I noticed that every story on here makes me cry, so no more tears smiles instead

Jan 24, 2007 22:35

Title- Maddening Shroud

Disclaimer- I own no one except for the characters I will make up later on in the story. Song is "Where are you going?" by Dave Matthews Band

Summary- “Hey, you need to listen to this song, it’ll change your life I promise.” A chance encounter on a plane to San Diego lands Ville in a seat next a strange young man that will turn his whole world upside down.

Rating- R

Pairing- Vam

Chapter- 4/?



After hours of talking and laughing at this or that, the plane finally touched down in San Diego.

The two teens walked out of the airport terminal together, both reluctant to leave the others side.

“That’s my grandfather over there,” Ville said as he motioned to a rather large and intimidating old man.

“He looks happy,” Bam commented as he waved at Ville’s grandfather only to get an icy glare in response.

“No, not really,” Ville said. “So where are you going to go, I know my grandfather looks mean but my grandmother’s really nice and she wouldn’t mind if you stayed for a couple of nights.”

“No, I don’t want to intrude, besides I’ve got money for a hotel and stuff,” Bam said as the two grabbed their luggage off the conveyer belt.

Where are you going, with your long face pulling down?
Don't hide away, like an ocean
That you can't see but you can smell
And the sound of waves crash down

“Well if you’re sure,” Ville said, hoping that Bam wasn’t lying about being able to get a hotel room.

“I am, now I think you might wanna go cause you’re grandfather’s not lookin too happy.”

Ville smiled “Alright, I guess I’ll call you later tonight if you aren’t doing anything.”

“Nope, just me and my phone tonight,” Bam said with a grin.

“Ok well I’ll talk to you later Bam, bye,” Ville said happily as he walked towards his grandfather.

Bam smiled and waved goodbye to the Finnish teen before hoisting his duffle bag onto his shoulder and picking up his suitcase, he knew he needed to find a hotel quick.

Ville leant his head against the car window and sighed sadly, he had only just left the airport 2 minutes ago and he was already missing Bam terribly. He didn’t know why, he had only known the young man for about 15 hours; his heart shouldn’t be aching like this, should it?

“Did you have a nice flight?” his grandfather asked him awkwardly.

“Yes it was wonderful,” Ville said with a small smile but his grandfather wasn’t listening to him and he sighed sadly.

He began to replay the days events over in his head and he smiled as he remembered Bam’s offer to take him across the United States and then across the ocean to France. It was very romantic. Ville shook his head, he shouldn’t be thinking like that about Bam at all.

I am no superman.
I have no reasons for you
I am no hero, Aww that's for sure
But I do know one thing:
Is where you are is where I belong.
I do know, where you go, is where I wanna be.

The drive to his grandparent’s house was only 15 minutes and before he knew it he was hauling his luggage into the rather large beach house that his grandparents had bought a year ago.

He talked with his grandparents for a short while before retreating up into his room to settle in. He quickly placed his things in their proper places before collapsing onto the bed.

“Damned jet lag,” Ville mumbled as he felt his body begin to lose all of its strength.

“Well maybe just a quick nap before I call Bam,” he mumbled as he wrapped himself in the sheets and fell into a blissful sleep with dreams of a purple haired teen leading him down a road that never seemed to end.

Where are you going? Where do you go?
Are you lookin' for answers to questions under the stars?
Well if along the way you are growin weary, you can rest with me
Until a brighter day, you're ok.

Ville woke with a rather loud yawn as he stretched his sleepy muscles, cringing when he heard his joints pop.

“I’m getting too old,” the teen mumbled as he stumbled out of bed and made his way downstairs to get something to eat.

“Ville, dear, we thought you were never going to wake up,” his grandmother said with a kind smile as she looked up from her mystery novel.

“How long have I been asleep?” Ville asked, slightly confused. He couldn’t have slept for more than 3 or 4 hours at the most.

“You were out for about 18 hours sweetheart, the jetlag must have really gotten to you,” she said.

“18 hours!” Ville almost yelled in shock as he remembered that he was supposed to call Bam when he had gotten home.

“Is everything alright?” she asked him in concern.

“Um, I just forgot to call someone important,” Ville yelled over his shoulder as he raced back up the stairs to his room. Grabbing his cell phone off the bedside he looked at his hand and gasped as he saw that the ink on his palm had smudged a little.

I am no superman.
I have no answers for you.
I am no hero, aww that's for sure.
But I do know one thing:
Where you are is where I belong.
I do know, where you go, is where I wanna be

“Shit,” Ville mumbled as he programmed the first four numbers into the phone before sitting and staring at his hand. After a few moments he felt he had figured out the smudged numbers and programmed the rest into his phone.

Pressing the dial button he felt butterflies in his stomach at the thought of Bam. He hoped the other teen wouldn’t be upset with him for not calling, he also hoped he had the right number.

After three rings he heard a soft click and then a cheerful hello filter through the phone’s small speaker.

“Bam?” he asked cautiously.

“Ville?” he asked his voice full of shock.

Where are you going? Where do you go?
Where do you go? Where are you goin? Where do you go?

“Yea, it’s me,” the Finn said awkwardly.

“I thought you weren’t going to call,” Bam said, his voice sounding rather dejected for a moment before its usual cheerfulness came back.

“I’m sorry it’s just that I basically passed out when I got to my grandparents and I just woke up about 15 minutes ago,” Ville admitted, hoping he hadn’t hurt the other teen’s feelings in any way.

“Oh, okay that’s cool I forgot jetlag makes some people really tired,” Bam said before letting out a yelp of surprise. Ville blinked in confusion as he heard a dull thump come from the other end of the phone.

“Bam, are you alright?” Ville asked, wondering if Bam was in any trouble.

I am no superman.
I have no answers for you
I am no hero, awww thats for sure.
But I do know one thing:
is where you are is where I belong
I do know, where you go, is where I wanna be.

“I’m okay, I think the base of my spine has asploded but I’m gonna be okay,” Bam said.


Bam giggled “Sorry, I fell off my bed.”

Ville laughed as well before asking “Well are you alright?”

“Oh yea totally, hey do you wanna do something?”

Where are you goin'? Where do you go?

“Like what?”

“Can we go to the beach?” Bam asked suddenly sounding like a little kid.

“Well I guess,” Ville said.

“Yay, ok we can meet up at the skate park on 15th and south in about an hour and a half.”

“Sounds like a plan, I’ll see you then,” Ville said.

“Not if I see you first, Bye Ville,” Bam said.

Tell me where are you going?

“Goodbye, Bam,” Ville said before hanging up. The young Finn sighed happily as he fell back onto the bed with an enormous grin on his face. Bam made him feel so happy and he had just met him, it scared and overjoyed him at the same time.

Getting off his bed he began to rifle through his things to look for his swimming trunks.

Where? Let's go.

I apologize for the delay on this story but skool's been kickin my ass lately.
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