The True Story of God, Lucifer and a Man Named Bam

Jan 25, 2007 18:49

Title: The True Story Of God Lucifer and a Man Named Bam
Rating: PG-13ish.
Pairing: Lucifer/Bam, Vam (Bam/Ville)
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, but my version of Lucifer, hes mine. SO I do have rights for him, just stole his name ;P
Summary: (supposed to be humour but that's for you to decide...) Bam get's kidnapped by the Devil. Summaries give away the story, that's all I'm giving away. sorry.

Previous Chapters:


(yes I know it's Jyrki, but he fits the description I got for Lucifer, except for the eyes of course.)

We started heading our way back to my home, our discussion about what the whearabout on Earth were, for dear old Bam.

"But how can they not notice that I'm not there?" Bam exclaimed aghast.

"Listen, you've only been gone a day or so. Thier probably thinking that you went to go look around the different cities for a little while." I explained to him.

"Well, umm... when are the, uh, Demon elders, council people, whatever the hell they are, exactly coming?" He asked me raising an eyebrow, stepping lightly over a large branch.

"Tomorrow." I said simply.

"What are they like?" He asked me as we came into the familiar clearing, where the chateau lay ahead.

"Well... they can get a little carried away when they do things, and some of them are pretty tall. Some have horns, while others do not, it's somethign you have to be born with I geuss. They look alot like the vampires, but, they have darker hair and their eye color ranges from different colors, and alot of them have their skin tainted red." I told him as I sealed the gate once again, making our way up the stone pathway to the backdoor.

"Do they have wings? I saw some of the murals and paintings in your home, of them and other creatures." He said running a hand through his hair carelessly.

"Yeah, the older ones get theirs, but the youngens don't, not until their old enough." I told him walking aimlessly around the hallways.

"So, anything exciting about them?" He questioned me.

"Actually... Yes, yes there is. They have a new leader." I told him pausing for a bit to see what he was going to say. Though I knew what it was before he spoke, I found it some-what amusing to just let him say what was on his mind anyways.

"New leader? Don't they sort of live forever or something, since this is hell and all?" He asked giving me a puzzled look.

"Well yeah. However, they can die, by murder. Or in honorable battle. What I like about the new leader though, is that hes to die for." I told him spacing out getting excited that I was going to be the one to tell him ot settle down, and he better as well goddman worship me.

"If you like him so much then why am I here?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Well, it's because for one yeah he's hott, but I won't be his lover because I'm not into him like that. Also, it's because I like you." I told him smirking as I saw a slight blush creep up on his cheeks.

"So how did they come to getting their new head elder?" he asked. I found it amusing that he got so curious into everything and always wanted to know about something new.

"Well..." I began.


srry if its short. but Im saving the next part for the next chapter.
Oh and Im coming out with a new story since writers block is getting to me for alot of things. Its called 'Bammie In Vonderland' (dont ask why Wonderland is Spelt Vonderland. I did not come up with the title. My friend Lynnsey did.) Oh and its the twisted version of 'Alice In Wonderland.' soo yeah. and its supposed to be comedy. Me and Lynnsey will be writting that one. (actually first time I wrote a story with her soo... well see how it goes.)

comment please. =]
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