Shipwrecked Chapter 4

Oct 13, 2006 00:16

Omg. Ok to start this off: I am SO sorry I took forever on this!!! >___<

Title: Shipwrecked
Disclaimer: I don't own Bam, Ville, Vito, Raab or anyone else in this story! xD I only own the story! Yay..? xD
Chapter: 4
Rating: Uhm..PG13.
Summary: Ville, Bam and the whole Viva La Bam crew have been shipwrecked!

Previous chaps:

Hope ye like it =3

"Get on with it!", Steve-O grinned, recieving angry looks from Ville and Bam, and a confuzed look from April.
"April, please, please do not take this in an odd way..", Ville began as Bam cut him off.
"Look, Ape, what Ville is trying to say is..", Bam let out a breath he had been holding.
"What?", April asked.
"That Ville and I are in love.", he said quickly, as April just stared, shocked.
Ville nodded at Bam's statement.
Steve-O began to laugh as he turned the other direction.
"You better be glad you left just now!", Bam glared.
"Whatever, dude.", Steve-O rolled his eyes, continueing to walk.
April let out a breath, as all attention was brought back to the situation.
"I'm sorry April, but.."
"There's no need to apologize, Ville! You two did nothing wrong.", April paused, "It's just a bit.."
April nodded, "But it's Ok."
"Really?!", Ville smiled as April nodded.
Bam grinned also, glad to have her approval.
"But..Bammie..", Ville began to say as April cut him off.
"Bammie?", She laughed.
"Yeah.. so?"
April smiled, "I used to call him that when he was little."
Ville smiled, a shade of red covering his cheeks as he looked over at his Bammie.
"What were you going to say?", Bam asked.
"Oh.. We still need to tell your dad.", Ville said as Bam shrugged.
"If Ape doesn't mind, I don't think he will.", Bam smiled a small smile as April nodded in agreement.
"Well, I have to go start lunch, see you two later.", April smiled, walking away.

"She's Ok with it!", Ville smiled, hugging Bam tightly.
Bam nodded.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing.", Bam smiled.
"Tell me!", Ville glared.
Bam sighed, "Nothing, she just seemed a bit unsure."
Ville sighed also, "Well, Bammie, it's not your everyday conversation."
Bam nodded, kissing Ville on the cheek, "You're right. She just needs some time."
Ville nodded and kissed him back.
"Want to tell Phil now?"
"If you want to, Bam."
Bam nodded, "I want to get this over with."

"You and Ville.. together?"
"Yep!", Bam smiled.
"Well.. I can't say it was unexpected.", Phil laughed.
"What do you mean?"
"I can tell..always could, but I thought it was all just in my imagination. Guess not.", Phil smiled a bit.
Ville grinned, holding onto Bam's hand tighter.
"Did you tell Ape yet?"
Bam nodded.
"What did she say?"
"She said she was Ok with it, just seemed a bit suprised.", Ville replied as Bam nodded.
"Good.", Phil smiled, getting up from his chair, "Later."

"Lunch time!", April yelled, ringing several bells as they all came to the table one by one.
First came Raab, Steve-O, Ryan, Rake, and then came Phil and Vito, and lastly Ville and Bam.
Ville looked around the table, noticing how quiet it was and the random stares at Bam and himself.
"Bammie.. I think everyone knows.", Ville whispered into his ear as Bam gave a partly worried expression, "Me too."

Finally getting angry at the silence, Bam stood up, immedietly all eyes were on him.
"Who doesn't know 'the secret'?", he said annoyed as he got no response.
"Yes, me and Ville are together! You can stop being so quiet now!"
Ville blushed as all stares went from him to Bam and back to himself.
"Wait..", Vito started to say.
"Shutup, Vito.", Bam laughed.
"Don't tell me to shutup.. Go shutup your boyfriend!", Vito said annoyed.
"Sounds good.", Bam grinned, looking over at Ville.
"He didn't mean THAT!", Raab said in a grossed out tone.
"Kiss me?", Bam grinned.
Ville smiled and nodded as they felt their lips connect, the table filling with voices once more.
"Stop! My eyes! My poor poor eyes!", Raab yelled as Ryan and Rake did too.
"Are you shutup enough?", Bam laughed as he let go of Ville's lips.
"No.", Ville whined.
"Yes!", Ryan quickly yelled.
Bam grinned in amusement.
April came with the plates, "Did I just miss something?"
"Yeah! Bam and Ville started kissing!", Rake said in a grossed out tone.
April looked over at them as Bam pointed to Vito, "Blame Vito! He said to shutup Ville! So I did!"
Ville nodded.
April rolled her eyes, "Since when do you listen to Vito?!"
"Respecting my elders", Bam grinned as April rolled her eyes once more.
"I think I'm scarred for life.", Steve-O said in a serious tone, trying not to laugh as April passed him his plate.
"Whatever.", April sighed as she sat down at her seat at the table next to Phil.

"Thank you, April.", Ville smiled as April grinned, "You're welcome."
"C'mon", Bam said, getting up from the table.
"Ok! Everyone stay on this side of the island, away from Ville and Bam, unless you want to be scarred for life!", Steve-O yelled as he gasped in suprise as Ville had grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.
"Hey, dude, cool it!", Steve-O said a bit scared at Ville's angry expression.
"You're telling me to cool it?! Why don't you just shut the hell up!"
"Hey!", Bam went up to them, pulling Ville off of Steve-O's collar, "Chill!".
Ville glared at Steve-O, as Steve-O went the other way.
"You better run!"
Bam sighed, "Just ignore him."
"Sorry.. it's just..", Ville cringed his nose at the thought.
"Just what?"
"He's so.. so.", Ville shrugged, "he just gets on my nerves.. alot."
Bam nodded, "Same."
Ville nodded too, shivering a bit from the cold.
Ville nodded as Bam wrapped his arms around him, "better?"
Ville smiled and nodded, giving Bam a quick kiss.

~ The Next Day ~

"You.. you what?!", Ville practically yelled.
"We needed one more person! It could make following the map a bit easier!", Raab replied.
"But why Steve-O of all people!?", Ville glared.
Raab shrugged, "Well, it's all done and over. He's comming."
Ville rolled his eyes as Bam came up to them.
"What's wrong?", he asked seeing Ville and Raab's not so happy expressions.
"Raab told Steve-O about the map!", Ville said, giving Raab a glare.
"Why?!", Bam asked.
"Who cares! I thought Steve-O was your friend, Bam!", Raab said, feeling a bit confuzed.
Bam sighed, "He was.. but not anymore.. as much."
"He's rude.. and he doesn't treat Ville fairly."
Raab sighed, "Whatever."
Ville looked over at Bam who had a very sad and confuzed look on his face.
"I'm..I'm sorry I made you lose a friend, Bammie."
Bam looked up at him suprised, "No! It's not your fault at all!"
Ville smiled a small smile, "Ok."
"Yes it is!"
Ville looked at Raab shocked.
"No.. it isn't."
"Yes! Yes it is! You used to be good friends with Steve-O until Ville came!"
Bam glared, feeling angry at Raab, "None of this is Ville's fault!".
Ville sighed staring down at his feet as Raab and Bam yelled at eachother.
"Yo dudes! What's happenin?", Steve-O came in clueless.
Bam looked over at Steve-O, "Just leave!"
"What?!", Steve-O glared, feeling unwanted.
"No, don't go..", Ville muttered, still staring at his feet.
Bam stared at Ville, a shiver going up his spine as he noticed a tear welling up inside of Ville's eye.
"Guys, we'll.. we'll be back in a second.", Bam said quickly, taking Ville's hand and walking away.
"I'm sorry, Ville.", Bam said in a blank tone.
Ville nodded.
"Look, don't listen to Raab. He's wrong!", Bam said trying to reassure him.
Ville looked up finally, "Yeah.."
Bam forced a smile on his face, "So.. you still want to go on the treasure hunt? Maybe we can somehow get Steve-O to stop talking that way.. toward us."
Ville looked over at Bam, not wanting to seem stuborn, he nodded in agreement.
"Well, we better go before they get too far ahead.", Bam smiled a bit, lacing the fingers of his hand into Ville's as they headed back the other way.

"Look who's back!", Steve-O grinned as Bam and Ville approached.
Ville scrunched up his nose in disgust at Steve-O.
"Hey, hey! No hard feelings, right?!", Steve-O grinned.
"Ooh! Burn! That hurt so bad!", Steve-O laughed.
"Stop it!", Bam glared, seeing Ville was already very angry at Steve-O.
"Hey! Bam's right!", Raab agreed, not wanting to start yet another argument.
"So, what did you guys find so far?", Steve-O asked.
"Not much.. we found this rock part though.", Raab said, pointing it out on the map for Steve-O.
"Alright dudes!", Steve-O smiled excited.

"Oh..ew!", Ville scrunched up his nose, remembering the yucky wet trail.
"Want a lift?", Bam smiled at him as Ville nodded, being pulled up into Bam's arms.
"Aw!", Steve-O teased as Ville ignored him, laying his head on Bam's chest and shoulder.
Soon they were at the rock.
"Ville?", Bam whispered, kissing him on the cheek, "Wake up.".
Ville smiled kissing him back and allowing Bam to let him down.
"Thank you.", Ville smiled.
"No, thank YOU.", Bam grinned.
"Ahem! We're still here, remember?!", Raab sighed.
Ville stuck out his tongue at him, "Oh, whatever!"
"So.. last time I fell climbing this thing. I think we need a better way.", Raab said looking at the vined rock.
"Agreed.", Bam said.
"Eep!", Ville shreiked at the sudden loud noise.
"What was that?", Steve-O asked.
"Sounded like thunder. It's going to rain and we're way out here!", Bam said worried.
"We need to find a good shelter quick!", Raab said as they all looked around quickly.

"Hey! Over here!", Steve-O called as they all came over.
"Look!", he grinned feeling smart as a few rain drops began to fall and winds picked up some speed.
There, in the middle of practically nowhere, was a cave big enough to hold them all and keep them safe and dry through the storm.

"Wow, it's really bad out there.", Raab said peeking outside.
Ville nodded as Bam wrapped his arms tighter around him to help keep him warm as they sat and waited.
"Thank you..Steve-O."
Steve-O looked over at Ville quite suprised, "Umm..yep."
Bam smiled, kissing Ville on the cheek, "We wouldn't want my Ville to get wet, would we?"
Ville giggled, "Or my Bammie!"
"Ahem!", Raab repeated.
"What?", Ville giggled, kissing Bam once more, this time on the lips.
Bam smiled as he kissed Ville, only to be interupted by Steve-O throwing a small stone at the wall by them.
"This is why I always wished I had to wear glasses, so I could just take them off so I wouldnt have to live through THIS.", Steve-O sighed.
"If you had em, you'd keep em on.", Ville giggled as Steve-O stared off to the side. He knew it was SO true.


Okei, sorry this took so long to post. Hope ye like it! =D

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