(no subject)

Dec 30, 2006 11:26

Title- Maddening Shroud

Disclaimer- I own no one except for the characters I will make up later on in the story. Song is "I need some sleep" by the Eels

Summary- “Hey, you need to listen to this song, it’ll change your life I promise.” A chance encounter on a plane to San Diego lands Ville in a seat next a strange young man that will turn his whole world upside down.

Rating- R

Pairing- Vam

Chapter- 2/?

Chapter 1- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2504920.html?#cutid1

Ville yawned as he came back to consciousness; he hoped that by going to sleep he would make the time go faster. Looking down at his watch he was shocked to see that only two hours had passed since they first had taken off.

I need some sleep.
You can’t go on like this.
I try counting sheep,
But there’s one I always miss.

Ville turned his head to see if the young man who had sat next to him was asleep as well. Bam, however, was very much awake his headphones still in place over his ears. The only thing new was a sketch pad and a pencil that Bam had stored in his bag. The young man didn’t acknowledge that Ville was awake at all and continued his sketch of a very twisted and dark Time Square from New York City.

The Finn was amazed at the level of detail on every building; everything was dark, jagged, and loomed over the faceless people below who all had on the same black and grey type clothing.

“That’s very good,” Ville commented causing Bam to jump slightly in surprise.

“Oh, um, thank you,” Bam said as he turned his CD player off and pulled his headphones down until they were hanging off the back of his neck.

Everyone says, "I’m getting down too low"
Everyone says, "You just gotta let it go"
You just gotta let it go
You just gotta let it go

“What were you listening to?” Ville asked, for some reason wanting to make conversation with the young American.

“Oh um, this Indie band called Frou Frou, I don’t really listen to Indie Rock but they’ve got some good stuff.”

Ville nodded and Bam quickly put up his sketch pad and pencil. “So where are you from?” Bam asked. Before Ville could answer Bam interrupted him “I’m sorry, I’m really nosy sometimes, I didn’t mean to invade your privacy.”

“No, it’s fine really, I don’t mind at all” Ville said “I’m from Finland by the way.”

A contemplative expression crossed Bam’s face for a moment “If I remember from World Geography that’s near Sweden, isn’t it?”

Ville nodded his head, impressed with the young man. No one he had talked to from America had any idea what continent Finland was on.

“Well you know where I’m from, now where are you from or is that a secret as well?”

Bam laughed “I’m from Pennsylvania, I’ll give you that much.”

Ville sighed, “Alright, can you tell me why you’re going to San Diego?”

“Why not,” Bam answered simply.

It took Ville a moment before he realized that, that was the young man’s answer. “You’re going just because you can?” the Finn didn’t really understand that logic.

Bam shrugged “I need a new crowd. Besides life’s too short to stay in one place for too long. Before you realize it your whole life is over and you haven’t really experienced anything because you’re too worried about what could go wrong once you leave your house.”

I need some sleep
time to put the old horse down
I’m in too deep
and the wheels keep spinning round

Ville nodded slightly as Bam stretched as best he could in the confining plane seat. “Ugh, I hate sitting still for so long,” Bam groaned.

“Well, we’ve only got 12 more hours,” Ville said, chuckling as Bam groaned once more.

The younger man smiled lazily as he pulled his beanie off of his head, letting his purple curls fall into his blue eyes. “So what about you, why are you going to San Diego?” Bam asked.

“My parents are making me stay at my grandparents for a month or so, it’s gonna suck I don’t know anybody there,” Ville said, his misery showing through.

“Well you know me,” Bam offered and Ville smiled in thanks.

It was silent for a moment between them, comfortable and calm. “How old are you?” Bam asked finally.

“I’m 21,” Ville said.

“So am I,” Bam said with a grin.

“Alright fine I’m 20,” Ville confessed.

“So am I,” Bam said, his grin getting wider as Ville glared at him slightly.

“How old are you really?” Ville asked.

“How old are you really?” Bam asked and Ville shook his head knowing he’d better stop lying or Bam would know it.

“I’m 19.”

“You know the truth just sounds better for some reason,” Bam said thoughtfully. Ville was about to ask Bam how old he was again but Bam began to speak again.

“I was thinking about moving to Europe for a year, maybe go to France and just get lost, you know have a real adventure,” Bam said excitedly.

Ville grinned at the other man’s enthusiasm and he had to admit that it sounded like quite the adventure.

Everyone says, "I’m getting down too low"
Everyone says, "You just gotta let it go"
You just gotta let it go
You just gotta let it go

“Do you wanna come?” Bam asked with a mischievous glint in his bright sapphire eyes. Ville knew that he should say no, but the thought of going off to foreign lands with the mysterious young man appealed to him to no end.

“Yes,” Ville answered, knowing that if the opportunity was really there he would actually take it.

Bam’s face light up in a brilliant and contagious smile “I was hoping you’d say that.”

Ville smiled back at him “How long are you staying in San Diego?” the Finn asked “Maybe we could hang out sometime?”

“I’m staying for exactly one and a half weeks,” Bam said.

“Where will you go after that?” Ville asked

“I don’t know where do you want to go?”

Ville laughed but knew by the look on the American’s face that he was dead serious. “Why do you want to know where I want to go?”

“You said you would come with me didn’t you?” Bam said simply. “This is my last project before I go to Europe; I’m going to go from one end of the U.S. to the other.”

Ville didn’t know what to make of this new piece of information. He longed for the freedom that Bam seemed to have, the ability to just pick up and go wherever the wind decided to take you. But here was this boy offering him just what he wanted, the question was, was he willing to take him up on his offer?

“Do you wanna come?” Bam asked again, his voice soft and seductive.


You just gotta let it go
You just gotta let it go
You just gotta let it go

Please comment and as for Razorblade I'm storing chapters right now so that when I hit writers block I can post chapters 11- 15 and I won't have to worry about it for awhile.
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