Shipwrecked Chap 2

Oct 02, 2006 00:04

Title: Shipwrecked
Disclaimer: I don't own Bam, Ville, Vito, Raab or anyone else in this story! xD I only own the story! Yay..? xD
Rating: Uhm..PG13.
Summary: Ville, Bam and the whole Viva La Bam crew have been shipwrecked!

BTW: I am SO like really really x5777599859895 sorreh this took forever! I've been really busy lately =/ and to those that care, I promise I'll try to make chapters come out quicker, and I'll continue the story Back To Me soon too!

Much Sorrys~ -Kayla

Chap 1:

"Ow!", Bam winced, holding his arm in pain.
Ville heard the noise from outside their 'fort' and quickly went to see what had happened.
"Bam!", Ville yelled scaredly, kneeling next to him, "What happened?!".
"I.. I was trying to climb that tree but I fell..", he winced.
Ville stared, "Why were you climbing that tree?"
"I was looking at..", he paused ashamed of what he was about to say.
"Looking at what, Bam?", Ville asked confuzed.
"I..I wanted to..", Bam started to say.
"Quit the drama, Bam! Just tell me! I'm sure it's not that bad!".
"Fine..but yeah, it is and I'm sorry before-hand..", Bam paused, "Ok.. I was confuzed.. I wanted to see how you felt about some things.."
"And..And I didn't want to ask you 'cause I was too I took your journal, but a page blew into that tree..", Bam finished, scared of what Ville would think of him.
Ville stared at him blankly, afraid of what Bam now knew.
Bam finally faced Ville and said, "I'm sure you changed your mind about everything now..", he said in a voice barely reaching a whisper.
Ville sighed, "You could have asked me and I would have told you everything on those pages the exact same way."
Bam could feel his face grow more red by the second before Ville added, "But..those words won't change."
Bam looked up at him confuzed, "Really?"
Ville nodded, a small smile on his face as he felt a wind blow and noticed the paper that was once in the tree, flying in the wind.
"Bam, the paper!", Ville pointed as Bam started going after it.
He jumped up and grabbed it, handing it to Ville with an embarassed smile.
"So.. what's it say?", Bam asked curiously.
Ville looked up at him from the paper and sighed a bit as he read;
"Dear journal,
Today was just like every other day; I want to tell Bam so badly that..", Ville paused not knowing if it would be best to continue.
"Tell me what?", Bam asked.
Ville let out a breath and continued, "Tell Bam that him..And I wish he could see that.
Love, Ville.", Ville read as he looked up at Bam from the paper who looked as if his heart had just stopped.
"I..I'm sorry..", Ville said very embarassed as he turned the opposite direction.
"Ville, wait!", Bam yelled, catching up with him.
Ville looked over, scared of what Bam would say.
"I..I love you too, Ville.", Bam replied, a smile on his face and light pink cheeks.
Suddenly Ville's heart had risen and he smiled, "Really?!"
Bam nodded as Ville smiled, wrapping his arms around him for a tight hug.

Just then an at the time unwanted person came from behind them;
"Woah! Did I just hear what I think I heard?!"
Bam turned around to the familiar voice, "Raab! What are you doing here!?"
Raab laughed, "I didn't know you guys felt that way!"
Ville glared, still holding onto Bam, "You ruined it!", he muttered.
"Ruined what?"
Ville rolled his eyes, "Nevermind."
Bam nodded, changing the subject for Raab, "So, you got the map?", he asked.
Raab nodded, "Yeah, but I'm not sure you guys will need it to find your tent!", he laughed, coughing a bit from laughing so hard.
Ville glared, "Stop it!".
Bam also glared, pushing Raab a bit, "Stop joking around!"
"Fine, fine.", Raab said still giggling randomly.

"I think we should turn left.", Raab said looking down at the map as they walked through the swamp-like terrain.
"No! I don't want to get my clothes all icky!", Ville scrunched up his nose a little at the smell.
"Don't worry," Bam grinned, "I'll carry you."
Ville giggled as Bam picked him up into his arms.
Raab rolled his eyes, "I'm going to barf if you guys don't stop!"
Ville giggled holding onto Bam tighter as they went with Raab's directions since he studied the map longest overnight and seemed to be pretty well educated in a sence about it.

It had been about 45 minutes into their adventure when Bam felt a weird vibration on his chest, he looked down and realized Ville was asleep and snoring a bit.
Bam smiled looking down at him in his arms.
"Hey! Look!", Raab yelled pointing at what he thought was their next check mark.
"Ssh!", Bam whispered, "You'll wake Ville up."
Raab rolled his eyes, "Whatever."
Suddenly Bam felt Ville move at the mention of his name, "Bam?", he mumbled sleepily.
Bam grinned, kissing his cheek, "Yeah."
Ville smiled looking around, "Are your arms tired?", he asked Bam a bit worried.
"A bit, but I can keep holding you if you'd like."
Ville smiled but felt guilty knowing he had to be tired by now, "It's not so wet anymore, I can walk."
Bam nodded gently letting go of him as they ran to catch up to Raab who was a bit ahead.

"Ow!", Raab said as he walked into a heavily plant covered rock.
"What?", Bam and Ville asked in unison as they knocked on the plants noticing what he ran into.
Ville grabbed the map from Raab who was helped up by Bam and smiled, "Look! We found this part!", he grinned with excitement.


Sooooo, even after the long wait, I hope you liked this so far!

And once again I'm sorreh it took so long!

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