Chap 10 Broken Sails

Nov 28, 2006 04:43

Title: Broken Sails
Disclaimer: I don't own Bam, Ville, Vito, Raab or anyone else in this story! xD I only own the story! Yay..? xD
Rating: Uhm..PG13.
Summary: Ville, Bam and the whole Viva La Bam and Jackass crew have been shipwrecked!

Prev. chaps under the cut =]

Prev chaps:

It had been five hours since Jarrpi had left them, and Ville was asleep in Bam's lap.
Bam blinked his eyes quickly, forcing himself to stay awake as the sun barely shown in the harizon.
"! Go away K Fed..", Ville mumbled in his sleep, causing Bam to almost burst out laughing.
'K Fed?!', Bam thought to himself still having to bite his lip to not start laughing and wake Ville up.
Blink..blink.., went Bam's eyes as he continued to try to stay awake; He didn't want to be asleep when Jarrpi came back. But after another five minutes, Bam couldn't take it anymore and he fell asleep.
"Ssh.. you'll wake 'em.", Jarrpi whispered as himself and two other blondes approached Bam and Ville.
"Wait.. I thought you said there was two guys..", a tall blonde with shoulder-length blonde hair and a beanie reading 'I love Suomi', asked.
Jarrpi bit his lip to not burst out laughing as they were suprised when Ville opened his eyes, showing them a angry look, "I'm not a girl!", he pouted, causing Bam to wake up.
"What..?", Bam muttered half asleep as his eyes focused and he realised Jarrpi and the others had came back. "It's about time! What took you so long?", Bam asked, annoyed at himself for falling asleep too early.
"Woah, woah, woah! Don't get mad at me!", Jarrpi laughed, "I never said a time.".
"Whatever..", Bam muttered, looking over at Ville who was staring at the boy with the Suomi hat, 'what's he staring at..', Bam thought to himself.
"Suomi..", Ville stood up, "You're from Finland?", he asked.
The three blondes shook their heads 'yes' in unison.
"Me too, really!", Ville smiled amused at the coincidence.
A small silence went by as Bam added, "I'm from Pennsyvania..?", and everyone started laughing. "What?", Bam asked confuzed.
Ville shook his head, "Nothing.. it just seemed so random", he grinned, putting his arm around Bam and pulling him closer to himself.
"Names?", Jarrpi said, changing the subject.
"I'm Jukka.", the blonde with the beanie smiled turning his head towards the other blonde; "Name's Jarnon.".
"And you know I'm Jarrpi..", the braided blonde grinned, "And you're Ville and Bam.".
Ville and Bam nodded as Jarrpi grinned, "Hell yea! I remembered something for once!", he laughed, pausing for a second and adding in a much duller tone, "But, of course I don't have much names to remember..being trapped on an island and all..", he sighed.
Ville rolled his eyes, "I don't believe you've been on this island for at least as long as you say.".
Jarrpi blinked at what he had just said and quickly added, "That's none of your business!".
"", Ville paused shocked, "So.. I take it you do know a way off this island?".
Jukka nodded as Jarrpi punched his arm, muttering 'you weren't supposed to tell them yet!', recieving a sorry look from Jukka.
Bam glared, "What are you keeping from us?!".
"Can we just tell them..?", Jarnon sighed tiredly, not feeling like an argument.
Jarrpi paused a moment and sighed, "Alright, fine. But you can't tell anyone!".
Ville and Bam nodded in agreement, waiting for Jarrpi to continue.
"I understand you have the map..?", Jarrpi asked as they nodded.
His explanation went on for another fifteen minutes, all the while keeping their complete attention.
"But.. we have to tell! There's other people with us!", Bam said, receiving a shrug from Jukka, "Jarrpi, Bam's right, we have to just tell everyone. That is, if they want to get off this island!".
"Ok.Fine.", Jarrpi sighed, looking at all of them, "Tommorrow we meet, tommorrow at exactly noon at this spot, ok?".
"Ok.", they all replied as they went their seperate ways.
"They're weird.", Ville whispered, still afraid they were following Bam and himself even though they were already very close to 'camp'.
"Yeah, well, they're all the chance we've got of getting out of here.", Bam replied staring at the sun that now was starting to set.

=/ I'm sorry this chap is shorter.. but I promise next chap will come soon.

Wanna know something sad? I just realised what FC means! xDD Just today! Isnt that sad? .. it means "first comment", right? xDD -hopes-

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