Shipwrecked Chap 1

Sep 21, 2006 22:33

Title: Shipwrecked
Disclaimer: I don't own Bam, Ville, Vito, Raab or anyone else in this story! xD I only own the story! Yay..? xD
Rating: Uhm..PG13.
Summary: Ville, Bam and the whole Viva La Bam crew have been shipwrecked!

"Damn it!", Ville mumbled as he kicked the sand out of his worn-out shoes.
"You're still not used to sand?!", Bam laughed as Ville shook his head, "Of course not!".
Bam smiled as he turned to notice Vito walking their way.
"Oh, god...", Bam mumbled as Vito was yelling as always;
"It's been four months! Four months on this dumb island!", Vito complained.
Bam grinned sarcastically, "Don't worry Vito, you didn't lose any body mass!".
Vito glared, "Stupid!", he ranted, leaving them.

Ville sighed, "You know, Bam, Vito's right-", Ville started to say as Bam cut him off, "Vito is NEVER right!".
Ville smiled a small grin and continued, "Four months, Bam... I don't want to live like this!".
Bam nodded as he quickly replied back, "But, Ville, if we weren't shipwrecked here, we wouldn't be able to spend so much time.. together.", Bam replied as Ville blushed.
"Together?..Oh, nevermind.."
Bam raised an eyebrow at him, "What did you think I meant?"
Ville quickly shrugged, picking up a fruit off the ground and handing it to Bam, "You like it like this.", Ville blushed.
Bam nodded, "Thanks!..", as his attention went to Raab who ran up to them;
"Yo, dudes, follow me!", he grinned excitedly.
"Why?", Bam asked confuzed by Raab's overly-happy mood.
"I found a treasure chest!"
"What?!", Ville chimed in quite unexpectedly.
"Yeah! I havn't told anyone yet, c'mon!", he motioned for them to follow.


"Ew! Why were you way out here?!", Ville complained, pushing some wet plants off of himself as it had rained the night before.
Raab shrugged, "How else do I escape boredom?"
Bam nodded as Raab jumped in front of them;
"This, my friends.. is it!"
Bam pulled on the chest, but it refused to open, "Great! You found a locked chest!", Bam ranted, not noticing the key in Raab's hand.
"Bam..Bam..BAM!", Ville practically yelled as Bam quit ranting, "What, Ville?!".
Ville glared at his attitude and pointed at the key, "That's what!"
"Oh...!", Bam blushed, feeling quite stupid as Raab pushed the key into the chest and slowly opened it.
Ville kneeled down on the cold wet stones next to Bam and Raab, "What's under the sheet?", he asked curiously.
Raab shrugged, "I havn't checked yet, I wanted to wait for you guys..", he replied.
Bam looked over at him in a sort of disbelief, "What if there's nothing worth anything in there?!".
Raab shrugged, "Shall we look?".
Ville nodded quite excitedly as Raab pulled the sheet off.
"It's a peice of paper and a bunch of weird shaped rocks! Big deal!", Bam sighed as Ville rolled his eyes, "Don't be so quick to judge.".
"Hey! You two, stop fighting like some couple or something!", Raab sighed annoyed.
Ville blushed at the idea of a couple, but Bam's quick reply to deny it made his heart drop;
"Pfft! Yeah right!", Bam shot back.
"So..what's on the paper?", Ville asked, his voice barely higher than a whisper.
Raab quickly unfolded it for them to see as they noticed the uniqueness of the map; It had many shapes and designs and was in some sort of code language they could not understand.
"So..", Raab started to say as he folded the map back up.
"Why did you shut it?", Ville asked.
"We can't understand it even.", Raab replied as Ville snatched the map from him, re-opening it; "We need to de-code it it somehow..or use the shapes to things that are familiar."
Bam nodded, "Sounds like hard work though, Ville."/
Raab nodded, "But, what have we got to lose?".
Ville grinned, glad they all were in this.
They got up and started to leave, leaving the chest behind.


"It's so cold!", Ville shivvered under his and Bam's own tent-like home.
Bam nodded, hearing the harsh rain beat on the roof of their 'fort' only big enough to lay down and sleep in.
Ville moved closer to Bam, "Sorry..", hoping Bam didn't mind, but he was freezing and needed a bit more warmth.
Bam nodded, laying his head down, "Now that I think of it, you are right.. four months..", he sighed, staring at the small candle lighting up a small bit of their 'fort'.
Ville blushed, glad for the night so Bam couldn't tell and replied, "Well.. I'm glad.. to be with you."
Bam smiled, "You too."
Ville yawned and Bam smiled putting out the candle as they layed down to bed.


Well, I hope you liked the first chapter! =]

More soooon~ and also, more of my other fic Back To Me comming soon too. I just thought of this idea and HAD to write it xD so yeah.

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