here he comes

The Finn turned around towards the skate park in surprise as he heard his name be called out. Ville gasped as he saw Bam jogging towards him, a huge grin on his face and a skateboard in his hand. Bam was dressed in nothing more than a pair of shorts and a pair of Adios, his skin was tanned a rich olive colour and Ville almost moaned as he watched beads of sweat slowly trail their way down the young American’s muscled chest to the waist band of his shorts. Ville had never seen anything so beautiful before in his life.

“Um, h-hey Bam,” Ville managed to stammer out as he forced himself to stop mentally drooling over Bam’s wonderful physic.

“You okay?” the other teen asked as he stopped in front of Ville.

He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus
But he talks like a gentleman
Like you imagined
When you were young

“Yeah, it’s just really hot…out here I mean, I mean the heat ya know from the sun,” Ville babbled out quickly hoping Bam hadn’t caught the subtle confession.

But Bam only laughed, his sapphire eyes dancing with happiness and at that moment Ville’s heart melted and he smiled softly at the purple haired teen.

“Wow the heat really must be getting to you, come on let’s go get something to eat and cool off,” Bam said as he grabbed Ville’s hand and began to pull him through the crowd.

“But I don’t have any money with me,” Ville admitted, feeling slightly stupid at not asking his grandfather for at least 20 bucks.

“Don’t worry about it, my treat,” Bam said.

Ville let Bam lead him to a row of about 5 restaurants and Bam stopped, turning to Ville. “Where do you want to eat?” he asked and Ville blinked in surprise, no one usually asked him what he wanted to do at home except if it was his birthday.

“Um, I don’t care you can pick,” Ville said.

Can we climb this mountain
I dont know
Higher now than ever before
I know we can make it if we take it slow
Let's take it easy
Easy now
Watch it go

“No, it’s ok I want to know what you like and stuff like that,” Bam said. Ville looked at the restaurants to see a Mexican, Chinese, Italian, Seafood, and a McDonalds.

“Well, I haven’t had Chinese in a long time,” Ville said, hiding partly behind his long black hair.

“Okay, let’s go,” Bam said as he grabbed his hand once more and they walked into the Chinese restaurant.

They sat at a booth in the back and waited patiently for their food to be brought out to them.

“Is usually alright for people to eat in a restaurant with out their shirts on?” Ville asked, slightly amused.

“This close to the beach, no, if they made everyone where a shirt or shoes they’d never have any business,” Bam said and Ville nodding figuring it made sense in some weird way.

“So what’s your favorite colour?” Bam asked suddenly looking very interested.


“What’s your favorite colour,” Bam asked again waiting patiently for the answer.

“You ask the weirdest questions,” Ville said with a laugh.

“What’s weird about that, everybody’s got a favorite colour and I wanna know yours.”

Ville couldn’t help but smile as he looked at Bam’s sun kissed face, his wet purple hair falling down into his sapphire eyes as he licked his pouting pink lips to keep them from drying out. The Finn snapped back to reality as he realized that he had been staring and he blushed furiously.

We're burning down the highway skyline
On the back of a hurricane
That started turning
When you were young
When you were young

“My favorite colour is grey,” he said.

“Why grey?”

Bam seemed generally interested so Ville answered “I don’t know it just seems to me that grey has so much potential but it never really gets around to actually being anything.”

And sometimes you close your eyes
And see the place where you used to live
When you were young

Bam nodded, looking at Ville sadly. “What’s wrong?” the Finn asked.

“I don’t know it’s just…I was taught that a person’s favorite colour reflects the person,” Bam explained and Ville blinked at the reality of what he had described.

He was grey, he was always afraid of what people thought of him which always stopped him from doing what he really wanted. The reality struck him like a ton of bricks that left him reeling on the edge of madness, he was grey.

They say the devil's water
It ain't so sweet
You dont have to drink right now
But you can dip your feet
Every once in a little while

To keep himself from crying he asked Bam “What’s your favorite colour?”



“I don’t know.”

Ville laughed and it just seemed such an appropriate answer that he couldn’t help it.

You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy to
To save you from your old ways
You play forgiveness
Watch it now
Here he comes

Bam grinned “Hey, I think that when we leave we should go to Anaheim.”

“Where’s that?” Ville asked, he’d never heard of any place called Anaheim before.

“It’s close to Los Angeles and you’re going to love it there.”

“Please explain,” Ville said, getting curious at Bam’s excitement.

“Well since you said you’d never been out of Finland before I figured we couldn’t leave without you seeing the greatest thing ever.”

“What is it Bam?” Ville asked through a laugh.

“DINEY LAND!” Bam yelled out in a childish voice.

Ville looked at him in shock “You’ve got to be joking.”

Bam gasped in mock shock (a.n. haha it rhymes) and looked at Ville as if he was insane. “Of course I’m not you haven’t had a true childhood until you’ve gone to Diney Land.”

“I believe it’s called Disney Land, Bam,” Ville said.

“Oh that’s how all the weird people say it, it’s really pronounced Diney Land,” Bam said with a grin.

“You’re nuts.”

“No, I’m Bam, nice to meet you,” Bam held out his hand for Ville to shake.

Ville shook his hand all the while laughing. “So how long have you been skateboarding?” the Finn asked.

“Oh, um, since I was about six I think,” Bam said as he quickly calculated his age on his hands. “Yea about six.”

“You must be really good by now,” Ville said.

Bam glanced away looking guilty for a moment “Yea I’m okay, Oh hey food.”

He doesnt look a thing like Jesus
But he talks like a gentleman
Like you imagined
When you were young
(talks like a gentleman)
(like you imagined)
When you were young

“ADD are we?” Ville asked.

“No, I have bipolar disorder and one minute I can be really calm and the next thing I know I’m beating some random person up that I just met,” Bam said as he shoved an egg roll into his mouth.

Ville gulped nervously “Are you serious?”

Bam laughed “No, I was lying.”

Ville relaxed a little “Do you lie a lot?”

“How much is a lot?”

“Enough times for people to call you a liar,” Ville said and Bam put down his chop sticks and shrugged.

“I get called a lot of things, but if you must know I only lie about little things, not all the time but when I do I usually tell someone I was lying.”


“Why do I lie or why do I tell people that I lie?”


“I don’t know why I lie, it’s stupid really and I tell people because I feel bad afterwards.”

Ville nodded his head and the two fell silent as they ate their meal. But on the inside Ville’s mind was racing he didn’t know why or how but Bam was affecting him. He knew that if he continued to see the young man that he would surely fall in love and he didn’t want one of the only people who seemed to care about him to leave.

I said he doesnt look a thing like Jesus
He doesnt look a thing like Jesus
But more than you'll ever know

Yay another update aren't you guys proud of me? please comment
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