Our Heaven's Worth The Wait Part 13

Oct 01, 2006 00:23

Been a while, eh? Well... here ya go. Hope it doesn't suck too bad. Haha.

Title: Our Heaven's Worth The Wait Part 13
Author: Me.
Pairing: VAM, obviously.
Disclaimer: Don't know/own. Unfortunately.
Rating: Uh... NC-17.

Banner and previous chaps under cut.

Thanks to my fave Kat for this banner. Thanks, babe. Love youuuu!

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12

Hearing the doorbell, and knowing Bam wouldn't answer, Ryan stood up, and went out to the front door. He pulled it open, and his jaw dropped.


"H-hey... um... hang on." He turned back to the inside of the house. "Baaam!! Door! Fucking.. NOW!"

A minute or so later, Bam came out to the front door, and stopped when he noticed who was at the door. "W-w-what're you... how... What are you doing here?"

He grinned. "Good to see you, too," Ville commented.

A huge smile spread across Bam's face as he rushed through the few feet between him and Ville, and jumped on him, in a giant bear hug. "I can't believe you're here..."

"Me either," Ville laughed, latching onto Bam.

Bam pulled his head back just enough to connect his lips with Ville's. Hardly waiting, Bam plunged his tongue into Ville's mouth, seeking out every possible inch of it, savoring the way Ville tasted. He brought one of his hands up, to comb his fingers through Ville's hair, tangling them in it near the base of his neck.

Ville moaned, his hands roaming over Bam's back.

"Uh... okay. I really don't need to see this shit..." Ryan grabbed Ville's bag, and turned around, heading upstairs to drop them off in Bam's room, before heading to his own.

Bam jumped down from Ville, and grabbed his hand, before heading off towards the stairs. He climbed the stairs, two at a time, hoping Ville didn't trip as he pulled him along behind him. Once in his room, Bam closed and locked the door, just before pushing Ville up against it, and pressing his lips against Ville's, once again.

"Mm. Bam." Ville pushed on Bam's shoulders. "Slow down. We have time."

Bam bit his lip. "Sorry... couldn't help it."

Ville smiled. "I know... but I think we need to talk about a couple things first..."

Bam nodded, before looking Ville up and down, and licking his lips. He cleared his throat before replying. "Um, yeah, okay." He released his hold on Ville's arms, and walked over to the bed, trying to control his hormones. "What's up?"

Ville sat down, facing Bam, and looked down at his hands for a minute before looking back up at Bam. "Jonna and I are over."

"Shit... prolly should have asked before I jumped you, huh?" Bam chuckled.

Ville laughed. "Well, little late for that now, anyway, eh?"

Bam nodded.

It was silent again, as Ville looked back down at his hands in his lap.

"You said there were a couple things we needed to talk about...?"

Ville nodded.

"You can look at me, ya know," Bam said, softly.

He noticed Ville smile, before looking up. "There's something I... that is to say, I should... I want you to know..."

Bam took Ville's hands in his, and leaned forward to give him a soft kiss on the lips. "It's okay... just tell me."

"Iloveyou,Bam." Ville said, stumbling over his own words.

Bam made a face. "You what?"

Ville took a deep breath, and looked deep into Bam's eyes. "I love you, Bam," he repeated.

"Y-y-you do?" Bam stuttered.

Ville nodded, searching Bam's eyes.


Ville looked back down at his hands.

"I love you, too," Bam managed to breathe out.

Ville looked up at Bam quickly. "Yeah?" he asked, a smile spreading across his face.

Bam grinned. "Of course."

"So, um... what now?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... where do we go from here? I-do you want to be with me?"

"As in, a relationship?"

Ville nodded.

"Of course," Bam grinned. "Why wouldn't I?"

Ville shrugged, his eyes traveling back down to his hands.

"Did you think I just wanted to fuck you or something?"

He shrugged again.

"Ville, if that was all I wanted, I wouldn't have told you I loved you."

"I guess..." Another shrug.

Bam inched forward, and put his hand on Ville's cheek, forcing him to look up again. He leaned forward, and pressed his lips gently against Ville's, before pushing himself off of the bed, and straddling Ville's lap, not breaking the kiss. He wrapped his arms loosely around Ville's neck, while tracing his lips with his tongue. Ville wrapped his arms around Bam's waist, running a hand up the middle of his back; his tongue playing with Bam's.

Ville stood, holding Bam's body against his own, before laying Bam on the bed, and lying down on top of him, keeping their lips, and tongues, in constant contact. The two of them stretched out, and Bam ran his hands up and down Ville's back, before trailing one of them down to the bottom, and slipping it under the hem of Ville's shirt, making contact with his bare flesh underneath. Ville moaned into Bam's mouth, tangling the fingers of one hand in his hair, while trailing the other down his chest.

Bam pulled at the bottom of Ville's shirt for a minute, before Ville got the hint, and propped himself up, so Bam could pull it off. Looking down at Bam, Ville smiled, before leaning back down and kissing him softly on the lips, then trailing kisses from his lips, to his jaw, and neck. Bam let out a sigh, as his hands ran over Ville's body, and through his hair. Ville's hands trailed down Bam's body, to the bottom of his shirt. He slipped his hands underneath the shirt, as they worked their ways back up Bam's body, pushing his shirt along the way.

Arching off the bed, Bam let Ville pull off his shirt. Resting his head back down, Bam looked up at Ville, moving his hands to his waist. Ville smiled down at Bam, while raising a hand to his face, tracing it with his finger. He slowly leaned down and encompassing Bam's lips with his own, felling him smile at the contact. "I love you," Bam mumbled against Ville's lips.

Ville smiled. "Mmm. I love you too," he murmured in return. He kissed down Bam's jaw to his neck, then to his chest, kissing over his collar bones, and tanned skin. He continued down, until he reached Bam's nipple, licking around it, and gently biting it. Bam gasped, and looked down at Ville, who gave a devilish grin in return, before he moved over to the other nipple. Ville kissed over to the middle of Bam's chest, and licked down to his bellybutton, swirling around it, before continuing down to their shared tattoo. Ville traced it painfully slowly, with his tongue, before sucking and biting the sensitive skin it was traced over.

Fuck, get the fuck on with it already! Bam groaned, and pushed his head back against the pillow, while gritting his teeth. Ville looked up and noticed the look on Bam's face, causing him to grin. "You alright, Bami?"

"Mhm," Bam choked out, clamping his eyes shut. He could feel his pants getting tighter, as his arousal became apparent.

"You look a little... frustrated," Ville giggled.

Bam cleared his throat before wrenching his eyes open, and looking at Ville. "Exactly what are you trying to do to me, babe?"

"What exactly do you mean, Sweetheart?" Ville grinned.

"Why are you teasing me?"

Ville put on an innocent face. "Teasing? What ever do you mean, my love?"

Bam narrowed his eyes at Ville and shook his head, clenching his teeth again. Ville grinned, before kissing over Bam's belly again, his hands busying themselves in unbuttoning and zipping Bam's jeans. Bam took in a sharp intake of breath, looking down at Ville again, whose eyes flickered up to meet his again. Bam watched as Ville kissed down, moving Bam's boxers out of the way, revealing his hard-on. Ville smiled, looking into Bam's eyes. "Have you been sucked off by another guy before, Bami?"

Bam shook his head.

"Would you like to be?" Ville asked, his voice becoming husky.

"Jesus, Ville... get on with it. Please," Bam begged.

Ville grinned, licking along Bam's entire length, before stopping at the tip, and licking up the pre-cum already dripping from Bam's cock. Ville smirked when he heard Bam's mixture of a moan, and a gasp, escaped his lips, before taking a few centimeters of him into his mouth. He looked up and saw Bam's eyes flutter closed. He smiled around Bam's cock, taking in a bit more. At hearing Bam's moans, Ville felt his already tightened pants becoming even tighter. Bam bucked up into Ville's mouth, as he took more of him into his mouth.

Ville bobbed his head up and down, taking more of Bam into his mouth every time, licking the tip each time. Bam groaned, biting on his fist to smother his moans. "Fuck, Ville... Jesus... fucking shit... Ville!"

Hearing Bam moan his name turned Ville on even more, causing him to moan as well, which sent Bam over the edge, instantly spilling into Ville's mouth, who swallowed around him. "God damn, Ville..."

Ville smiled, and kissed his way back up Bam's body, stopping at his neck, to kiss the soft skin below his ear. He picked up his head and looked down at Bam, looking directly into his eyes, smiling when he sees the way Bam's looking back at him.


Ville's grin widened. "You're wonderful."

Bam chuckled lightly. "Not so bad yourself." He reached his hand up, putting it on the back of Ville's neck, pulling him down to meet his lips again. Bam pushed his tongue into Ville's mouth, able to taste himself on Ville. He put his hand on Ville's hip, before pushing his own up, forcing Ville onto his back, and climbing on top of him. He looked down at Ville, a cheeky grin plastered across his face. "My turn."

Ville bit his lip, and nodded, while watching Bam's eyes, noticing they were relatively darker than usual. Bam kissed him lightly on the lips, before mimicking the moves Ville had just performed on his body, kissing down his jaw, neck, across his collarbones and down his body, stopping at Ville's nipples, just as he'd done to him. Ville buried his fingers in Bam's brown curly locks as he kissed and licked down his chest and belly, to the tattoo they both shared and loved.

Bam reveled in the moans and noises Ville made, as he tortured Ville in the same way Ville'd done to him. "Mmm. Bamiiiii. Please..."

Bam smiled. "Calm down," Bam said licking the tip of Ville's cock. "You'll get what you want." Bam looked up at Ville, and found him watching, licking his lips.


Smirking, Bam dipped his head down, slowly taking Ville into his mouth, and moaning, so Ville could feel it. Bam bobbed his head, licking and sucking, gently grazing Ville with his teeth every now and then.

"Bloody hell, Bam."

Bam smiled, and moaned, before letting Ville's cock fall from his mouth.

Ville looked down at him, a desperate look on his face. "Bam?"

"Yes, Ville?"

"Why'd you stop?!"

Bam chuckled. "Don't worry so much... I'm not finished with you yet..." he trailed off, blowing on Ville's moist cock, earning a deep moan. He slowly took Ville back into his mouth, bobbing faster than before, and sucking harder.

"Fuck! Bam... I... god.... gonna.... fuck, Bam! Gonna cum..."

Moments later, Ville unloaded into Bam's mouth, as Bam swallowed, taking in everything Ville had to offer. He licked up Ville's shaft, before licking the remaining cum off of Ville's tip.

"Jesus, Bam..."

Smiling, Bam wiped the corner of his mouth, before kissing his way up Ville's body, laying out on top of him. Bam nuzzled Ville's neck, gently nipping at his sensitive skin. "Ville?"


"I... I've never done that before."

Ville looked down at Bam. "Really?"


"Well, my darling, Bami... you're a fucking natural," he grinned, kissing Bam's forehead gently.
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