Broken Sails Chapter 7

Nov 05, 2006 05:35

Title: Broken Sails
Disclaimer: I don't own Bam, Ville, Vito, Raab or anyone else in this story! xD I only own the story! Yay..? xD
Rating: Uhm..PG13.
Summary: Ville, Bam and the whole Viva La Bam and Jackass crew have been shipwrecked!
Previous chaps:

All four of them immediatly woke up in unison and stared around confuzed, "What was that?!", Ville whispered scared. Closer and closer came a shadow and the more afraid they had become until, "Boo!", laughed a brown haired boy who preferred to be called 'Partyboy'. All were angry for a moment until they noticed Partyboy was dry which means it had finally stopped raining. "It stopped! Finally!", Ville smiled as Bam stood up, holding his hand out for Ville and pulling him to his feet. "Wow, I can't believe you guys made it!", Partyboy laughed looking over at Steve-O, "Well..we are..wild boyz.", recieving a suprised look from Steve-O as everyone started to laugh at his expression; Partyboy always did that to Steve-O and he didn't know why. "So, ready to go back?", Partyboy grinned, pulling a pair of bunny ears out of his pocket and placing them on his head, "Let's go.. or..", he paused thinking of a cool name for the ears; "Or..or else Bunny The Lifegaurd will be very angry!", he grinned amused at their expressions.Raab grinned a mischeivious grin and looked over at Steve-O, "Steve-O wants to go with Bunny, don't you?", he laughed as Steve-O glared the 'he-can-hear-you-ya-know!?' look. Partyboy grinned, placing a very muscular arm for his age of fifteen around Steve-O's waist, cause he SO heard that. Steve-O laughed a bit uncomfortably, trying to pull away from Partyboy's hold on him, but Partyboy only held on tighter, pretending not to notice Steve-O's struggle. "Wild Boyz, huh?", Raab said trying not to laugh, all the while enjoying every bit of torture he was putting Steve-O through. "Yeah.. but sometimes, sometimes I am Bunny The Lifegaurd.. and sometimes I'm Partyboy. Three identities! Now that my friends is a super hero.", Partyboy grinned, liking the attention. "So how come you let Steve-O be a Wild Boy?", Raab continued, recieving more glares from Steve-O than he thought was possible. Partyboy stopped walking, making all the others stop and look over at him as he put his finger to his lips, "Ssh.. That's private information.", he said in an odd voice, trying not to laugh as all rolled their eyes and continued to walk.
Back to 'home'. Finally! , was the only thing going through their minds as they came into view of the beach and their tents. "Bammie.. I want to change clothes.", Ville whispered, holding onto him tighter. "Why? They're not dirty.", Bam asked as Ville bit his lip pretending to pout, "Because Bammie, I don't like to wear the same thing five days in a row." as Bam grinned realising he had a point. He turned to the rest of them, "Ville and I are going to go change, be right back.". Recieving snickers from the group, as of course they took it in a different way.
Ville layed down inside their tent, glad water hadn't reached inside and layed on his back, "Bammie.. I'm tired.", he grinned, stretching only to make Bam stare longer. "What are you staring at?", Ville grinned amused as Bam blushed, laying next to him placing an arm around him, "Your sexy body of course.", he whispered into Ville's ear making him grin with delight; He loved when Bam told him that and Bam knew it. That island sure does have everything go wrong, because two seconds later, an annoyed Raab opened their tent and peered inside, "You guys ready yet?!", he started out yelling, but his voice faded when he saw them. Ville and Bam. The Ville he secretly had a crush on, kissing Bam Margera. Not changing clothes, making out. Raab quickly shut the tent flap and walked back to the others, "They're.. they're not ready yet.", he muttered as they nodded a bit wondering about his odd expression.
Awkward silence filled the spaces between them and Partyboy yelled, "To the beach!", pulling Steve-O closer to him and whispering into his ear, "go find me a bikini.", he grinned. Steve-O stared at him weirdly and whispered back, "A bikini?! Only girls wear bikini's, Chris." as Partyboy grinned once more, "You called me Chris..". Steve-O nodded slowly and looked back up at him, "Why a bikini?!". Partyboy grinned, "Because, hunny, I'm Bunny The Lifegaurd.". Steve-O smiled trying not to laugh to much. Then it hit him, he was called Hunny.
'So what... he calls everyone that. Everyone, not me.. everyone, not just Steve-O, everyone..', he repeatedly thought to himself as he peered inside April and Phil's tent carefully, looking for the soon to be Partyboy's bikini.
"Perfect!", he thought out loud as he pulled out the perfect bikini: pink with those hawaiin flowers on them.
"It's so pretty!", Partyboy laughed, pulling off his shirt and handing it to Steve-O and hooking on the bikini top. He then started to undo his pant buckle when Steve-O blushed, "'re not going to do are you?", he stuttered feeling he was turning more red by the second. "Of course!", he laughed at Steve-O as he noticed he looked very uncomfortable; "Ok, I'll go somewhere else.", he said as Steve-O nodded in a way relieved. Two minutes later he came back in his new bikini, placing the bunny ears on his head. "I will keep the beach safe! For I am.. Bunny The Lifegaurd!", he laughed as Steve-O laughed also, he had never seen a guy in a bikini.
"Ooooooo", Raab laughed, "Steve-O likes that!", Raab grinned as they arrived at the beach. "Of course he does.", Partyboy grinned, letting go of Steve-O, "Now go get me a big stick to poke people who don't follow my rules!", he laughed, giving Steve-O a slight push and slapping his ass as he turned away. 'Blank', that was how Steve-O's mind went for about five seconds realising what had just happened.
Bam turned to Ville and let go of him, standing up, "I'm gonna go talk to Steve-O, you stay here, k?", he asked calmly as Ville smiled and nodded.
"Hey, Steve-O, wait up!", Bam called after him as he caught up to him.
"Yeah?", Steve-O muttered as Bam thought and thought of what to say; Then he realized getting right to the point would be the easiest thing to do. "Steve-O, do you..", he started to say. "Do I what?", Steve-O sighed staring at the sandy ground as they walked. "Do that?", he whispered as Steve-O looked at him shocked, " can.. you can tell?", he blushed insanly. Bam shook his head hoping to not scare Steve-O, "No, I just..well since I know how me and Ville are.. I could kind of tell you were like that..with Partyboy.", he said calmly as Steve-O sighed, "He's just playing around though.. like everything he does.". "Steve-O, am I serious?! No! And I still love Ville, so what makes you think the same couldn't be for you and Partyboy?", he said quickly recieving a small smile from Steve-O, "Well, we'll see in time..", he said softly. The perfect stick was found, and the not-so-perfect life of Steve-O continued to make his heart tie up whenever a smile passed by with no meaning yet or at all.
They lived on an island; They weren't pirates but at times they felt very cursed. Cursed at the heart.


Hehe well I hope ye like it =3
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