(no subject)

Oct 01, 2006 21:37

Hey, this is the first vam story that I've ever written. I hope that no one absolutely hates it.

Title: Midnight
Author: wicked_castaway
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Midnight is walking home when she bumps into two strange men
Disclaimer: I own Midnight, please don't steal her. I don't own Bam or Ville
Author's Notes: I hope this is okay, I wrote this not intending for it to turn into a Vam fanfic, but it did, so they aren't exactly the main characters, but they are in it. Midnight is the main character, she's my character that I made up. Hope that you all like the story.

Midnight was walking home, nothing unusual about that. She walked home by herself all the time. She knew the way; it wasn’t like she was going to get lost. But it was almost midnight. Ironic, she thought I’m scared to walk home because it’s midnight. I should feel more comfortable since I share a name with the time. But she didn’t. She felt very out of place. There was no particular reason why. Something just didn’t feel right to her. That, in itself, was unusual. She didn’t normally get feelings like this, or if she did, she didn’t pay any attention to them, opting to just not care altogether. But tonight she couldn’t ignore it. Her feet seemed to have picked up speed increasingly without her being aware of it, along with the speed of her breathing. Her eyes started to dart back and forth, looking in all the small alleyways she passed for some unknown malevolent being. Her mind started to imagine noises, footsteps began following her, whispers were taunting her. And when she turned her head to investigate one of these sounds coming from behind her, she lost sight of what was in front of her. She hit the sidewalk hard when she fell. Midnight didn’t even know what she had hit until she felt a pair hands grab her shoulders roughly to pick her up and stand her upright again.

“Whoa sweetheart, watch where you’re going. You might run into someone who isn’t willing to pick you up again. Philly isn’t as nice of a city as people make it out to be. What’s your name darling?” the voice had a smoothness to it that Midnight had never heard before. It was almost as if the voice had an essence all to itself. It was deep, and seemed to curl itself around her whole body. Sinking deep into her pores, making her head spin.

Up until now, Midnight hadn’t even looked up at the man that spoke to her; she was too mesmerized by the voice. Her mind was still spinning. How could a voice have that much of an effect on her?

“I - I - I - Midnight,” She settled on just telling the strange person her name. Her head was still bent toward the ground, and all she could tell about the man was what kind of shoes he was wearing.

“Sweetheart, I don’t need the time of day. Tell me what your name is,” His voice was commanding, yet surprisingly sweet and gentle at the same time.

“No sir, that’s my name; Midnight,” she sounded like a small scared child, and she couldn’t figure out why. What was there to be afraid of? Nothing, she decided, and finally brought her head up. Her eyes widened slightly at what she saw. Surely this man was an angel that had slipped and fallen out of heaven.

There wasn’t anything particularly special about this man. He had curly, shoulder length brown hair, and bright green eyes faintly lined with eyeliner. But the moon shining directly behind him seemed to make a halo appear around his head, and cast shadows on his face that simultaneously made Midnight frightened, and mesmerized. His attire consisted of a black dress shirt, and black dress pants. Nothing special, but this man seemed to radiate brilliance.

“Well that’s certainly an unusual name. Beautiful though,” his lips turned up slightly at the corners, and his face turned down a fraction of an inch, darkening his face, “Where do you live darling? I’ll walk you home. You never know what might be lurking in the shadows this time of night,” the small smirk turned into a full out grin, mixing with the shadows on his face, it was a frighteningly beautiful combination.

“No, that’s okay, I can get home by myself. It’s not that far,” Midnight’s voice was still very small, the sound of her heels clicking on the sidewalk as she took small steps backward almost overpowering her voice. It was surprising that the stranger could even make out her words. “It’s just around the corner over there.”

The man countered her backwards steps with his own forward ones. “Now now, I wouldn’t be much of a gentleman if I let you walk home after I so rudely bumped into you and knocked you down, now would I?” His grin just got wider as he saw her trying to conceal the growing terror in her eyes.

“It’s okay, I don’t mind. It’s really not that far away,” she really was scared now. The stranger kept walking closer and closer to her. He had a very purposeful stride. In the subconscious of Midnight’s mind, she knew she was not going to get away from him unscathed. She knew she needed to try something else than just denying the man, “B - B - But if you really want to walk me home I guess you could,” although these were the words came out of her mouth, she did not stop backing up.

“Oh, I do. It would mean so much to me. You said your house was just around the corner there? Why don’t we walk around the block? It would give us a chance to get better acquainted with each other. I don’t believe I’ve told you my name yet, dear. You should have asked. Would you like to know my name?” His steps started to slow down, as did Midnight’s. Even though she was terrified, she couldn’t help but be fascinated by this man.

“Y - Yes,” she stuttered, “I’d l - like to know your name.”

“Ville. Ville Valo,” Midnight completely stopped moving away at the sound of his name. Why? She did not know, something about the way he said his own name made her stop.

“It’s quite appropriate actually. Do you know what Valo means in Finnish? Hmmm?” a small shake of her head, “It means light. Don’t you think it’s very strange that my name means light while your’s is often associated with darkness and we just happened to run into each other tonight? I find it quite amusing. Although, I have been told that I have a, shall we say, unique sense of humor,” his grin got impossibly wider, and a small chuckle escaped his lips.

“Ye - Yes, that is a little weird I guess.” For some reason, she couldn’t get her feet to move her away from Ville even as he took a few more steps towards her. He was very close, and Midnight was starting to feel her fear becoming increasingly stronger again.

She thought it must have been her imagination giving her an escape route when she heard someone walking behind her. She knew it must not have been her imagination when she saw Ville lift his eyes from hers and glance past her shoulder. She was relieved for about a second. Maybe someone had come looking for her. It was after her curfew by now, and her mother got very nervous when she was out at night.

“Hey baby, I thought you were working on the other side of the city tonight?” Her relief completely dissipated when she realized these two knew each other.

“I was, but I couldn’t find anything. I figured I’d come and see how you were doing. And it looks like you found something you liked,” he replied as he came from behind Midnight to stand next to Ville. His eyes looked her up and down, scrutinizing her, sizing her up, deciding if he liked what he saw or not. “Not a bad choice. She’s cute. What’s her name?”

Midnight didn’t know what they were talking about, but she didn’t like the way they were talking about her like she wasn’t there. “Her name’s Midnight, Bam,” the new stranger, Bam, giggled softly, “We were just going to have a nice little stroll around the block and get to know each other a little better. Weren’t we darling?” His eyes moved away from, who Midnight assumed was Bam, and landed back on her. His smile seemed a lot more taunting and dark than it had before. How could she have ever thought this man was an angel?

“Ville baby, do you always have to play with your food? I always thought you were supposed to be the proper one with manners,” he teased, as he moved behind Ville and wrapped his arms around the others waist, he was barely tall enough to rest his head on Ville’s shoulder when he was behind him. Midnight almost had time to think that it would be much easier for the shorter man if their positions were reversed and Bam was in front of Ville before her mind comprehended what Bam had said. Food? No, it couldn’t be. It couldn’t. That sort of thing only happened in books and movies. It wasn’t real. But when Bam smiled, Midnight swore she saw slightly sharpened teeth poking out of the pink gums.

“Yes, well, I do like to have fun every once in a while. But I guess we could make this night short so we can go back home and have a little fun together,” he turned his head slightly so he could see Bam, “What do you think?”

Bam didn’t reply with words. He answered Ville’s question by spinning him around and sticking his tongue in his mouth. Ville was very willing to participate in the kiss and grabbed Bam around the waist and pulled him closer, temporarily forgetting about Midnight.

Midnight, her survival instincts finally starting to kick in, turned around as fast as she could, and started running, cursing her skirt and high heeled boots as they slowed her down, and almost made her trip.

She didn’t get very far however, as Bam saw her flee. He continued to kiss Ville for a few seconds longer before pulling away, “Well if you want to make it an early night, you better go catch your dinner. She just took off.”

Ville growled, before pulling away from Bam, “I hate it when they do that. It makes it so much more difficult for me to catch them.”

Ville turned away from Bam and looked down the sidewalk. Midnight hadn’t gotten very far, and he could see her struggling to keep running in her high heels. His mouth turned up in a small smirk, as he imagined how easy this would be for him. He started to slowly walk down the street, humming a tune softly. His pace increased and he was soon walking directly behind the girl, his footsteps not making a sound on the concrete. Midnight was still trying to run, and had no idea that Ville was right behind her, sometime, she had begun to cry. Soon, Ville got tired of merely following the girl, and began to sing a song, very quietly.

Midnight stopped dead in her tracks, but did not turn around. Her tears started to flow harder as she realized she was not going to make it back to her house alive. “Please, don’t kill me,” she whispered softly, in between her sobs.

Ville just grinned, his singing getting a little louder to counter Midnight’s crying.

“Would you die tonight for love?
Baby, join me in death.
Would you die?
Baby join me in death.”

Midnight clamped her eyes shut tight, when she felt Ville step closer to her from behind and wrap one of his arms around her waist while the other came up to push her hair off her neck. The pain as she felt sharp teeth slide through the flesh in her neck wasn’t as bad as she had imagined it would be. She started to feel numb, and her hearing started to become crackly. She felt it when Ville’s fangs slid back out of her neck, and she felt it when he gently laid her down on the ground. The last thing she remembered before she slipped off into a blissful oblivion forever was Ville kissing her softly on the lips as he whispered into her ear “Baby, join me in death.”


I hope that you liked it, and if you find any spelling mistakes, or grammar mistakes, please tell me. I didn't have a beta for this. So, thanks for reading. Hope you liked it.
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